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Do You Mountain Bike?

MrCrash907 said:
It's one of the secret trails of the Bay Area, and has been around for a few years AFAIK. I knew it wouldn't be around for that long - it was only a matter of time until liability and trespassing issues (it's on private property brought the end of it.

Word is the end is this weekend. So, we're going for it tomorrow morning. There are three stunts I want to hit, and Flyrice is trying to build up the courage to hit the road gap. If you clear it, you're easily looking at around 10 feet of vert from the ramp to the landing point...

I'm game for the post-ride grub this Sunday, if others are...

I'm out of town this weekend.......
MrCrash907 said:
It's one of the secret trails of the Bay Area, and has been around for a few years AFAIK. I knew it wouldn't be around for that long - it was only a matter of time until liability and trespassing issues (it's on private property brought the end of it.

Word is the end is this weekend. So, we're going for it tomorrow morning. There are three stunts I want to hit, and Flyrice is trying to build up the courage to hit the road gap. If you clear it, you're easily looking at around 10 feet of vert from the ramp to the landing point...

I'm game for the post-ride grub this Sunday, if others are...

Well... sounds like a wild place. I am not much of a jumper, never really was, especially riding my flimsy little Bontrager Race Lite from the early 90's. I may be riding Sunday morning if conditions work out. I imagine it is near Demo from previous posts. I haven't been up there in a few years. PM me a meeting time and place and I will try and make it.
MrCrash907 said:
I think we're going to give China Camp X-TREEM a final go before they tear it down this weekend:


Thursday morning, first thing. I'm meeting flyrice at the trailhead at 10:30.

Friday looks like a morning roadbike ride.

Saturday, either China Camp or Tamarancho in the morning.

Sunday, Demo at 10. Sawpit / Braille double loop.

Been feeling a little better since that little (big) spill a week or so back - I should be good to go! Have to counter those Thanksgiving pounds somehow :)
So this is still on, right?? Sunday, Demo at 10. Sawpit / Braille double loop.
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VroomVroomVroom said:
I imagine it is near Demo from previous posts. I haven't been up there in a few years. PM me a meeting time and place and I will try and make it.
It's actually up in Marin. Flyrice and I both hit the 2 footer and the 3 footer, which are closer to 3 feet and 4 feet respectively to the point of landing. Got to see Flyrice botch the landing on a 5 footer, where the bike unloaded and bucked him right off. Ted brought the bravery the rest of us left at home, that's for sure.

The highlight of the day was watching the freeride kids repeatedly hit the
road gap at the end of it. One kid got so high, he hit the trees over the gap, and must have had well over 10 feet of air beneath him, whipping it sideways as he sailed overhead. Unfortunately, his rear wheel ate his derailleur on the landing.

They're supposed to be sending me some footage - I'll post links when I get em.

Harpo said:
So this is still on, right?? Sunday, Demo at 10. Sawpit / Braille double loop.

Still on. Lemme know if you want to share a ride out!
MrCrash907 said:
Ted brought the bravery the rest of us left at home, that's for sure.
Bravery is often confused (and or mistaken for) STUPIDITY. :wow Just ask Harpo, Crash, etc... They'll tell ya ;) :cry

Still on. Lemme know if you want to share a ride out!
Planning on going. Not sure on the ride situation yet but I'll let you know.
Rain is bummin' me out

Looks like dirt is out of the question for some time unless someone can guide us to rain friendly riding. I would still like a tour around Wilder(rain friendly?) if anyone knows the way. I can lead some road rides around the eastbay if anyone is interested. I am going to start a thread of Do you road ride?
Wilde should be rideable even with the rain. I also think that most of Montabello ( saratoga) is rideable also. Muddy, but rideable.
Let me know, I'm in for whatever. Billy, Tahoe is gettin a ton of snow....maybe we should go up!! :teeth
Up behind UCSC campus is very ridable in the rain. All the redwood forest gives enough cover to prevent the dirt from getting real sloppy. It's usually tacky... but there are some spots that are slippery. There are also all kinds of different trails for different riders.
Re: Rain is bummin' me out

bicyclemech1 said:
Looks like dirt is out of the question for some time unless someone can guide us to rain friendly riding. I would still like a tour around Wilder(rain friendly?) if anyone knows the way. I can lead some road rides around the eastbay if anyone is interested. I am going to start a thread of Do you road ride?
I'm a road rider as well. Live in Lafayette and do some local rides. We should hook up sometime, ... when it's not raining. :(
HWY 9 & Skyline was ok after the rain on friday, MT Bello is good as well hard packed dirt so it doesn't get too soupy in the wet.
Road ride Sat 12/3 9am Old Tunnel Rd.

Start at the base of Old Tunnel and ride Skyline to Redwood and back up Pinehurst. Bring out your skinny tires and your best geeky spandex kit.
Posted this in the new thread. So I will leave this place alone once the new thread catches on.
Re: Road ride Sat 12/3 9am Old Tunnel Rd.

bicyclemech1 said:
Start at the base of Old Tunnel and ride Skyline to Redwood and back up Pinehurst. Bring out your skinny tires and your best geeky spandex kit.
Posted this in the new thread. So I will leave this place alone once the new thread catches on.
Where is old tunnel? How long of a ride? Where is the new thread? :wtf
Find it yet, Joe?


I think Old Tunnel is on this side of the Berkeley Hills. Those twisties that run up from 24 beside the Bay entrance to the Caldecott.

I'm almost afraid of the pace at the front if you and Greg (bicyclemech1) hook up for a mountain bike ride...

BTW, I'm still trying to trade up with my roadbike. I'm scoping one of these:

Old tunnel Rd. Location

It is the road that winds up from the top of Ashby/Hwy 13. Take the 13 exit toward berkely and back track a little to old tunnel. Pace will be mild because we have to do more than twist a throttle to maintain it. The ride does have a couple decent hills in it, but nothing terribly steep or long. I will be starting the ride from walnut creek if anyone wants to start with me for some extra mileage.

Best place to buy a new bike is www.bikesdirect.com. Then bring it to me for free assembly.