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Do You Mountain Bike?

so the next question is does anyone want to ride there tomorrow am? or today sometime?
im almost riding with one arm, i have this rotator cuff injury that happened 7 weeks ago at fort ord, nsaids didnt help and now i have to go get an MRI next week. So i am trying to get to demo before that since i have a feeling i will have to get surgery and that will put me out for 6 weeks. c'mon we can be the gimp squad.
solis, jeff, and myself were planned for sunday. dont have my bike yet, so i may use one of mike's. havent heard if we're still doing it or not.
oh never mind. you beat me to it. i cant do sunday, that sucks.
i have my wifes rei bike if you want to borrow it :)
rsrai said:
is it gonna be muddy at demo this weekend? it rained here last night.

It'll probably be ok. It takes a good rain to make demo muddy, especially this early into the rain season. Unless it dumped up there, the traction is probably great with some moisture in the soil. Besides, most of Demo is under the cover of trees.
zookrider98 said:
Holy full rigid scooter batman....... Front shocks are your best friend.
My last bike was a full suspension I bought from Walmart. It weighed about as much as my KTM, but it was damn nice coming off a loading dock, thing thing hurts. But short on cash, on not a serious rider, I went with what I had. I bought this bike new in '98 for $400.

I am getting a bit more serious into my BMX then the mountain bike. I can do flatland right in front of my house, and there is a skate park right down the street.

But my Honda gets first dibs on all special attention :D
JnglstTICAL said:
solis, jeff, and myself were planned for sunday. dont have my bike yet, so i may use one of mike's. havent heard if we're still doing it or not.
We're still doing it. Sawpit down, and *possibly* Tractor back up for a final shot down Braille. I think I'm going full-face / full gear again, with a helmet cam - lots of chances to hurt myself on Braille :)
Yea Yea Yea, I've got video too.
DOPE!!! Never mind. We know what happens when Joe gets a camera pointed his way. On the bright side the recovery is going well.
MrCrash907 said:
That had to be one of the best runs I've had anywhere. Everything I wanted to hit, I hit. :(

Everything with the exception of that 4 foot high log I fell off of when I tried to ride up - but hell, that's what full body armor is for!

Every time I do a run like that, I love my bike that much more. Even when I totally did a nosedive on my landing off of that jump between the trees (near the end of Ridge / top of Sawpit) , my bike bailed me out.

That jump about 2/3 of the way down Sawpit must have been the biggest air yet. The landing was a lot steeper than I thought, and I carried a little more speed than I bargained for. Again, the Jekyll made the landing feel like it was nothing. Good times :)

Some footage:

http://www.mrcrash.com/demo10-30/j-1.mov - riding off the log on Ridge (near the top of Tractor).

http://www.mrcrash.com/demo10-30/j-2.mov - Same log, with the jump before it and the log after it. That's MassiveAttack following me.

http://www.mrcrash.com/demo10-30/j-4.mov - The drop-in at the parking lot that looked a lot higher than it was.
does anyone want to do demo next saturday sometime? my wife is throwing a baby shower for her sis and so i am getting kicked out of the house. Calvin? anyone?
In. Sawpit, Braille, or both?
I'm totally in.

My wife has class at Hayward State from 9-3. I have to drop her off and pick her up. Was planning to ride Demo. Where is everyone meeting and at what time? I need a guide. Haven't been there in almost 10 years!