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Do You Mountain Bike?

So I made it out to the Boy Scout trail and others trails in Pacifica.
Went on Thursday second dry day we had, made it up to the of some crevice or crack trail?? lots of technical rocks and other little items but with all the water we've gotten there was a pretty good gully to avoid going down making things interesting then made it out to the top of the higher point facing the coast riding back to Boy scout.
That trail had a lot of mud I rode it down to behind the houses, lots of fun jumps there.
One of them about a 4 foot drop to a good run to a right hand corner, I wanted to hit it but it was to damn slippery and I didn't want to wash the front end coming off it, so I took it easy till next time. If you guys head out there in the near future let me know.
I might be heading to the ski slopes.
If not I'm always riding on the weekend.
Got to get ready for the race season
It's good training atleast for the lungs and endurance.
And some battle scars when things go wrong.
But chicks dig scars.
I'll ride saturday

If someone can confirm a place that will dry out enough not to be a mud bath, I'm there.
Okay Barfers, this is Liam in Barcelona, Spain.

I'm looking for a specific bike that is unavailable in Spain and I'm hoping to take advantage of the Barf Resources (you guys) since you know the local shops and can hopefully help me out by finding it and helping me with shipping it to Spain. I'm looking for the GT Moto


Any assistance or advice on shipping would be appreciated, and I'm sorry for threadjacking here. This just happens to be the best place to find the mountain biking Barfers.

I looked at some U.K. online ordering places but with the power of the Pound, it's way overpriced. Thanks and feel free to email me instead of PM'ing. The box can fill up rather quickly. Thanks Barfers!

EC70 said:
I'm down, not yet really but I'll try to make it sounds like fun
If you're interested, it'll be about $80 a head. Shoot me your email and contact info via PM, and we can go from there!

- Mike
Anyone here interested on a brand new Hayes El Camino disck brakes? I have a brand new set, never been mounted. Let me know.

Asking $275.00
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Frodog said:
Anyone here interested on a brand new Hayes El Camino dick brakes? I have a brand new set, never been mounted.
How exactly do dick brakes work?
MrCrash907 said:
How exactly do dick brakes work?
You know, when the biatch tell you you can't have none, ... yuze gotsta put on the dick brake. :laughing :laughing :wow
Hey, am I banned now too? :wtf
Harpo said:
You know, when the biatch tell you you can't have none, ... yuze gotsta put on the dick brake. :laughing :laughing :wow
Hey, am I banned now too? :wtf
Yup....Definatley banned Joe..:laughing
I don't know Crash 80 bucks to go riding with some " Pros "??
HMMM I do want to go check that place out, it looks like fun.
Let me know if you are going, if the weathers ok, I'm so there.
Here's a Video clip I made from Carlmont finally got the web site up and running.
http://www.jjs-racing.com/Carlmont.wmv 44MB
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Well, it's a class / clinic. And my aerial skills probably need more work than any other part of my riding right now. There are currently three of us scheduled to go, if the weather holds.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to do more of the terrain and jumps that you're capable of afterwards!
If you guys go I'll head out and ride the other stuff/ check out what's happening. By the looks of it that place looks big.
Have you been before?
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