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Do You Road Bike?

I heard when they had MotoGP there, some of the racers would show up and ride on a track on road bikes, and this was also open to public.

We were able to go a few years ago, and Colin Edwards was hanging out with his kids - he was totally cool, and we chatted with him and got a picture. Very Missed Tommy Aquino was out and riding, too.

I really hope they bring GP back to Laguna, and schedule the bicycle night to coincide. It was great fun and a great experience to bicycle Laguna, and it was a really chill atmosphere to meet some amazing riders.

I'm riding mostly the AL bike these days - I've found the good way to go on my new commute, and I really like how much more chill it is on a bike vs. car or moto. This bike is a tank. I got a Fly6 rear light that's also a rear-facing, looping camera, just in case anything happens. I'd like to get a front-facing camera, too - we have GoPros, but I'd like something smaller that loops and that can stay with the bike. Suggestions?

Oh, and is everyone enjoying that extra three feet that all of the motorists are totally giving us, now? :laughing

I run a GoPro, but mostly because I found it on the side of the road so it was a good value. I would love something with more battery life and loops too.

I really like the bike commute thing. It really gives me my thinking and work out time and non of the stress of traffic and crap.

Oh, and is everyone enjoying that extra three feet that all of the motorists are totally giving us, now? :laughing

Shaddup you elitist entitled road hogging spandex clad cyclist! How am I supposed to do laps on 9 with people like you there. :rofl

Hmm, I resemble that remark. :laughing

We were able to go a few years ago, and Colin Edwards was hanging out with his kids - he was totally cool, and we chatted with him and got a picture. Very Missed Tommy Aquino was out and riding, too.

I really hope they bring GP back to Laguna, and schedule the bicycle night to coincide. It was great fun and a great experience to bicycle Laguna, and it was a really chill atmosphere to meet some amazing riders.

I'm riding mostly the AL bike these days - I've found the good way to go on my new commute, and I really like how much more chill it is on a bike vs. car or moto. This bike is a tank. I got a Fly6 rear light that's also a rear-facing, looping camera, just in case anything happens. I'd like to get a front-facing camera, too - we have GoPros, but I'd like something smaller that loops and that can stay with the bike. Suggestions?

Hmm, honestly I think GoPros is as small as it gets. The new Sony camera is bigger, and not sure it even loops.

Oh, and is everyone enjoying that extra three feet that all of the motorists are totally giving us, now? :laughing


Oh, totally. According to the BARF it's a total bicycle Utopia out there, and I can do whatever I want!
the new shimano cameras are pretty awesome. they receive ant+ signals so your videos can have your speed/cadence/heartrate & gear (if you have Di2). once my gopro takes a crap, i think im going to buy one
I know on the crit I races, the one video that I appear in has speed and power data on there. But I wonder if the Garmin camera can do that too...
Quality is kind of crappy. I mean they say 720p, but all the details are blurry (can't see licence plate most of the time), and frame rate is kind of low.

Also wtf: http://vimeo.com/103675776

Also this shit makes me embarrassed to be a motorcyclist, and reminds me of all the assholes on this forum yapping about respect and bull shit like that to justify dangerous passes: http://fly6.com/video/
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i need to get back on the skinny tires.

health reasons...

.but i live a bit east of the east bay. in the hills so good cardio work outs.

Also this shit makes me embarrassed to be a motorcyclist, and reminds me of all the assholes on this forum yapping about respect and bull shit like that to justify dangerous passes: http://fly6.com/video/

He had plenty of room to move left, look at all that dirt on the shoulder, that's where he should have been!
Just finished building it! Fits so much better than my Soma. Going to go break it in tomorrow and dial in the fit a bit more.

So I hear they did a crack down on those crazy cyclists around Del Mar (San Diego) yesterday. Stopping bikes for violations and writing them up.

So glad they have managed to get all those dangerous 3000+ pound cars off the road, so now they can move on to the dangerous bicycles who kill innocent pedestrians.

Don't get me wrong, you should be stopping at stops signs and all that (I normally do). But intentionally targeting them when all these damn car drivers still drive like ass?
I have a Kinetic Trainer and friend gave me this spin bike below. Trying to decide which to keep and which to sell. I worry using the trainer on my Carbon bike is bad for it. One negative on the spin bike is the seat cannot be changed, it's a funky mounting system. I tried putting a spare seat on it and the seat pointed down. I'll have to check it out again.


I have a Kinetic Trainer and friend gave me this spin bike below. Trying to decide which to keep and which to sell. I worry using the trainer on my Carbon bike is bad for it. One negative on the spin bike is the seat cannot be changed, it's a funky mounting system. I tried putting a spare seat on it and the seat pointed down. I'll have to check it out again.



Trainer is better. Later just buy a cheap bike to use on the trainer and leave there.
Just finished building it! Fits so much better than my Soma. Going to go break it in tomorrow and dial in the fit a bit more.


Nice Bike. :thumbup

So I hear they did a crack down on those crazy cyclists around Del Mar (San Diego) yesterday. Stopping bikes for violations and writing them up.

So glad they have managed to get all those dangerous 3000+ pound cars off the road, so now they can move on to the dangerous bicycles who kill innocent pedestrians.

Don't get me wrong, you should be stopping at stops signs and all that (I normally do). But intentionally targeting them when all these damn car drivers still drive like ass?

Welcome to 'Merica! They do same shit here by Woodside, once in a while.
One of the reasons I rarely do group rides. Just attracts too much attention.

I have a Kinetic Trainer and friend gave me this spin bike below. Trying to decide which to keep and which to sell. I worry using the trainer on my Carbon bike is bad for it. One negative on the spin bike is the seat cannot be changed, it's a funky mounting system. I tried putting a spare seat on it and the seat pointed down. I'll have to check it out again.



I am with aram, stick with trainer. The bike is fitted to you, and can be adjusted way better then a trailer. Carbon frame is fine. During race seasons I warm up on trainer for 30 minutes. No issues. One thing if you can get a spare wheel and mount some hard tire on it, or they even have special trainer tire. Those things tend to chew them up.