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Do You Mountain Bike?

Definitely down. I've been spending too much time as a roadie--in fact, I've got a bike race this Sunday so I won't be able to make it to China Camp. Keep us all posted for future rides as well.
Hyperlite said:
you should try riding the coyote bike path some time. It's flat and is about 15 or so miles round trip. The trick is to get started earlier in the day so you don't catch a head wind on the way back. Nothing like struggling to go downhill because of a strong wind :teeth

I used to do it all the time. Even made it out to Morgan Hill and back one day. But the trail is full of those little fuckin thorns that keep deflating my tires.

:mad :mad :mad
ScorpioVI said:
I used to do it all the time. Even made it out to Morgan Hill and back one day. But the trail is full of those little fuckin thorns that keep deflating my tires.

:mad :mad :mad

Goatheads or star-thistle? :laughing been there done that!
ScorpioVI said:
I used to do it all the time. Even made it out to Morgan Hill and back one day. But the trail is full of those little fuckin thorns that keep deflating my tires.

:mad :mad :mad
I haven't had a flat tire on a bike since I started using those plastic tire liners in 1995 :laughing

They are like $5, and are a thin plastic that you put between the tire and the tube on the inside. It doesn't effect the tire at all since it is so thin, but thorns can't go in it.
9/10 chance I'm gonna be picking this up Saturday morning.


Gonna be my first non-motorized bike in about 10 years. :teeth
since there seems to be a number of knowledgable riders here, can anyone recommend a decent shop in Santa Cruz or San Jose area?

Been looking into getting a new bike for awhile now, (I really need to exercise more :p ) and am leaning towards a single speed mountain bike.
I hate shifting, and hardly ever shifted on my last bike. Want something strong, clydesdale strong, and reasonably priced.

Check out Crossroads in Las Gatos. Their address is 2170 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Very good shop, high end bike, and the mechanic is a fellow rider.
The other good shop is Trailhead in the camden Plaza, right there at Camden and Union. Nothing but mountain bikes in that on, but a wider selection and price range.
B12Bill said:
since there seems to be a number of knowledgable riders here, can anyone recommend a decent shop in Santa Cruz or San Jose area?

Been looking into getting a new bike for awhile now, (I really need to exercise more :p ) and am leaning towards a single speed mountain bike.
I hate shifting, and hardly ever shifted on my last bike. Want something strong, clydesdale strong, and reasonably priced.

Ever consider buying a super cheap bike (K-mart style) to make sure you will really get into it? It would suck to pay several hundred (or even a grand) for a bike that never gets used.
I rode joaquin miller on thursday and I had a blast, even though I had to walk the bike up on some of the trails it was hell of fun coming down hill, We took the sinwalk trail/loop and went from there. I did bite it when I was going down a steep ass hill w/ lots of rocks and logs. but well wroth it, planing on conqouring that hill the next time i go :) Big :thumbup for joaquin miller park
DVS DEA said:
I rode joaquin miller on thursday and I had a blast, even though I had to walk the bike up on some of the trails it was hell of fun coming down hill, We took the sinwalk trail/loop and went from there. I did bite it when I was going down a steep ass hill w/ lots of rocks and logs. but well wroth it, planing on conqouring that hill the next time i go :) Big :thumbup for joaquin miller park

Sinawik sent me to the hospital for stitches a couple of years back. Did you guys do Cinderella or Chaparral?

If you're speaking of the hill on the climb out - yeah, that hill is a bitch. Short, but tough. Especially tricky making it over that log. On my old bike (that was recently stolen), I was successful only about 30% of the time.

When's the next time you're planning on going?

- Mike
B12Bill said:
since there seems to be a number of knowledgable riders here, can anyone recommend a decent shop in Santa Cruz or San Jose area?

Been looking into getting a new bike for awhile now, (I really need to exercise more :p ) and am leaning towards a single speed mountain bike.
I hate shifting, and hardly ever shifted on my last bike. Want something strong, clydesdale strong, and reasonably priced.


I 2nd Sun bike shop in Milpitas. I know the owners pretty well and they are great. They won't BS you around and try selling you the most expensive thing in the shop. Service is A+++ also.
zookrider98 said:
I 2nd Sun bike shop in Milpitas. I know the owners pretty well and they are great. They won't BS you around and try selling you the most expensive thing in the shop. Service is A+++ also.

Sun Bike shop is a great shop! The two bikes I poosted for sale were purchased from there about 2 weeks ago.

**Not too mention that the bike(s) can still be serviced for free for another month!
Hey y'all,

I rode Henry Coe. State Park on Saturday, and all I have to say is WOW. Had one of the best single track descents in a while there. And the road rash on my knee shows it!! Seriously, I think that is a great place to ride. Check it out...
I'd used to love mountain biking about 12 years ago. I just bought a bike last christmas and rode it maybe 4 or 5 times since. I would love to join but you guys gonna have to take it easy on me. Last time I hit the trail about 2 months ago. I live in Fairfield, if there is anyone here interested on starting again, we can hit Rockville park to start and work our way up. It's a little hill but a lot of single trails.
WickedWahine said:
Isn't Coe the park they say you can get seriously lost in?

Was it hot there?

I suppose you could, but park hdqtrs has maps, and we definitely used it. Luckily, it was not hot at all, but I understand it can be very. This was definitely a punishing day of riding, but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Did you go last Wed??
Re: 2 Brand New Mountain Bikes for Sale!!!

MassiveAttack said:

Can you imagine if Microsoft designed bikes???

Press ctrl-alt-del to stop and go...
Re: Re: 2 Brand New Mountain Bikes for Sale!!!

Dragon said:
Can you imagine if Microsoft designed bikes???

Press ctrl-alt-del to stop and go...

I would be more concerned about random crashes :laughing