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Do You Mountain Bike?

I did Demo yesterday with Harpo and one of his buddies. Our route:

Buzzard Lagoon > "Secret Squirrel" > Aptos Creek Fire Road > Smurf Trail > Aptos Creek Fire Road > Ridge > Saw Pit > Hihns Mill > Tractor (up, ouch!) > Ridge > Braille > Hihn's mill back to the parking lot.

18 or so miles, with a ton of fun downhill stuff. Lots of jumps and stunts built up onto Ridge, Braille, and the top of Tractor.

It was fun, as we all hard our strengths. I went well on the flat, fast, winding singletrack and was able to grind out some of the more technical climbs. Harpo's friend Ivan was an incredibly efficien pedalling machine - climbing madman. Both he and Harpo made the 1.5 mile climb up Tractor (which is pretty steep in places) without stopping. I think I stopped about a half dozen times on that ascent. Harpo was as aggro as ever, flying up hills, bombing down ridiculously steep, rutted descents, and getting air off of everything he could.

Until he got a jump wrong, that is. "Watch. I've been nailing everything all day - now that there's a camera going (a camera phone), I'm going to fuck it up"

Sure enougj, he hung it out about 3-4 feet in the air, but somehow tilted sideways and landed on his side. Hard. I'm sure Ivan and I have it coming for laughing our asses off as we ran up to him with the camera phone. "Dude he fucked that up bad!"

If only we knew how to download or send the footage!

I've been playing around a lot at other parks, but a trip to Demo was a reminder of how awesome that place is. Sure, we've done Skeggs, both sides of China Camp, Tamarancho, and Annadel. But for fun, flowing, furious all-mountain riding in the Bay Area, you can't beat Demo. When I get my Cannondale back (I did it on my GT I-Drive backup bike), I'm going back!
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"Smurf Trail" is what a friend of mine called it, as it's a tight squeeze through brush and low branches. As you go up Aptos Creek Fire Road, you come to a junction where some singletrack on the right disappears into some heavy brush. It's just before the gate on the fire road, making it a fun little detour.
id love to try demo if you guys go on a weekend, or maybe during a weekday if given enough notice so i can call in a day off or something
I'm hoping for another run at Demo in two weeks, on a Saturday. Considering four of our core group of mtbers made the trip last weekend and only two of them escaped without injury, I think we're gonna be going with the full-face helmets and pressure suits.

Still, I forgot how much that place just flat out rocks!
I did some riding as well this weekend as like you guys we had a camera and like Harpo I crashed wearing the camera as well
Here in shot 1 you can see my approach and it is good in shot 2

In shot 3 you can see the ground came up rather quickly as I did myself and #4 you can see this really went bad from there..

What trail were you riding?

MrCrash907 said:
I'm hoping for another run at Demo in two weeks, on a Saturday. Considering four of our core group of mtbers made the trip last weekend and only two of them escaped without injury, I think we're gonna be going with the full-face helmets and pressure suits.

Still, I forgot how much that place just flat out rocks!

Demo on the 29th? I'm hip for that.
Anyone want to do Demo this Saturday? Buzzard Lagoon up, Sawpit down. If anyone still has legs, we can climb tractor then drop in on Braille.

I'm thinking 10AM at the parking lot / trailhead. Anyone interested?
me maybe. I gotta pick up my ATK Saturday from the shop tho...

I wanna ride SDF soon
MrCrash907 said:
Anyone want to do Demo this Saturday? Buzzard Lagoon up, Sawpit down. If anyone still has legs, we can climb tractor then drop in on Braille.

I'm thinking 10AM at the parking lot / trailhead. Anyone interested?

Alright you can stop twisting my arm already. :teeth

Anyone in SF want to carpool down there?
I'm in, trailhead gate at 10am...
OK, without any confirmation that someone else is going, I may got to plan B...
What's plan B? Flyrice and I look like the only two other people in this weekend.
plan be had something to do with chix, as in the wifey.

You guys are there, I'm there.

C ya in the morn!!! Right? PM's to ya also.
MrCrash, I cunt find yo in the PM thang.

See ya in the morn. call me fi anyting changes. 408-2...

nah, cel phone is 408-857-9168
rained. I hate cleaning the mud from the drive train.

Plan B.

Or maybe dirtbike! You guys have fun.