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Do You Mountain Bike?

I want to make it to downeville next month, I do not think for the race though.

I went up to Kirkwood over the 4th weekend to find out the are still closed due to snow and they said Mammoth is having the same problem

Call before you go.

Just my 2 bits
Anyone going to the Cougar Mountain Classic this weekend?
Stumpjumper FSR frame for sale. $300

Its in the classified grab bag section.
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MrCrash907 said:
Anyone going to the Cougar Mountain Classic this weekend?

I'm in on our D-ville ride but not the D-ville Classics. I'd have to be as nutty as you to put myself through that kinda pain.

Harpo, act your age! You're makin' all of us younguns looks like wussies. :laughing

Went to ECDM this morning. The ride was great. Great until I got all the way deep down to the creek then CRUNCH! Somehow my chain got sucked in between the hub and spokes. Not a prob. Just spin it out and ride. CRUNCH! Wtf??? Slightly bent rear derailleur and two twisted chainlinks! No chain breaker. No freakin tools. No luck of riding out. Had to hike bike all the way out from the freakin bottom! To those who complain about it being a bitch of a climb, just wish that you will NEVER have to hike your bike up that same climb.
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fLyRiCE said:
I'm in on our D-ville ride but not the D-ville Classics. I'd have to be as nutty as you to put myself through that kinda pain.

Harpo, act your age! You're makin' all of us younguns looks like wussies. :laughing

Went to ECDM this morning. The ride was great. Great until I got all the way deep down to the creek then CRUNCH! Somehow my chain got sucked in between the hub and spokes. Not a prob. Just spin it out and ride. CRUNCH! Wtf??? Slightly bent rear derailleur and two twisted chainlinks! No chain breaker. No freakin tools. No luck of riding out. Had to hike bike all the way out from the freakin bottom! To those who complain about it being a bitch of a climb, just wish that you will NEVER have to hike your bike up that same climb.
My pack may be heavy but I gotz all da goodies. If I was there, you'd have riden' out. ;)
Now if ya broke your handle bar, .... well, ... that would be another story. :wow :cry

Oh, and I pretty much have myself convinced that I'm 17. So therefore, I guess I am acting my age. :teeth
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Why not, it's been way too long and I need to a good ass kicking.

+ count me in for D-ville!
need to freshen up this thread.

Had a good ride with Mike S. and Joe (Harpo) at Soquel Demo. Minor get off resulted in 4 stiches. Joe's magic pack had all the goodies to get me patched up.
May one of you two can post up the before picture. I am still working on the after picture. I just won the a fleabay auction for an Intense frame, so my Diamond Back is going up for sale.
Diamond Back Suspension frame for sale.

Diamond Back XSL suspension frame for sale. (four bar linkage design)
20" frame with Rock Shock Sid shock. Will fit someone 6' tall give or take 2 inches.
4" or 4.5" travel options.
Includes carbon seat post, bottom bracket and XT front derailleur.
Frame is in great shape. Shock holds air for at least a solid month. Pivots are tight.
$350 includes the build up by me with your parts, and the suspension set up and fitting.
PM me if you want a pic.
Back to the camp

Earlier today, I took infrandom the MTB newb out to China Camp for his first taste of singletrack. As he's only ridden the bike a couple of times, I was a little concerned as to how he'd handle the climb up the frontside.

Well, I learned he had been working hard in the gym, and it shows! 70 pounds down in the past year, with calves and biceps like someone strapped grapefruits to em! In any case, some images.

Two miles and 700 feet of elevation after the start:

Rolling along the singletrack:

Some one-wheel fun after the ride:

And from a few weeks ago, Greg's little get-off

After almost four weeks off of the mountain bike due to a nerve injury that made my arm pretty much useless, I was jonesin to get some riding in.

Sticking to my "all or nothing" binary nature, I ended up riding with the two strongest riders I know, both climbing and descending, on some of the most aerobically challenging uphill with some of the most physically challenging downhill hazards. On a "new to me" bike.

I was lucky. Greg was not. Pre-ride, at the Ridge Trail trailhead:

The start of the "Nosebreak" section of Sawpit, where Gregory had a little get-off:

The grand finale to Nosebreak, where Harpo endoed in grand style a week earlier, breaking his carbon fiber bar:

Harpo showing the embankment he went over after going over the bars. Notice I'm significantly higher up the hill than him, kinda looking down on him:

Tending to Greg's wounds on the trailside. You can see the first half of Nosebreak in the background

Greg: How does it look?
Me: I have a camera - let me show you...

Ouch! :wow
We've had "friends" come with us on our ride and many come outlooking like your friend, we even had one guy go down like 15 feet down hill off trail like Harpo. We had to form a human chain to get him and his bike up the hill.