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Do You Mountain Bike?

Welcome to Humbug, an immaculately maintained ghost town on the trail:

Dave miffs a switchback and goes dirt surfing:

200 feet up, on a cliff overlooking the river:

Crystal clear waters, way down below:

A better view, as the Bionic Columbian throws down a Gel:

The Super Jew owns this swimming hole!

Taking a much deserved break after a few thousand feet of climbing in the heat:

Hike a bike, anyone?

A wooden bridge, as we approach the end:

Chuck goes dirt surfing, right over the edge:

Great pix and vid Mike. Thanx for the memories.

2nd time at Downieville ;) :teeth :thumbup
1st time at South Yuba :( :barf :barf :cry
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Harpo said:
1st time at South Yuba :( :barf :barf :cry

Don't you mean "last time at South Yuba"? I could hear you blowing a gasket several hundred feet behind you on the trail when it *didn't* end at the parking lot :)

MrCrash907 said:
Don't you mean "last time at South Yuba"? I could hear you blowing a gasket several hundred feet behind you on the trail when it *didn't* end at the parking lot :)

Re: South Yuba:
3 words: Never F@#$EN Again!!
got a question for you guys.
my 5th element air shock has finally blown out to the point where it will not hold for more than 2 min.

where is a good place to get it serviced or can i do it myself?
EC70 said:
So when's MAMMOTH?

Gotta get my fork rebuilt and my shock "Push-ed", then I'm good to go. Mid september sometime?

bishop said:
got a question for you guys.
my 5th element air shock has finally blown out to the point where it will not hold for more than 2 min.

where is a good place to get it serviced or can i do it myself?

You may want to send bicyclemech1 a PM on that. If anyone here knows, he would.
Mid-September works for me. Put it together and make some sort of concrete plan. I can comfortably take 3 riders and 4 bikes in the Pimp-Daddy E-150. I'll drive if you guys wanna foot the gas bill. Oh, and it corners like a Mutha F@#$A, just ask Crash. :wow ;) :laughing :laughing

Might have an extremely sweet Blur (size small) for sale in the near future, anyone interested?
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Harpo said:
Mid-September works for me. Put it together and make some sort of concrete plan. I can comfortably take 3 riders and 4 bikes in the Pimp-Daddy E-150. I'll drive if you guys wanna foot the gas bill. Oh, and it corners like a Mutha F@#$A, just ask Crash. :wow ;) :laughing :laughing

I'm looking at either Sunday the 17th or Sunday the 24th, depending on when my fork and shock are back in my hands.

In the meantime, here are some interesting data plots from last weekend. Elevation and Speed vs Distance @ Downieville:

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Heartrate and Elevation versus Distance @ Downieville:
