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Do You Road Bike?

I'm looking for a good repair shop near mountain view/sunnyvale. It seems my front tire isn't sitting properly and won't align. It's been rubbing against the fork pretty badly.

Thanks in advance!
I'm sure almost any bike shop should be able to figure out what's wrong. Sounds like the front wheel isn't installed correctly or something is damaged.

On another note I've been riding a lot more and am finally feeling like a half decent rider whatever that means. At least hanging on faster group rides.

I think the laguna night cycling thing is going on tonight but I missed it. :( Rode earlier today and am trying a local low key time trial tomorrow so thought I might be pushing it going tonight, but I feel fine.. should have headed out. :p
It super sucks that they didn't have it the Wednesday before MotoGP this year. It's a lot of fun when they do - we did it once, and there were a fair number of racers out on the circuit on their roadbikes.

I bought a set of swanky-for-me rims from TAKS. The rear cassette is geared a little higher than on the old wheels, so they're pushing me to climb faster...

It super sucks that they didn't have it the Wednesday before MotoGP this year. It's a lot of fun when they do - we did it once, and there were a fair number of racers out on the circuit on their roadbikes.

I bought a set of swanky-for-me rims from TAKS. The rear cassette is geared a little higher than on the old wheels, so they're pushing me to climb faster...


Very nice! I run a 11-32 or an 11-28 rear cassette and am not ashamed. :D On some rides I won't use the 28 or 32 but I'm glad they are there when I need them. I don't like going less than 70-80rpm and in the Santa Cruz mountains there is a lot of 10%+ (leaving my house to get anywhere I'm at 12-14% for a while :laughing).

I went out and bought a cheap used powertap rear wheel off ebay a while back and that has been my best purchase in a long time. Really helped me improve quickly, plus a fancy bike I don't really need but hey I spend so much time on it, why not?

Bleh main crank out of commission waiting for new chain rings (yes they do wear out!), spare drops the chain like it's hot in big/small combo under load (sprints). :( Racing this weekend is going to be interesting...
I am super jelly. How much are those going for?

I a barely used (500 miles) wireless one on ebay with the computer, tire, cassette, wheelbag, hrm, etc for a little over $600 shipped. It is a 32 spoke very heavy wheel but I pretty much don't ride without it now, I'll take the weight hit for the information any day.

Bleh main crank out of commission waiting for new chain rings (yes they do wear out!), spare drops the chain like it's hot in big/small combo under load (sprints). :( Racing this weekend is going to be interesting...

Is it dropping off the outside or onto the small ring? :( If you happen to be by scotts valley you're more than welcome to borrow a crankset if you need it. I have an spare 175 53/39 DA7800 crank and a cheaper compact one too.
Outside. What compact do you have... :) That would be awesome. :)
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The one that keeps dropping the chain is a compact Rival. I think first or second gen. I think that ues GXP BB?
If it's compact and you are willing to lend it for the weekend I would be very grateful. :)
If it's compact and you are willing to lend it for the weekend I would be very grateful. :)

No problem, you can hang onto it until you get everything squared away. I'm in scotts valley a few minutes off 17, shoot me a PM and I'll give you directions.
Looking to get into the road bike scene. What would you recommend for a road bike? I believe I am a 51 cm size as well.
Looking to get into the road bike scene. What would you recommend for a road bike? I believe I am a 51 cm size as well.

I'm sure others will chime in, but if you can find a nice used one with at least tiagra 9 speed parts or better it should be fine (I'd skip any bike with sora or lower components or anything without integrated shifters). You should be able to get a decent used one for around $500 and sell it to close for that later if you get something else. I have found it's a pain finding a decent used road bike in that price range though, it's a lot easier getting good deals on used stuff that's more expensive but a great deal.

If you don't want to deal with the hassle, you should be able to get a decent new bike for around a grand or a little over or you might be able to find a low level bike at performance or whatever that's an ok deal.

If you find you love it, then go out and get an awesome new bike and hopefully by that point you'll know what style of riding you like, what gearing you want, etc and can buy exactly the bike you want. I spent $2500 on my current bike, but the hours I put on it a week (usually around 10 which isn't that much compared to a lot of people), I figure it isn't really that expensive for how much it's used.

I did a quick search and the only thing half decent I saw was this

I completed my solo century last weekend to see if my knee was back in shape. I think I am ready for some real riding with a group now. Does anyone have anything planned?
I'm sure others will chime in, but if you can find a nice used one with at least tiagra 9 speed parts or better it should be fine (I'd skip any bike with sora or lower components or anything without integrated shifters). You should be able to get a decent used one for around $500 and sell it to close for that later if you get something else. I have found it's a pain finding a decent used road bike in that price range though, it's a lot easier getting good deals on used stuff that's more expensive but a great deal.

If you don't want to deal with the hassle, you should be able to get a decent new bike for around a grand or a little over or you might be able to find a low level bike at performance or whatever that's an ok deal.

If you find you love it, then go out and get an awesome new bike and hopefully by that point you'll know what style of riding you like, what gearing you want, etc and can buy exactly the bike you want. I spent $2500 on my current bike, but the hours I put on it a week (usually around 10 which isn't that much compared to a lot of people), I figure it isn't really that expensive for how much it's used.

I did a quick search and the only thing half decent I saw was this


Awesome thanks for that, yea I am brand new in the biking scene and have no idea what gearing or some of the stuff you mentioned xD My budget is probably around $500 so maybe that bike would be something to go look at?