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Do You Mountain Bike?

MassiveAttack said:
Anyone up for a ride south of the bay?

- Wilder / UCSC
- Laguna Seca (Sea Otter)

If not - I'm back in Marin for another weekend. :p
Just rode the China Camp loop for the third time this week.
The up side of that is, .... Wooo F@#$EN Hoo I love that place.:thumbup :banana
The 2 down sides are 1) traffic sux azz :( and 2) god damn gas is expensive.:cry

Not sure where if I'm riding this weekend but I'll let you guys know.
I'm in livin Large in San Mateo I'll carpool with some one, Massive?
Sea Otter might be cool to check out ! China camp maybe or Pacifica if that sool also.
Sea Otter has a 50 mile Epic ride all over fort ord on thurs the 14th. I'm gonna do it. wanna join me?
I wanna ride Saturday 9/12 (tomorrow)
Anyone wanna hit it. I don't really care where. C-Camp is getting to be my home territory but If someone else can get us in and out of the trails elsewhere, ... I'll come your way. Just lemme know :teeth

Butch said:
Sea Otter has a 50 mile Epic ride all over fort ord on thurs the 14th. I'm gonna do it. wanna join me?
50 miles, .... on a mt. bike??? :wtf Are you on crack. Dude, my people didn't even travel that far when Moses lead them into the dessert to escape the wrath of the Pharaoh. And that includes crossing the F@#$EN Red Sea for god sakes.:laughing :laughing :laughing
50 miles, .... on a mt. bike??? :wtf Are you on crack. Dude, my people didn't even travel that far when Moses lead them into the dessert to escape the wrath of the Pharaoh. And that includes crossing the F@#$EN Red Sea for god sakes.:laughing :laughing :laughing [/B][/QUOTE]

I think they give you crack at the rest stops. otherwise it would be impossible.

hmmm... that is a long way on a mtn bike. but I'll give it a shot. join me?
Harpo said:
I wanna ride Saturday 9/12 (tomorrow)
Anyone wanna hit it. I don't really care where. C-Camp is getting to be my home territory but If someone else can get us in and out of the trails elsewhere, ... I'll come your way. Just lemme know :teeth

50 miles, .... on a mt. bike??? :wtf Are you on crack. Dude, my people didn't even travel that far when Moses lead them into the dessert to escape the wrath of the Pharaoh. And that includes crossing the F@#$EN Red Sea for god sakes.:laughing :laughing :laughing

:laughing :laughing :laughing

I think I'll just try the 10-15 mile XC course... 50 miles is a little insane for someone who doesnt ride 20-30 miles regularly.

I also have to work during the week.
MassiveAttack said:
:laughing :laughing :laughing

I think I'll just try the 10-15 mile XC course... 50 miles is a little insane for someone who doesnt ride 20-30 miles regularly.

I guess I'm insane. I used to do huge rides without any training. I used to be young too.

We'll see how it goes.
Butch said:
I think they give you crack at the rest stops. otherwise it would be impossible.

hmmm... that is a long way on a mtn bike. but I'll give it a shot. join me?
I've done a few rides in the 23-25 mile range. They've all kicked my ass. Not what I'm looking for these days.

I used to do 100 - 125 mile rides on the road bike. F@#%EN miserable. That's probably why I stopped riding for 3 years.

Anyone up for a ride tomorrow. (Saturday 3/12)???? :wtf
Waaaaaaaaaaa, ..... Somebody ride with me Saturday.:(
I feel a temper tantrum coming on!!

Can't ride Sunday. Doing the Gixxer/Group Ride thing on Sunday. :teeth
Harpo said:
Waaaaaaaaaaa, ..... Somebody ride with me Saturday.:(
I feel a temper tantrum coming on!!

Can't ride Sunday. Doing the Gixxer/Group Ride thing on Sunday. :teeth

Gotta work Sunday so chances are I'm riding tomorrow. Too bad riding with me is like riding by yourself. :laughing :laughing :laughing

Joe, you wanna meet at... say 10am at the C-Camp parking area? I still don't know my way around there. If I don't see a reply by 9am on Sat, I'm gonna head down to ECDM.
Gonna do it solo. Get to C-Camp early. Hopefully by 8. Knock it out really quick and get out before the crowd gathers.

We'll all have to get together and do a group ride sometime soon. :thumbup

Have a sweet ride.

PS. I just finally put the seat (that you gave me) on the bike. Tomorrow will be it's first ride. Or at least it's first ride under MY ass. :laughing :laughing
Eight-O-Clock!!! I don't wake up at that time on a regular workday! :laughing :laughing :laughing
I would be holding you back anyway. Have fun and hope the seat is good to you. I wouldn't have given it up but my arm-and-a-nut seatpost doesn't like it.
Definition of a BAD IDEA: ....

Riding China Camp on a semi-sunny Saturday morning after 9:00 am!

What a F@#$EN circus. Runners, joggers, hikers, ..... Oh My!!:wow

There was also some event happening there as I easily must have passed 100+ trail joggers with numbers on their jerseys and then probably another 50+ normal weekend warriors and that's not including the 20 or so mt. bikers that were going in the opposite direction.

Well, I love C-Camp but it's looking like it's time for a change. :(
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Its good to mix it up now and then, otherwise you could easily burnout on an great trail like C-camp. I'd like to hit Wider and UCSC next weekend, you and anyone else is welcome to come.
squidhunter said:
Its good to mix it up now and then, otherwise you could easily burnout on an great trail like C-camp. I'd like to hit Wider and UCSC next weekend, you and anyone else is welcome to come.
IF C-Camp was free of "the multitudes" I don't think I'd get burnt out on it any time soon. It's got just enough of everything to keep me happy. ;)

Definitely my favorite "short loop" (12-13 miles) place to ride. :teeth
i did the bike loop at redwwod rd park today. its only 8 or 9 miles. good for a begginer or someone that has not rode in awhile. there is a few steep downhills. the rest is mellow rolling hills.
UCSC ride Saturday.
Let me be your guide through some of the best unknown, unmarked, forested, kick-ass, stunt-studed, single-track Santa Cruz has to offer.