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Do You Mountain Bike?

You missed an awesome ride today. Those of MBOSC.org are awesome. The trail leader took us on trails that arent mapped behind UCSC. Ask someone how to get to "sick and twisted" or "magic carpet." Only selected few know of these trails. If you like awesome downhill with tech hit these trails up!
Come out on Saturdays at 10a.m. and meet at the cattle guard and entrance next to the tunnel.
Just wanted to thank Mike "MrCrash" Solis for being our escort at China Camp. You were great. That was a good experience for someone like me just getting back into it.

oh, and thanks for showing me what gear I should be in to make the climb easier.
Who wants to lead me in another Santa Cruz-Wilder cross country ride. I went up there last weekend and would like to do it without the wandering around aimlessly.
Anyone up for Demo today?

A few of us from the board is going to head up. Should be starting at the trail head @ 11.

PM or call if you're thinking about it

// it's a beautiful day! the trails should be packed in hard after the light rain!!!
Great Demo Ride!

I'll let Crash go into the details...

Here are some pictures...


- We warmed up a bit before meeting up with Hyperlite...

Crash hitting his home-made jump.
*Notice the full face helmet

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Crash building some nonadz for a drop...

*Note the full pressure suite:shhh

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From Ridge and all the way down Saw Pit... we made it to the deepest part of Demo...the bottom... 4.5 miles back to the car...

Crash and Hyperlite...

Here is some of my riding from today. The trails were a .8 on a scale of 1 - 10, so nothing complicated. But still fun to just be riding.

Weather is probably a little different for me though...

(picture taken only an hour after the first)

wholly smokes thats cold :wow

I think I'd shrivel up and wait out the cold season. Does that ever end? :laughing

It was a lot of fun at demo, definitely need to do this more often. I would rate sawpit as an 8 on the scale of fun to impossible :)
Not that bad in the woods, the trees are great shelter. Out in the open kind of sucks. The summers here are absolutely beautiful.
why you already selling the blur? if i had not shatterd my forearm i would be all over it.

im looking for a cheap hardtail with rigid front fork to turn into a trainning bike until my arm gets stronger
That had to be one of the best runs I've had anywhere. Everything I wanted to hit, I hit.

Everything with the exception of that 4 foot high log I fell off of when I tried to ride up - but hell, that's what full body armor is for!

Every time I do a run like that, I love my bike that much more. Even when I totally did a nosedive on my landing off of that jump between the trees (near the end of Ridge / top of Sawpit) , my bike bailed me out.

That jump about 2/3 of the way down Sawpit must have been the biggest air yet. The landing was a lot steeper than I thought, and I carried a little more speed than I bargained for. Again, the Jekyll made the landing feel like it was nothing. Good times :)

Some footage:

http://www.mrcrash.com/demo10-30/j-1.mov - riding off the log on Ridge (near the top of Tractor).

http://www.mrcrash.com/demo10-30/j-2.mov - Same log, with the jump before it and the log after it. That's MassiveAttack following me.

http://www.mrcrash.com/demo10-30/j-4.mov - The drop-in at the parking lot that looked a lot higher than it was.
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jroymcd said:
why you already selling the blur? if i had not shatterd my forearm i would be all over it.
I think the two or three Nomads we saw at Demo are calling his name :)
is it gonna be muddy at demo this weekend? it rained here last night.