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Do You Mountain Bike?

I'm not dead yet...

Still working on a after photo, but I am healed up nicely and my agent has put me back on the list of action hero jobs instead of scarred bad guy jobs.

BTW- The old addage that "chicks dig scars"... Load of crap. Chicks dig scars on hot soap actors. Chicks do not dig having a soon to be scar attended to in the ER on saturday evening when your'e supposed to be at dinner with her family.

Glad I could clear that up for everyone.
I'm in the mood for DH...

If someone (me) proposed a trip to Mammoth in September, is there anyone else who would be interested in going?
Re: I'm in the mood for DH...

MrCrash907 said:
If someone (me) proposed a trip to Mammoth in September, is there anyone else who would be interested in going?

count me in.
greg, sorry to hear of the mishap. good thing that part of the trail wasnt called busted lip section, otherwise you might have had a broken nose. :twofinger

crash, i would be open to a trip to mammoth, i havent been there in over 6 years. It all depends on an available weekend though. But keep me in the loop if you and calvin and others plan something. rsrai@yahoo.com
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Trials riding is insane. I can't even jump that high/far without having to haul a bike.

I'm totally down for Mammoth but the last two weeks of Sept is no go for me. When are you thinking of?

Greg, girls do dig scars -- just not on the face or genitals. Heal up.
Re: I'm in the mood for DH...

MrCrash907 said:
If someone (me) proposed a trip to Mammoth in September, is there anyone else who would be interested in going?

I'd be interested as well. I just got a new bike and I'm itchin to ride.
Re: I'm in the mood for DH...

MrCrash907 said:
If someone (me) proposed a trip to Mammoth in September, is there anyone else who would be interested in going?
Think I could be talked into it. I ain't organizing though. Had my share of that this last weekend. Any weekend but the weekend of September 9th.
When is the Mammoth run??

I could be interested but I want to survive so I can ride in the 4 hour at the end of the month
Three days in the Sierras

That was an adventure. Day 1 was Downieville. Day 2 had us boating at Scotts Flat Lake. Day 3 was an adventure on the South Yuba Trail.

Here we are, with our bad-ass driver woman who shuttled us up to Packer Saddle:

More posing at the top before the descent:

Dangerous Dave goes for it on a rock garden on Butcher Ranch.

Goofing off at the stream crossing about halfway down:

A tired bunch of troopers, after 4700 feet of descent:

Nothing feels better than jumping into a crystal clear river after the dusty, rocky descent!

Day 2 - getting towed around the lake at 35 mph on a 15 foot flying manta ray:

This photo gives you an idea of how big the thing was:

If I can ride it, I can crash it!

Day 3 - The start of the South Yuba River adventure
