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Do You Road Bike?

Who's gps map is this. Smokin' fast at 15+ mph. :thumbup

Correction. I thought you were referring to a Mtn bike ride Mikey, :wtf ... in which case 15mph would definitely be smokin' fast.
Dammit. If only it was on Sunday!

Damn - both you and Wicker!

I really want to ramp up my road biking this spring, doing different versions of the Marin route that range between 40 and 70 miles. Saturday will be my long ride day for a while - are you Sunday only on a regular basis?
CCCX Mountian Bike Race #1 is this weekend at Fort Ord.

I'll be there trying to pretend that I dont have 10lb to loose.
CCCX Mountian Bike Race #1 is this weekend at Fort Ord.

I was tempted to do that, but I'm gonna do a local roadbike ride with my gf this weekend. She wants to give XC racing a shot herself this year, but she doesn't feel like she's quite ready for it yet.

I'll be there trying to pretend that I dont have 10lb to loose.

At least it's not 20-30 like me :) I'm hoping that ramping up my road miles will help me chip away at that...
Keeerissst. And I see you did a ride up the slopes of Marin in Berkeley too, sicko. Did that many years ago, no need to do it again. Love the fact that the GPS picked up your traverses at the crossings near the top @ Grizz. I know the feeling. :laughing
Keeerissst. And I see you did a ride up the slopes of Marin in Berkeley too, sicko. Did that many years ago, no need to do it again. Love the fact that the GPS picked up your traverses at the crossings near the top @ Grizz. I know the feeling. :laughing

Heh, I don't have the willpower to even want to try it anymore. Back then, I think I was in a post-got-dumped "feel the pain" sorta mindset. Going straight up without stopping, I think I made it one block before Euclid (4 blocks from the top) before wanting to vomit.

You're familiar with the Berkeley Hills Death Ride? If I get into the shape I'd like to be in, I may put together a ride that includes a few of those climbs.

Damn - both you and Wicker!

I really want to ramp up my road biking this spring, doing different versions of the Marin route that range between 40 and 70 miles. Saturday will be my long ride day for a while - are you Sunday only on a regular basis?

Yeaaaah. For now it's an 87 on the Saturdays. I'm down for Sundays though!
I'm down, put it together and I will come.

Heh, I don't have the willpower to even want to try it anymore. Back then, I think I was in a post-got-dumped "feel the pain" sorta mindset. Going straight up without stopping, I think I made it one block before Euclid (4 blocks from the top) before wanting to vomit.

You're familiar with the Berkeley Hills Death Ride? If I get into the shape I'd like to be in, I may put together a ride that includes a few of those climbs.

Yes Yes, Sundays please. Everyone rides Sat.

I've got a good route for us to ride sunday. Forgot the name of the road but it starts behind the bears stadium and kicks you out at Grizly Peak just down from the wall by the Science exhibit museum thingy. If you can make it to the top without stopping you are in pretty good shape.

Lets do it!
I've got a good route for us to ride sunday. Forgot the name of the road but it starts behind the bears stadium and kicks you out at Grizly Peak just down from the wall by the Science exhibit museum thingy. If you can make it to the top without stopping you are in pretty good shape.

Centennial. That's a ball buster. My triple chainring rig gets me up it, but I always question myself when I get to the Botanical Gardens (at least I think that's what they are).

I'm riding with the gf on Sunday, and I guarantee I'm in the doghouse if I try to drag her up that.

What time are you off work on Saturdays? I can put together a pretty sick climbing route that takes us up some of the gnarliest stuff the East Bay has to offer.
I get off at 6pm but can sometimes squeeze out a little early. I'm always good for a night ride. I need an excuse to pull out my TCR (poorly neglected of late). I love climbing:ride

Lets ride tomorow. I'll try to get off early maybe 4pm if I'm lucky and I'll bart out. Where do I get off to meet you?
Lets ride tomorow. I'll try to get off early maybe 4pm if I'm lucky and I'll bart out. Where do I get off to meet you?

Saturday afternoons generally aren't too good for me. I'll find a way to make something happen soon tho!

For Sunday, maybe set something up with DucatiHoney? She's a solid climber too, and is pretty familiar with the tougher ones in the East Bay Hills.
Just got back in - 51 miles for me, 40 for Luke / januarysteel. Starting from Marina Bay, I made my way to Berkeley, met Luke at the North Berkeley BART, then made our way up and over the hills to do "The Three Bears". Went up South Park on the way back, and attempted to do the top three blocks of Marin St. It was actually pretty stupid, attempting a brutal climb after a long downhill - my quads were on the verge of locking up about 20-30 feet from the top.

If we do make that "East Bay Death Climb" ride happen, I think I'm gonna have to leave Marin out of it. I can see myself tearing a muscle there.

With the Wildflower Long Course looming in the distance, I'll be shifting my focus towards the road bike for a little bit. Once I make it through that, it'll be all trails til Downieville!

What an awesome day for a ride :)
I'll probably try to do some vertical stuff tomorrow afternoon. It'll be Old Tunnel or the like. I'd be up for the Bears or Centennial if I have company. I've taken a stand that every road in the East Bay Hills is total crap right now. ::( I just got done riding 200 miles of them on the moto and the highlight of my trek was I-5. Finally... no gravel. :mad I even cut it short and decided to take Del Puerto from The Junction instead of heading up to Hamilton today--there was a ton of snow on the side of the road up past the observatory and gravel everywhere from the one guy that lived in San Jose and decided to brave it. ...and I thought I had it rough just forging a couple of streams that decided to cross Mines. :laughing

Btw, don't listen to Mikey about my climbing. I'm "fair" on a good day. He rides up my driveway and I still push the pedaler up there. me = wuss. (he's going to counter with a sandbagger call, but Harpo knows the truth. :p)