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Do You Road Bike?

I was thinking about watching the prologue since it's just over the bridge from me but i'm sure it's going to be way too crowded. Palo Alto is expecting something like 100,000 people so as far as 'riding' in, it's going to be more of a walk.
Anyone gonna check out the Tour of California this weekend? Monday is a holiday, and the tour is going from Sausalito to Santa Rosa. I was thinking of catching it somewhere in Marin.
No holiday for me. I gotz workz, ... therefore, I workz :teeth
I was thinking about watching the prologue since it's just over the bridge from me but i'm sure it's going to be way too crowded. Palo Alto is expecting something like 100,000 people so as far as 'riding' in, it's going to be more of a walk.

I'm riding to the prologue from Oakland. If Pen Bike has themselves together, they'll do like SF Bike Coalition and have secure bike valet parking on site. I'm pretty sure something like it will be available.

Monday, driving up to Santa Rosa in the morning, doing 75mi Occidental loop, then catching the finish.

Tuesday Wednesday big mofo stage, I'm gonna ride out on moto, but haven't decided where I'll do the roadside spectatin'. Windy gap on backside of Hammy, or Sierra.
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The prologue airs again tonight at 10 on versus for those that missed it--I'll be watching it then. I just watched the end of Levi's run earlier today and then went back out to the yard to wrestle with the bugs in my compost pile.

Did anyone else hear something about average speed being in excess of 40 mph? It was only 2 miles, but cheeee-rist. I doubt I hit that pedaling hard going downhill today, and I certainly can't sustain it. I did the Old Tunnel Time Trial today and wrapped up at Saul's Deli for my personal award ceremony with a black/white cookie. I've decided that I'm going to become Jewish: the food there is that good.

Report back if any of y'all go out to see the riding in person tomorrow. Some of us have to work. :(
I was being a lazybug and watched it on tv. The first hour of fluff set me up for a nap, luckily I woke up just in time to watch the last half hour.

A 40mph AVERAGE is just insane!

I'll be watching the TOC come Wednesday. A few buddies and myself are doing Calaveras to Sierra where we'll have wine and cheese as we watch the race. You're all welcome to join us if you like (they ride motos too) or if biking there isn't your thing and you plan on taking your moto, do stop by!

Oh and DucatiHoney, good luck with that whole born again jewish thing.:p Those cookies are yummy!
A 40mph AVERAGE is just insane!

I'm not saying it's not possible....but wouldnt that be like 150 rpm on downhills to keep that pace?

Not to mention the supposed fact that it's an AVERAGE....

christ on a stick, that really is insane if it's true.
I'll be watching the TOC come Wednesday. A few buddies and myself are doing Calaveras to Sierra where we'll have wine and cheese as we watch the race. You're all welcome to join us if you like (they ride motos too) or if biking there isn't your thing and you plan on taking your moto, do stop by!

Someone described the Sierra Road climb as the North American equivalent of the Alpe d'Huez climb in the Tour de France. That convinced me to take the day off work to check it out :)

Where are you guys meeting?
I'm not saying it's not possible....but wouldnt that be like 150 rpm on downhills to keep that pace?

Not to mention the supposed fact that it's an AVERAGE....

christ on a stick, that really is insane if it's true.

I watched the entire prologue last night. Correction to the speed: it's only 35+ mph.
35+ makes so much more sense.:p

McCrash, the route as of yet still has TBD but i'm sure will be finalized by tomorrow evening. More than likely we'll be kicking off from downtown Niles.

I'll keep you guys posted.
McCrash, the route as of yet still has TBD but i'm sure will be finalized by tomorrow evening. More than likely we'll be kicking off from downtown Niles.

Are you still gonna go if this rain keeps up?

Puhleeez, hardly. All told, still a sick climb, but hardly 'hors categorie'

Maybe it's just the closest thing we have to it in terms of the overall vibe, with spectators lining the road on a difficult climb? I just started watching cycling this past year, so I wouldn't really know :)
Torrential downpour cancels, light sprinkles don't. We're meeting up at Fremont BART at 9:00 am. I hope some of you can make it.
I can vouch for it being slick out there. I don't envy those guys. I'll ride in a lot of crap on the moto but I'm a fair weather cyclist. I'd be a very crabby girl if I had to sit on a soggy chamois all day. I got pretty grouchy when my Hanes started to take on rain this evening on the ride home. :mad

I'm just the opposite. I'll put up with 12 hours of rain on the bici (and have many times) better than moto in this slop. Speaking of slop, as of this moment it looks even worse out there for rain than it did yesterday.

I moto chased the race yesterday, first catching the KOM @ Trinity in Santa Rosa, then Winters, then Davis, then Sac. I rode home after via 128/121 in pouring rain at dusk -- haven't felt so white knuckled on the bike like this before.
Did any of you make it out to the TOC today? We did Calaveras CW, up Sierra, then back down Calveras. Same route as the TOC. Now I understand why Sierra is a Cat 1 climb. It's not so much the elevation or distance, it's the gradient which averages 10% and can kick up to 12%.

It was cold and rainy as we left Fremont at 9:00, just plain cold at the top of Sierra as we waited a good hour or so but the ride back down was exhilirating.

I finally got to see Cipo, Hincapie, Bettini and Levi up close. Now dear friends, it's time to curl up in my comforter to recover.:teeth
I made it out. Sierra wasn't a cakewalk, but I honestly expected worse after reading this:


Centennial makes me want to keel over and die - Sierra didn't have that effect on me. From what Heather tells me, Claremont is even tougher.

I'm looking @ my Garmin - from where the climb started at the bottom to where I stopped (just shy of the KOM line), it took me 34min 36sec. Does anyone know what the start / finish points on the San Jose Webcor King of the Mountain ride are? Looks like the winner did it in 21min 13sec. 34min 36sec is what Cat 4/5 guys are doing - I highly doubt I'm in that category.


I hooked up with a group from mtbr.com / roadbikereview.com at the top, then rode out on Calaveras afterwards. Man, those guys were cranking both uphill and downhill! It almost reminded me of a Highway 9 ride I did with some buddies on the way back from an AMA race at Laguna. Difference being, I was able to keep up on Highway 9 :)

I wouldn't mind doing Calaveras / Sierra again sometime. Looking at the weather, it's not gonna be this weekend! I feel extremely lucky to have made the most of the one day of sunshine in the forecast this week.

Some photos:





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I made it out. It wasn't a cakewalk, but I honestly expected worse. Centennial makes me want to vomit - Sierra didn't have that effect on me. From what Heather tells me, Claremont is even tougher.


Lovin' that 'stache. He shaves his legs, but can't be bothered to swipe the bic across his face. :laughing

So don't no one tell me the results of tonight's race! My t.v. was on the fritz and I think it recorded but I couldn't turn it on. I'm coming home tomorrow to watch and if any of you ruin for me, there will be blood and crying--and not in a good way. :p
Lovin' that 'stache. He shaves his legs, but can't be bothered to swipe the bic across his face. :laughing

So don't no one tell me the results of tonight's race! My t.v. was on the fritz and I think it recorded but I couldn't turn it on. I'm coming home tomorrow to watch and if any of you ruin for me, there will be blood and crying--and not in a good way. :p
The skinny guy with the shaved legs won and the other skinny guy with the shaved legs took second and so on and so forth, blah, blah, blah, ....

Damn it girl, it's late. Go to bed!
Nighty Night
My dvr didn't record. Apparently there was an "outage" last night. :cry
My dvr didn't record. Apparently there was an "outage" last night. :cry

That sucks! Did you read that Sierra Road link I added to my original post? I had to try it after reading that :)

Weather might be good for a Saturday morning ride...