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Do You Mountain Bike?


Hey all. I'm looking for a Santa Cruz Blur. Built is fine but I'd rather just find a frame. Size SMALL.
Please keep your eyes open for me. Anything comes up, let me know.
Mtn Ride. Sat the 11th in Walnut Creek

8:45 Meet at Walnut Creek Starbucks on Locust. (next to Andronicos and the movie theater) 1.5 hrs of rolling hills in Shell Ridge. Middle ring stuff if you have strong legs. Come ride with Harpo on his new bike!
Mtn Ride. Sat the 11th in Walnut Creek

8:45 Meet at Walnut Creek Starbucks on Locust. (next to Andronicos and the movie theater) 1.5 hrs of rolling hills in Shell Ridge. Middle ring stuff if you have strong legs. Come ride with Harpo on his new bike!
Mtn Ride. Sat the 11th in Walnut Creek

8:45 Meet at Walnut Creek Starbucks on Locust. (next to Andronicos and the movie theater) 1.5 hrs of rolling hills in Shell Ridge. Middle ring stuff if you have strong legs. Come ride with Harpo on his new bike!
I'd be there, if I didn't have a triathlon training session to attend that morning. Don't even know if I can make that, as I'm trying to shrug off a lingering cold right now.

I hear the conditions at Demo are purrrrfect right now. "Shoulder dragging traction" they say...
WOW, Gonna be a great day for a mt. bike ride.
BUMMER, Which means it's gonna be a really shitty day to be this sick.
I'm Out!! :( :cry :barf
Greg, left you a voicemail. Please give me a buzz
Starting to feel better. :teeth I MUST ride!!
Gonna do something on Sunday. Nothing too long or I'll end up sick again.

Demo or Tamo-Rancho (sp?) Going with the Bionic Columbian. Anyone else want to ride???
Carnage at China Camp

These are from an mtbr.com thread. You can see how bad China Camp was hit during that NYE storm.

This is a section of the front side, right before the gap where joins up with the short uphill fireroad climb:

Smaller storms have knocked over plenty of good sized trees. That NYE storm did a number on some bigger ones:

Another fallen tree:

A smaller mudslide covering one of the switchbacks on the far end, a short way before it rejoins with the well-travelled "Shoreline Trail"

There are more pictures of fallen trees on the site, but you get the idea. The place was hit hard.

A bridge on the climb up the frontside was completely wiped out as well. The president of the Marin Bicycle Trails Council made this statement regarding China Camp:

"Winter storms have devastated China Camp State Park. I am working with
park staff to buy and install a 32 foot fiberglass truss rail bridge to
replace the aluminum girder bridge washed out and destroyed on Bayview
Trail. REI has pledged $10,000 toward purchase and I have another
$2,000 promised. We are printing pledge pleas to be posted on the
trails to raise additional funds. We are planning on 3 volunteer work
days, March 18, 25 and April 1."

I really miss riding there, and plan to attend at least one of the days. Half of the front side has been shut down until recently - as I understand it, the barriers were recently removed. I believe you just have to walk your way around the damaged parts, but I'm not 100% sure.

We'll get another ride going up that way soon!