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Do You Road Bike?

Btw, don't listen to Mikey about my climbing. I'm "fair" on a good day. He rides up my driveway and I still push the pedaler up there. me = wuss. (he's going to counter with a sandbagger call, but Harpo knows the truth. :p)
I'd say that when I'm in decent shape, you and I have the ability to push one an other (give or take about the same pace) up the hills which in reality = a very fair pace for a woman cyclist and a somewhat lacking pace for a decent male cyclist. :teeth
Ew, Marin Street. I did that last year with a couple buddies (one walked.) That is some sadistic shit right there(and I don't even swear), 30% grades for some really long blocks. Oddly enough, it was my arms that hurt in the following days. I guess from straining so much, trying not to flip over and yet trying to stay upright at the same time. A Prius conked out at the top so I knew it wasn't just us having a hard time!

I'm just recovering from a cold/flu for the second time and I think the incubation period has run it's course, so i'm safe to be in contact with other humans. Sooo, depending on how many miles you do tomorrow DucatiHoney, I might be in. Oh and word on the street is that Harpo's the sandbaggin' extraordinaire.
I'll try to post up as early as I can tomorrow about riding. We'll see how productive I am in the morning with my appointments, errands and chores. I completely blew off everything today to goof off. :p
Sounds good. I'll check back with you in the am, otherwise have a good ride!
DUDE, ... Just step away from the plate....

I'm actually down 9 lbs on my Christmas weight, after using Weight Watchers to curb some of my eating habits. We're getting there :)

Btw, don't listen to Mikey about my climbing. I'm "fair" on a good day. He rides up my driveway and I still push the pedaler up there. me = wuss. (he's going to counter with a sandbagger call, but Harpo knows the truth. :p)

Says she who crushes souls and flattens 30 percent grades :)

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Says she who crushes souls and flattens 30 percent grades :)

What he doesn't say is that I only rode one block.

I could have walked faster than I rode up.

I was too chicken to ride back down because my brakes wouldn't grab.

When it was all over I needed a hug and cookie because I was so traumatized by the experience. :laughing
What he doesn't say is that I only rode one block.

I could have walked faster than I rode up.

I was too chicken to ride back down because my brakes wouldn't grab.

When it was all over I needed a hug and cookie because I was so traumatized by the experience. :laughing

See guys its all about cookies and location, Location, LOCATION!!
Well I ended up not doing centenial cause I'm not gonna come to te eastbay and ride by myself at night. I was gonna get ahold of Luke actually and see if he wanted to ride out here on Sat night but then saw that Mike already stole him from me earlier in the day:|

So I ended up doing Paradise Loop by myself in the dark:p My forward light sucked but it was actually helpful on the climbs as the psychological effect of only being able to see 10 feet ahead gave me no perspective of the ascent and I ended up climbing Camino Alto faster and with less effort than ever before. Also I have been incorporating Chi running principles into my riding and it fucking works. Once achieveing the right posture very similar to the running style and creating the rythmic balance between the push and pull strokes so that you are not exherting too much energy on either I completed a 40 mile ride at a spirited pace throughout and was barely winded or sore from the effort.

I ride all the time out here and I seem to have as much of an aversion to riding out there as you guys have to riding out here. Now if I can only convince you all to get cyclocross bikes:Pirate
What he doesn't say is that I only rode one block.

I could have walked faster than I rode up.

I was too chicken to ride back down because my brakes wouldn't grab.

When it was all over I needed a hug and cookie because I was so traumatized by the experience. :laughing

Don't feel too bad, my buddy could of used a hug and a cookie. He walked it and even then wasn't too happy about that!

My other buddy who is 6'4" and 180lbs. beat me to the top, and i'm supposed to be the climber of the group. What a way to kick off our Redwood/Pinehurst loop.

The only thing more sadistic is that little kicker as you enter the parking lot at the top of Mt. Diablo.
The only thing more sadistic is that little kicker as you enter the parking lot at the top of Mt. Diablo.

Yes, that last bit is a bit of an insult. :laughing I've only ridden it once. I was supposed to be following Mikey, because I'd never been up there on my own, but he'd trashed his legs the day before doing some insane 20 miles of mountain biking. So I was by my lonesome. I didn't realize that was the end until I was 50' from the lot! :party
The truth of the matter is,

Every ride starts with 15 minutes of "ooohhh, i'm sick" or "somethings wrong with my leg" or blah blah blah. 50 minutes later he's grinding you into flour on a long climb.

Heather (Ducati honey) is a hammer! If you want to see it, bring your A game and a fresh pair of legs. Otherwise, it's a nice view as she drops you on the climbs.

Lisa is making Mike a better man (at least on the bike)

I'm having a hard time deciding on a mountain or road ride this weekend, so someone please invite me on something. :ride
So that means if I tag along with this here posse, it'll most likely be a meet-n-greet at the ride start for me, then sayonara after the first 15 minutes. Just like any other group ride I tend to jump on these days. :rolleyes

Still, wouldn't mind joining your grupetto on a road ride some day for a change of scenery. Good for motivation.
Please come out for a ride

And when the skinny kids aren't looking we'll let some air out of their tires:teeth
I used to be an avid crosser

I had a cute flowery sun dress and everything.

uh.. hold on.. were we talking about cross on a bike??
I had a cute flowery sun dress and everything.

uh.. hold on.. were we talking about cross on a bike??

We here at BARF encourage cross dressing.:teeth There's even a "Drag Race" where you dress in drag and well, drag race. Fixed gear if i'm not mistaken, but I can't find the link.

Btw, what size is your sundress?:party
Every ride starts with 15 minutes of "ooohhh, i'm sick" or "somethings wrong with my leg" or blah blah blah. 50 minutes later he's grinding you into flour on a long climb.

Heather (Ducati honey) is a hammer! If you want to see it, bring your A game and a fresh pair of legs. Otherwise, it's a nice view as she drops you on the climbs.

Lisa is making Mike a better man (at least on the bike)

I'm having a hard time deciding on a mountain or road ride this weekend, so someone please invite me on something. :ride

1 bicyclemech1 = SquishyButt
2 Road = Diablo (if i'm NOT sick" or "somethings NOT wrong with my leg") :twofinger x infinity

We here at BARF encourage cross dressing.:teeth There's even a "Drag Race" where you dress in drag and well, drag race. Fixed gear if i'm not mistaken, but I can't find the link.

Btw, what size is your sundress?:party
His fat ass used to be an 8 but I think she's (oops! I meant "he's") worked his self down to a rather toned little size 4 with just enough cushin' for the pushin' :twofinger x infinity and beyond
His fat ass used to be an 8 but I think she's (oops! I meant "he's") worked his self down to a rather toned little size 4 with just enough cushin' for the pushin' :twofinger x infinity and beyond

Bummer. I think i'm a size zero. Or maybe a men's petite.
OK, no bullshit story here.

Back in the days prior to spandex, everyone wore wool. Wool togs would tear all the hair off your legs on a long day on the bike as the little guys worked their way thru the fibers. The smart guys wore "sheer energy" pantyhose under their togs. This worked geat for the hair pulling, worked as a early version of compression tights (noticeably improved circulation, but squeezed the shit out you. Girls will do some crazy shit to attract peni) and kept you a little warmer too.
I'm officially a queen size:x Mom never figured out where her pantyhose dissapeared to.
Back in the days prior to spandex, everyone wore wool. Wool togs would tear all the hair off your legs on a long day on the bike as the little guys worked their way thru the fibers. The smart guys wore "sheer energy" pantyhose under their togs. This worked geat for the hair pulling, worked as a early version of compression tights (noticeably improved circulation, but squeezed the shit out you. Girls will do some crazy shit to attract peni) and kept you a little warmer too.
I'm officially a queen size:x Mom never figured out where her pantyhose dissapeared to.

Sure, that may explain the pantyhose, .... but what about the missing bras ? ?:wow
Anyone gonna check out the Tour of California this weekend? Monday is a holiday, and the tour is going from Sausalito to Santa Rosa. I was thinking of catching it somewhere in Marin.