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Do You Road Bike?

btw, whats that thing attached to your handlebars & front wheel?

Very funny pelikan.

I tried riding it without a brake at first, hopping the rear and skidding doesn't slow me down fast enough.:ride Plus, I can sprint that bad boy knowing that I can stop.
I do 20 miles a day or more on my track bike in SF... I ride a lot with Wickerman777 and Melificant, and both have road bikes...we seem to get along pretty well, and I have not had a problem keeping up, except on downhills! It's especially fun to bomb off-road in GG Park with a fixed gear! I'm running 48/19, and I only have trouble with the SUPER steep hills...in which case I just zig-zag up the hill while they wait for me!

I have yet to make it to Helyer, but it's on my list of things to do...

*edit* Nice bike!

Mojo Bike Cafe just started carrying Felt bikes...I think I'll roll over there and check' em out in person!

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Just wanted to share with all of you my new track bike. Straight off the Interbike display floor, 2008 Felt TK2. Woooohoo!!! Look out hipsters!!!

What kind of pedals are on it?
Looks like no clips at all???
What kind of pedals are on it?
Looks like no clips at all???

Danger Dan, they are Look Keo's, things are pretty cool, you can get different cleats for you shoes that change how much play you have, so if you have f'ed up knees you can run a cleats with more play and if you like the tighter feel you can run the ones that don't have as much play. and the best part, its like $20 for new cleats and they work with the same peddles.
dang, sound pretty cool.
Tim, you ever coming out on the Thursday rides?
I finally got a road bike, and try to make it out after class to wherever the ride is at that point.
Clipless pedals rule. I started using them for road riding in 1986 and have not been interested in going back. When I ran toe clips I would forget to loosen the straps when coming up to a light and fall over about once a week. So when LOOK came out with the first commercially viable clipless pedals I was all over them. I've used look and shimano look style pedals every since.

Lots of manufacturers make clipless pedals with adjustable float- either by using different cleats or on some pedals you can turn a screw to make the adjustment. I have bad knees but I prefer no float- my knee problems are not helped with float, and I like the locked in feeling. If you use pedals with no float you need to be very careful about setting up the cleat position (actually you should even if you use float). If it is even a little bit off what is natural for you, you'll be in a world of hurt after three or four hours on the saddle.

cheezy, what events do you ride on the track?
dang, sound pretty cool.
Tim, you ever coming out on the Thursday rides?
I finally got a road bike, and try to make it out after class to wherever the ride is at that point.

I always have class till 10, I'll come out if they are someone in the neighborhood when i am on my way back.
Hi, sorry for the late response. I've been in bed nursing this cold.

Anyhow, yes they're the Keo pedals and I use them on my road bike as well. Tried the grey cleats which have zero float and began having knee problems so I now I use the red ones which offer 8 deg I think. From what I gather, they use clipless pedals versus toeclips at the track, some a combination of both. I'll try and see what works best. The toeclips seem more a hassle and ornamental in my opinon, but we'll see.

I just picked it up my bike last week and now i'm sick so I haven't been out to the track. We did do a team ride out there last month which is what spurred me to purchase one. I hear there's a lot of different events at Hellyer so i'll see what all is out there once I get there. I'm looking to do any type of short distance sprints.

I'm hoping to get out there soon for the Saturday begginer sessions. You have to attend 3 of those in order to race. I spoke with pelikan and he's interested as well (it being off-season for track and road). So if any of you are interested, maybe we could head down together.
Fuck Yeah!!

I love riding my track bike! I think I'll head over to the Sports Basement to get a helmet...never really needed one to run in alley cats!

It's going to be rad to ride it where it was meant to be ridden!

I got a set of clipless shoes (along with some other tasty bike stuff) as a gift from my SO for my first cyclocross on Sunday. On my practice lap, I got to the first barrier, couldn't get my foot out, and toppled over neatly on my left side. :p At least it was entertaining for the spectators!

Ja, I know they'll loosen up with more use...
What gearing are you going to use?

The bike came with a 48/15. I just put on a 16T on the flip slide for tooling around. The latter came at the recomendation of a teammate who was district champ at one time.

The 15T took a bit of work around town. The 16T although only 1 tooth bigger seems to do the trick. Cruising at 17-20 mph isn't a problem and sprinting up to 30 doesn't leave me topped out. Hills of course are another story.

Oh and hey Roadstergal, way to go! :p Sounds like you had fun!:thumbup

DeathB4Mullets, don't sweat the spandex dude. I've tried riding in shorts and cotton t and it makes for a miserable ride when putting in some serious effort or for any distance beyond the local coffee shop. Spandex isn't very flattering any way you look at it, but once you start riding hard (no pun intended) you'll be glad you did.
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It was... different. I'm used to road biking, and cyclocross was not the same animal. I was a little lost at first. My sucky finish was not due to legs/lungs, but to balls (and lack thereof). I'm going back for the next one (Coyote Point), and I hope to do much better.
Very funny pelikan.

I tried riding it without a brake at first, hopping the rear and skidding doesn't slow me down fast enough.:ride Plus, I can sprint that bad boy knowing that I can stop.

Just messing with you, I wouldn't dare take a trackie on the streets w/o a brake. Mine can have a brake, but I don't feel right about drilling into carbon. My bike is strictly hellyer, polo fields and that weird Brisbane Island. In other words, places where having to stop suddenly are loow.

The Sat sessions at Hellyer are great, you get all kinds of people. From serious roadies with some serious fitness, to people in cut offs who have never raced let alone ridden with clips or anything. Quite a few messenger types (purely based on looks, I've only met one actual messenger there) on their daily rigs as well.
Just a remnder: FREE REPAIR!!!

In my garage, if anyone ever needs. I do fittings also. After wrenching for a living for 20 years (and finally getting a job that pays) I never thought I would miss it.

Free wrenching in my garage!!

Where was everybody this Saturday. Poor cheezy had to put up with my bad jokes all by himself. Cold, but a fun day.

Hey bik mech, would you mind doing stuff in a how to fashion? The mystery of wheel truing is just out of my grasp. You'll atleast take beer for payment yeah?

Gratuitous image posting
Saturday: club ride (AltoVelo "b" ride. 50 miles).
Sunday: solo endurance ride- 60 miles, 5000 ft climbing. After OLH I stopped at Alices' to get water and look for interesting motorbikes. Over by the vintage section was the cleanest 750 Norton Commando Interstate I think I have ever seen. Another guy was oogling it too, and after he got over the shock of a spandex-clad bike weenie talking motorbikes, we had a good discussion about it. Then I rode home and had a nap.
Where was everybody this Saturday. Poor cheezy had to put up with my bad jokes all by himself. Cold, but a fun day.

Hey bik mech, would you mind doing stuff in a how to fashion? The mystery of wheel truing is just out of my grasp. You'll atleast take beer for payment yeah?

Gratuitous image posting

Bishop flaked on the ride, and then I got called to work at Zeitgeist @ 12 noon. Lame. I missed the alleycat on Saturday too. stupid work, intruding on my play time...

nice bike.