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Do You Mountain Bike?

Veefer said:
Here is a nice local loop I did a couple weeks ago.

I remember that grinding up Charcoal Road a few years back, in the middle of the summer - that was a bitch!

JnglstTICAL said:
I dont think they get enough Mtn Bike business to make it as profitable as they'd like to see. Real estate is going insane up there, I could easily see them putting up more ski condos to make a lot more money.

People keep drawing the Whistler comparisons, but it'll take quite a bit of work. Check it out:


I'm not sure why real estate and a summer mountain biking program couldn't co-exist? Workers are saying that Northstar has plans to be "Whistler-like" in two years. Skeptics say that workers are kept in the dark by upper management. Guess we'll find out soon enough...
MrCrash907 said:
I remember that grinding up Charcoal Road a few years back, in the middle of the summer - that was a bitch!

That climb was pretty tough, MPOSD has been grading some of the fire roads this summer and parts of this road have the consistency of sand now.
Veefer said:
Here is a nice local loop I did a couple weeks ago.


I do this loop 2-3 times a month.

Beautiful area...

Tical and I just did the Gap loop a week ago... Good local place to ride for sure.
I ride pagemill and 4 corners but the tank I ride prohibits long trips.
Unless they are DH then it's no problem
massive: that st trail i told you about is closed to mountain bikers. so dont do it when its crowded or you think rangers will be around. if you do it backwards from fortini its a challenging steep climb out, for me atleast.
EC70 said:
I ride pagemill and 4 corners but the tank I ride prohibits long trips.
Unless they are DH then it's no problem

So how do you ride? Shuttle, Walk it up the hill? Which trail do you do on the map? With NS ending the season a bit early, I'm looking to the put the DH rig to use - somehow / someway. ST would a great place to ride -- (Rocky Ridge).

Rsai.. thanks man for letting me know. I'll keep it on the low.
I usually shuttle, but I am getting into better shape these days.
When I want to climb I ride page mill, MT bello I think it's like one of the highest spots in the valley I think, I climbed it inlike 30 minutes last wekend and it's a 10 minute DH run, not too exciting but you can make it fun.
I've been to skeggs a couple times also.
There is a place in Belmont that has some great jumps but you can get really hurt there so I try to stay away.
I don't heal as quick as I did in my younger days.
And like most of us out there I need to work the next day. I guess I becoming a bit of a wimp.
Screw it I just take up basket weaving. I don't think I can get hurt with that.:laughing
Where is this ST place you speak of??
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EC70 said:
I usually shuttle, but I am getting into better shape these days.
Have you done Demo yet? I'd imagine you're all about carrying some speed on Ridge trail and bombing down Braille.

Speaking of trails, which runs do you normally hit at Northstar? If you're going to be there this Saturday, PM me your number. I think I'll likely be heading there with Hyperlite.
I keep forgetting, I coach AYSO youth soccer and our game is at 1 o'clock on Sat. but I am just an assistant and there is another coach so I am really going to try to make it aftre all it is the last week for riding there. I can ride just about any trail up there and last time we covered most of the mountain so it hard to say.
If I do go I'll let you know thursday nite after soccer practice.
Where is Demo? I am still learning the area, sometimes we hit grizzly flats to stevens canyon road as a shuttle, tried it from page mill but the ride to shuttlte factor was not good enough.
I am up for new locations if your willing to show them
EC70 said:

I am up for new locations if your willing to show them

Demo, Ridge/Braille trail that crash is talking about would be right up your alley for someone like you. For guys like me, those trails only create scars...

I remember the big air photos you posted earlier, so I figured you could hit most of that stuff at Northstar. I wasn't sure if you went for the rocky stuff tho, like what you'll find on central Karpiel. I just can't picture it on a hardtail :)

With Northstar done after this weekend, I'd be game for a Demo ride in the upcoming weeks. If you're into big air, I could introduce you to some other stuff locally.

Montara / Pacifica sounds right up your alley as well.
MrCrash907 said:
Montara / Pacifica sounds right up your alley as well.

I'd be willing to try this place.. in between seasons.

You been there Mike? Do you have to push your bike up or do people shuttle this?
MassiveAttack said:
I'd be willing to try this place.. in between seasons.

You been there Mike? Do you have to push your bike up or do people shuttle this?

The way I understand it, the Crack is push-up / bomb-down sort of deal. Boy Scout is the one with all the jumps built onto it - fireroad up / bomb down.

Other DH places? I know of "that one trail", but honestly guys like us could probably only hit half of what is built up there.

Rockville is supposed to have some tough boulder to drop off of, and there's always Soquel. Evidently there's a poached trail in the East Bay Hills somewhere that's supposed to be pretty gnarly too (Side-O). As usual, no one online talks about it - gotta get on the good side of a local.

Searching around different websites, I didn't realize how affordable the Big Hit is! Only have the cost of a comparable long-travel XC bike like the Blur or the Jekyll / Prophet!

Did you sell the Blur already? I'm thinking the SC Nomad or the Specialized Enduro is the one bike that'll do it all for ya, kinda like the Jekyll does for me.
A smal group of us have ben hitting up montabello on the weekends. A couple of newbies and alot of fun. Let me know if anyone wants to join us.

I just picked up my 1st FS frame, a Santa Cruz superlite. It is in the building process right now. Dam wheels and forks are expensive:(
zookrider98 said:
A smal group of us have ben hitting up montabello on the weekends. A couple of newbies and alot of fun. Let me know if anyone wants to join us.

I just picked up my 1st FS frame, a Santa Cruz superlite. It is in the building process right now. Dam wheels and forks are expensive:(

Let me know when you guys ride dude!!
Santa Cruz Nomad vs. Intense 6.6

Crash called one day and said to me "I was at the LBS and I saw the new Santa Cruz Nomad.. It was pretty siick - It should match up to my Jekyll" I said fair... anything to keep up with him would be worthy to check out...

But with the new intense 6.6 you get just as much travel, fittted on a more XC oriented bike. What differences would you run into between the two? Travel is there for both? Intense even has a VPP (Santa Cruz's technology which eliminates bob and back pedal) catered for more FreeRide called the UZZI (05 model)...

Which would you go for if you wanted a bike to do it all! Trainer, XC riding, Epic Rides, FreeRide and a lil Downhill....

I've posted pics and links to all three...

Both have well over 6 inches of travel and offer 130-150mm forks with nice head angles and strong frames.


Santa Cruz Nomad First....:cool
