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Do You Road Bike?

I have a tough time with the idea of traveling over 30 minutes to ride somewhere. I ride so I don't have to drive :D

I don't have the best diet. I take left covers to work and try to just have reasonable meals. But I figure on my commute I am going to burn about 1000kcal so I try to eat at least half that as soon as I get to work/home that has some protein. I'm trying to go with a more vegetarian type diet when possible (not vegan, so I'll eat free range eggs). But they are not well laid out meals. I also snack throughout the day so I keep decent snacks with me. Trail mix with chocolate is great as I full fill my desire for junk while also getting healthy fats and protein from nuts.
Why would a road bike need discs?

Seems like more and more road bike manufacturers are releasing road bikes with disc brake systems. I think that's awesome. :thumbup


I run mine with red clits...

You just didn't say that. :laughing

Okay, so I *was* jonsing for a Specialized Venge but after reading some not-so-flattering reviews (failing seatposts among them), I did some more homework in the aero road bike category and my eye has now been caught by the Felt AR5. :drool The only real niggle is that the rear wheel is a bit on the flexy side when standing in the pedals, but that's easily rectified (ZIPP's anyone?) Edumacate a brother on this gem please. :D

Sexy bike, but that is a very aggressive position... At least on bike pictured. Not sure if what is sold at LBS will have spacers below steering stem. If you can ask them to order uncut.

Also put street bars on it, and scotts dampener. :twofinger :laughing
I have a tough time with the idea of traveling over 30 minutes to ride somewhere. I ride so I don't have to drive :D

I've often driven with a buddy from Concord to Sacramento to ride the American River trail. I might not do it by myself but if you can find someone to split the driving with, cool beans
BTW, I did want to follow up on my Kitchen Sink thread about proper seat post height.

My first road bike was too big for me, so I am very careful about getting the right size, and from my experience as a bike fitter, I can tell if the frame is the right size by how much seat post is sticking out.

With traditional frames (top tubes parallel to ground) for people between 5'8" and 6', you want about 4-6 inches of seatpost height sticking out from the frame. With compact frames (sloped top tubes), it is 5-8 inches.

There is a lot of variables, particularly with the angle of top tube slope. This is my cyclocross bike, 55cm, and it is the perfect size.

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I need to remember to grab my tape measure and do some measurements and adjustments. My positions feel great on both my commuter (54) and TT (52). A quick calculator online said my 54 was too small, I know the 58 I had was crazy large. But I'm happy with it right now. The TT actually feels too big, but it might just be me. I haven't been able to get any pictures from the side to see what I look like on the bike.
It's really more about top tube length than how much seat post is showing

You are absolutely right that frame fit is more about top tube length than seatpost height.

When customers ride into the shop, I pay attention to their bike setups and I look for something wrong that could be improved.

How much seatpost is sticking out is a quick way to detect good or bad fit.

The larger issue of bike fit is much more complicated.

I wanted to point out that someone may be on a larger frame than recommended, and not just because he has longer arms. If you have a back problem, a taller frame will have a bigger head tube, so your bars can be higher.

Now modern builders know this, so all companies offer a relaxed geometry which has a bigger than normal headtube. But the ancient days, everyone had to slam their stem...

man, today is the most fun ive had on two wheels in a LONG time. bombing down the corkscrew every lap at like 45mph and then blasting through rainey curve without even touching the brakes was fucking amazing. definitely going back to do this again soon

Didn't think it was steep or long enough to hit 45mph.
Also I read Laguna in your original message, but kept thinking Sonoma. Doh!
So is this like a race, or you just go ride for fun?
Didn't think it was steep or long enough to hit 45mph.
Also I read Laguna in your original message, but kept thinking Sonoma. Doh!
So is this like a race, or you just go ride for fun?

its pretty damn steep. on my strava it says my top speed was 43.9 but when i uploaded it to garmin connect, it said i hit 45.3, and everyone else i was with's strava hit 45 or over.

its a fun ride that anyone can attend, usually sponsored by a local bike shop. its $10 admission for the 2 hours (5-7pm) but they have cash prizes for fastest lap of the day. i recommend it to anyone that is a fan of cycling and motorsports.

Hmm, neat. Maybe next year. It's getting dark earlier and earlier. Although to get there I need to take half a day off.
I heard when they had MotoGP there, some of the racers would show up and ride on a track on road bikes, and this was also open to public. Maybe same series.
I'll be there on my motorcycle on 18th. Should be tons of fun.
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Hmm, neat. Maybe next year. It's getting dark earlier and earlier. Although to get there I need to take half a day off.

yea, that was the problem with most of my group. everyone could only get out of work at 3:30 at the latest and we hit tons of traffic and didnt get there until 5:45, but it was worth it.
also, it was pitch black by 7:15, but there were still people out there with lights. it tripped me out because two people were riding with lights next to each other and i thought it was a car behind us, and cars arent allowed on the track while the cyclists are out there.
Oh they don't turn on the lights? OK, that is good to know. Although would be kool on full moon and clear skies!
I've ridden laps of Willow late at night multiple times. Coming out of 4b into 5 in the pitch black with only my headlight is a little nerve racking. All the rabbits attempting to commit suicide make it worse :laughing
its a fun ride that anyone can attend, usually sponsored by a local bike shop. its $10 admission for the 2 hours (5-7pm) but they have cash prizes for fastest lap of the day. i recommend it to anyone that is a fan of cycling and motorsports.

What was you average lap time?
Oh hai guys!

So I started cycling recently like 2 months ago. I had a Novara big buzz hybrid bike that I was commuting on and going on weekend rides. Usually my longer weekend rides were around 80 miles and the commute is 25. My friend finally convinced me to spend coin on a proper road bike. So yesterday I bought a Fuji Altamira 2.3

Thats all, I'm sorry I'm just excited about it and have no one else to share with lol.


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Oh hai guys!

So I started cycling recently like 2 months ago. I had a Novara big buzz hybrid bike that I was commuting on and going on weekend rides. Usually my longer weekend rides were around 80 miles and the commute is 25. My friend finally convinced me to spend coin on a proper road bike. So yesterday I bought a Fuji Altamira 2.3

Thats all, I'm sorry I'm just excited about it and have no one else to share with lol.

That's a great bike!
Oh hai guys!

So I started cycling recently like 2 months ago. I had a Novara big buzz hybrid bike that I was commuting on and going on weekend rides. Usually my longer weekend rides were around 80 miles and the commute is 25. My friend finally convinced me to spend coin on a proper road bike. So yesterday I bought a Fuji Altamira 2.3

Thats all, I'm sorry I'm just excited about it and have no one else to share with lol.

This is the only safe place on BARF to share :laughing