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Do You Mountain Bike?

Re: Re: Whoa...

EC70 said:
Nice :teeth

This was a bunny hop jump over a six foot gap 20 feet up

That ain't shit! :wow I've done bigger on my G1K :laughing :laughing :laughing
From an earlier mtbr post, here are some options:

Mr Toad's (Saxon Trail)
Flume Trail
Tahoe Rim Trail
Hole in the Ground

I'll map these out and see what works best logistically...
MrCrash907 said:
From an earlier mtbr post, here are some options:

Mr Toad's (Saxon Trail)
Flume Trail
Tahoe Rim Trail
Hole in the Ground

I'll map these out and see what works best logistically...

Can we do one that's a pure shuttle dh-bombing? I'd like to get some use out of the demo since Northstar is not an option this year.

Soquel at 8:30 is crazy! Who the heck wakes up so early on a Sunday??? I'd love to ride but there's no way I can make it out there by that time. Anyone wanna ride Skeggs? 10ish?
I'm down to ride pretty much whenever.... I just need to build up my endurance again though. It's been a lil while. :D

Sucks that Northstar is closed this year for construction :(. It's nice to be able to ride a chairlift and not hafta work for them down hills :teeth
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fLyRiCE said:
Can we do one that's a pure shuttle dh-bombing? I'd like to get some use out of the demo since Northstar is not an option this year.

I believe that's the plan for Downieville. From what people say though, anything over 5 inches of travel front and rear is overkill.

Soquel at 8:30 is crazy! Who the heck wakes up so early on a Sunday??? I'd love to ride but there's no way I can make it out there by that time. Anyone wanna ride Skeggs? 10ish?

Tigert and I used to do it at 7:30 - and that guy can party! I'm gonna do a test run today either at Tamarancho or China Camp, just to see if my shoulder can hang. I made it about half a block on the roadbike yesterday before the pain made my eyes roll back in my head. I'm hoping the suspension and upright seating position of the Jekyll will let me log some miles today...

Edit: Just did a test run up and down my block on the Jekyll. That hurt - I aint doin shit this weekend :cry :cry :cry

TravisF said:
I'm down to ride pretty much whenever.... I just need to build up my endurance again though. It's been a lil while. :D

That newbie ride is a start :)

Sucks that Northstar is closed this year for construction :(. It's nice to be able to ride a chairlift and not hafta work for them down hills :teeth

It just lets you work extra hard on the downhills, right?

What kind of bike are you riding, and where do you normally ride?
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fLyRiCE said:
Can we do one that's a pure shuttle dh-bombing? I'd like to get some use out of the demo since Northstar is not an option this year.
D-Ville will probably be a shuttle but if it's anything last time it's still a long hard day with lots of miles and climbing.

fLyRiCE said:
Soquel at 8:30 is crazy! Who the heck wakes up so early on a Sunday??? I'd love to ride but there's no way I can make it out there by that time. Anyone wanna ride Skeggs? 10ish?
guess im a late replier. but i ride mtn mostly every sunday morning usually in the eastbay, redwood and chabot. ive been to china and boy scout camp and the single tracks there are cool.

put me on the distribution list. im interested to see what other trails are out there on the peninsula.
garfull said:
guess im a late replier. but i ride mtn mostly every sunday morning usually in the eastbay, redwood and chabot. ive been to china and boy scout camp and the single tracks there are cool.

put me on the distribution list. im interested to see what other trails are out there on the peninsula.

The distribution list has long since come and gone - we generally post up here if there's an open invite ride going on.

There are a few of us here in the eastbay - I can't speak for the others, but if I'm riding locally, it's on the roadbike. I think Harpo is the same way. Most of the eastbay folks I ride with are also roadie / mtb crossovers. Fireroads don't do much for me, and the only legal singletrack (Miller) is a little tight, with lots of hikers.

Have you done both sides of China Camp? That's probably the most common mtb spot for us eastbay folk. Most of us also have season passes for Boy Scout Camp as well - generally, we either do two loops to make it worth the gas / toll to get out there, or combine it with a longer loop of China Camp.

Just curious, what sort of bike do you ride, and how long are the rides you typically do?
no list...ill just keep checking the forums. i think our next trail will be san mateo, skaggs i think is what its called.

never thought about linking boy scout camp and china camp ride together. i will recomend that next time. to my friends

interestingly enough that you asked about the length to ride. last time we got stuck at boy scout for 8 HOURS. we had a couple of riders that ended up walking up and DOWN the track. they were beginers and got spooked after a close call. not to say that i am any expert rider of any sort tho.

i just recently upgraded from my Trek Y22 carbon (which is for sale) to the Giant Trance1. Gene at Alameda Bicycle hooked it up for me and my fellow mtn bikers.

our typical Chabot rides with minimal waiting would be from 1.25 hrs to 1.5hrs. today was more like 2hrs due to some mechanical problems.

MrCrash907 said:
The distribution list has long since come and gone - we generally post up here if there's an open invite ride going on.

There are a few of us here in the eastbay - I can't speak for the others, but if I'm riding locally, it's on the roadbike. I think Harpo is the same way. Most of the eastbay folks I ride with are also roadie / mtb crossovers. Fireroads don't do much for me, and the only legal singletrack (Miller) is a little tight, with lots of hikers.

Have you done both sides of China Camp? That's probably the most common mtb spot for us eastbay folk. Most of us also have season passes for Boy Scout Camp as well - generally, we either do two loops to make it worth the gas / toll to get out there, or combine it with a longer loop of China Camp.

Just curious, what sort of bike do you ride, and how long are the rides you typically do?
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Damn, Harpo! Can you really smell all the girl-action on me? Guess I should ease it up with the ladies so I have juice left to ride. :twofinger

I'll be on rafting trip this weekend so I hope to get a group ride in next weekend. I think I'm at about 90% of my peak level now. Which is probably about 70% of angry-bald-jew, crashing-ex-racers, and bionic columbian standards.
Bad Day At Soquel

Not even 1 mile into the first good downhill I botch the landing on a semi-hi-speed root jump. Went right down to left side. Jumped up, pick up the bike and find this. (see pics)

Hmm, maybe carbon fiber ain't the way to go, ... OR maybe it's just fine and I should just start acting my age. OR NOT!.... I rode at least another 8 or so miles of downhill like this. Duh! I just drove 80 F@#$EN miles to get there and I wasn't leaving until, I got my damn 18+ miles in. Needless to say, there were more crashes. Ouch!!:wow (Hey, you try riding all the DH at Soquel with your bars looking like this and let me know how it goes) :twofinger Thank god (that's "dog" spelled backwards ya know :teeth) I decided to suit up with a good size dosage of body armor. The only injury sustained was the gash down my side and it's really way worse looking than it actually feels.

The only injury.
Scraped side. Didn't evn know I had it until I took my shirt off to get in the car.

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MrCrash907 said:
It just lets you work extra hard on the downhills, right?

Exactly :)

MrCrash907 said:

What kind of bike are you riding, and where do you normally ride?

Just an '02 Gary Fisher Sugar 4... It's nice for CC, not great for DH. I still love it

I live right below Santa Teresa Park, so I usually ride up there. I haven't ridden Demo for years. Same w/ Saratoga Gap/Skyline, Magic Carpet... I enjoy them all.
TravisF said:
I live right below Santa Teresa Park, so I usually ride up there. I haven't ridden Demo for years. Same w/ Saratoga Gap/Skyline, Magic Carpet... I enjoy them all.

We'll for sure post up when we do Demo again. If we have enough people, it will probably be a two group deal, with a single loop and a double loop group. If I'm making the trip down there, I feel obligated to do the double, just to make it worth the time / gas.
Hey Ted, were you still up for Downieville the weekend of the Downieville Classic? Assuming my neck and shoulder are good by then...

We could also try a day a Mammoth, just to get our chairlift fix for this season...