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Do You Mountain Bike?

Coolbreez3 said:

I live in Fremont, and need to get my fat ass back on the MTB. This weekend i'll be out of town, but after that i'm free. Alum Rock is cool, i used to know some " illegal " trails there that were awesome.
zookrider98 said:
I live in Fremont, and need to get my fat ass back on the MTB. This weekend i'll be out of town, but after that i'm free. Alum Rock is cool, i used to know some " illegal " trails there that were awesome.

im down...whenever..pretty much there everyday still exploring possible trails...
Soquel, ... Tuesday July 4th

Gonna do the double loop at Soquel (sp?) at 8am, Tuesday, July 4th. Anyone interested in meeting me there lemme know. :teeth
Settin up the garage this week.

Can't make it this week, but Sat the 8th I will be on the bike.

The garage will be set up this week, and I will be doing major bicycle work.
As always, it's free:)

I'm hoping to start suspension tuning again. I'm going to set up a fitting station also.

Let me know if anyone needs work. I am in Concord now.

Big thanks to Harpo for helping with the move.
Re: Settin up the garage this week.

bicyclemech1 said:
Can't make it this week, but Sat the 8th I will be on the bike.

The garage will be set up this week, and I will be doing major bicycle work.
As always, it's free:)

I'm hoping to start suspension tuning again. I'm going to set up a fitting station also.

Let me know if anyone needs work. I am in Concord now.

Big thanks to Harpo for helping with the move.
Good luck in the new joint. I'm keeping my eyes open for some hard flooring goods for your entry doors into the house to save the carpet. Don't forget to keep an eye open for a Specialized frame-set for me. Lots of mediums out there but no smalls. Good Luck with the crib.
Re: Soquel, ... Tuesday July 4th

Harpo said:
Gonna do the double loop at Soquel (sp?) at 8am, Tuesday, July 4th. Anyone interested in meeting me there lemme know. :teeth
As for the rest of you pussies, How the F@#$ can you pass up a double loop of the best riding northern CA has to offer with one of the swellest, grooviest, coolest dudes around. :twofinger
If I go, it'll be another "cruise control uphill / bomb downhill" session for me.

Feeling a lot better right now, but I'm still not 100%.

Joe, I emailed you the link to the place that had the used Small - not sure if they have it anymore.
Re: Settin up the garage this week.

bicyclemech1 said:
Can't make it this week, but Sat the 8th I will be on the bike.
Do you plan on riding anywhere in particular next Saturday? A day at Demo or Annadel would be a lot of fun if we could get the normal cast of characters going.
Re: Re: Settin up the garage this week.

MrCrash907 said:
Do you plan on riding anywhere in particular next Saturday? A day at Demo or Annadel would be a lot of fun if we could get the normal cast of characters going.
Think I'm working next weekend. :(
Need to leave early!

I would like you to kick my ass around the single track at boy scout camp.
I have not been there in so long I cant remember how to get there.
Round up the boys(girls too) and lets go scare some hippies :teeth
Re: Need to leave early!

bicyclemech1 said:
I would like you to kick my ass around the single track at boy scout camp.
I have not been there in so long I cant remember how to get there.
Round up the boys(girls too) and lets go scare some hippies :teeth
Damn Hippies :laughing :laughing
Joe, I thought you were happy with the Blur. Why look for an fsr?

Greg, thanks for keeping the open free clinic. I'll need visit you one of these days.

Normal cast of charaters, it's summer so get your butts on the saddle!
fLyRiCE said:
Joe, I thought you were happy with the Blur. Why look for an fsr?

Greg, thanks for keeping the open free clinic. I'll need visit you one of these days.

Normal cast of charaters, it's summer so get your butts on the saddle!
Ted, the Blur is G@D"!! The fsr is to replace my horrible Weyless (Payless = Getless) frame that's on my back-up bike. Everyone, keep a look out. Size small. But I'm looking for one of the semi-newer models with the frame that looks like this one. (see pic)

3 Day Mt. Bike Trip August Aug 24 - 27

The trip will be at least one day-trip to Downieville and either 1 or 2 other days of riding depending on how people feel. Anywhere we decide in the Nevada City area or Tahoe. We are all ready kicking around ideas of palces in Nevada City (the biking is supposed to be fantastic) or possibly Mr. Toad's Wild Ride or maybe Hole In The Ground. Still up in the air with the only definite being Downieville and having lots of fun.

Below is a cut-and-paste of the email I sent to Mike and Ivan with a very brief description of the place we are camping.

We are staying at Scott's Flat Lake Campgrounds
It’s right off Route 20 in Nevada City. That’s about 1 hour to Downieville in one direction and less than 1 hour to the Tahoe Donner Summit on Route 80 (by Boreal or Sugarboul)) in the other. The reservations are from Thursday Aug, 24 – Sunday Aug, 27. So we can check in anytime after 4pm on Thursday and have until 4pm on Sunday to get our shit packed and out. The campsite is relatively close to the lake and bathroom facility. I’m waiting on paperwork. When I get it I will pass copies along to everyone. We can have up to 10 people and as many tents as we can fit on the site. (I don’t know the size of the site yet) If you think of anyone else that might enjoy a hardcore 2-3 day Mt. bike adventure let them know.
So far, those I think are going are Me, Ivan, Mike, Chuck and Dave.
PLEASE CONFIRM yes or no so we can figure out how many vehicles, tents and how much space will be needed to accommodate.

Let me know if anyone else is interested.
And if you are thinking about joining us, ....Please no novices. This will be semi - aggressive xc trail riding. Also, be prepared to pump out at least 1, 20+ mile day (last time I did Downieville we did 24 miles) and 1 or 2 easier days of 13 - 18 miles. That said, this will be a shit load of fun. :thumbup The costs will be minimal. Probably $100 - $150 total for everything.

Joe (small, angry, bald, SUPAjew)
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JnglstTICAL said:
Joe...I may be up for that!! Maybe a day or two I can meet you out there!!!
Downieville! With no Northstar this year, Downieville is it!
Soquel REPEAT this Sunday Morning 7/9

Leaving early again. Probably try to be on the trail by 8:30 at the very latest. Last weekend we did the double and were long gone before any heat hit.

Lemme know if you want to meat us. Should be another great ride.
