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Do You Road Bike?

Shit it's being 11 years. I remember marshaling prologue in SF first couple of years. Had to deal with some whiny 20 something. One woman literally bursted in to tears for having to walk extra block to cross the street.
Excited to have both races finishing in Sac and have other stages in the area.


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^^^Hmmm. Road trip anyone?

I mean on the moto, I'm NOT going to pedal from the B.A. all the way to Sac. :rofl
I missed the NAHBS two years ago. Will make time in February. About four miles from my house.
Went for a bicycle ride today on a new to me mountain bike. On the 30 min ride back, thought about this and couldn't figure this out so figure this thread is the best place to ask.

Almost all top racers cross train on bicycles. How does riding bicycle actually benefit motorcycle riding ? Specifically riding fast on a race track. Seems to be more than just a fitness thing alone, but I'm not seeing any skill set that translate more than superficially. To some extent I can see countersteering but what else is there ?
Went for a bicycle ride today on a new to me mountain bike. On the 30 min ride back, thought about this and couldn't figure this out so figure this thread is the best place to ask.

Almost all top racers cross train on bicycles. How does riding bicycle actually benefit motorcycle riding ? Specifically riding fast on a race track. Seems to be more than just a fitness thing alone, but I'm not seeing any skill set that translate more than superficially. To some extent I can see countersteering but what else is there ?

I think it's mostly just fitness.
As for skills bombing down hill a few skills transfer over: line selection, confidence with speed, looking through the corners, judging entry speed.

During one of the crits JelloBarfer, ex afm, blew past me on inside. I didn't think there was space, but he was able to pick a line to do it cleanly and safely.

Looks like we will be on the same team next season, he better not do it again. :mad :laughing
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i always assumed that the same muscle group that allows you to stand on your pegs are the same muscles you use when cycling, and for a racer that has to stay in the position of putting their weight on the pegs the entire race, working those muscles for endurance helps them. when i did a trackday before seriously riding bicycles and then doing one after i was up to a good level of fitness was like night and day. still slow tho :(
I agree, it is primarily fitness.

Comfort carrying corner speed transfers. Though I find my comfort from racing motorcycles seems to put me at the advantage on the bicycle, not the other way around.

Road racing has certainly transferred to mountain biking. I am far more relaxed and comfortable with sliding on the MTB compared to others I see due to experiencing it on the track.
Okay, that all make sense and I figured as much but wanted to make sure. Thanks.
Almost all top racers cross train on bicycles. How does riding bicycle actually benefit motorcycle riding ? Specifically riding fast on a race track.

I always thought a tiny painful bicycle seat can toughen up your ass so you can sit on a motorcycle seat longer? :p
I can vouch for that.

Today was interesting. I get in to the mountains and it's pouring rain. On way down to Alice I realize my front brake barely functioning in the rain.

One of the mtb peeps at Alice offered me a ride down. Swallowed my pride and excepted. Was too dangerous.

On side note. Wore my afm kit. One of motorcyclists asked if I raced. I said no, just track days. I know couple people who race, but don't even follow it. I feel like such a poser! Lol
Today was interesting. I get in to the mountains and it's pouring rain. On way down to Alice I realize my front brake barely functioning in the rain.

One of the mtb peeps at Alice offered me a ride down. Swallowed my pride and excepted. Was too dangerous.

How did you carry your roadbike while sitting on the MTB's handlebars? :p