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Do You Road Bike?

Well, while I was out and about this weekend, I found a bike that fits me. My newest bike is a, er, Newest, in 47. I swapped on the rack and other touring miscellaney. If anyone wants a nice 'cross bike in 52, that's in Grab Bag. ;)

^^^ I don't think I'm fast enough for those guys :laughing

I'm contemplating a ~ century ride from Campbell to Oakdale

There's a few different ways to get over to the flatlands around Tracy -

Mt Hamilton / Del Puerto

Calaveras to Livermore thru Patterson Pass

Up Niles Canyon Road

Which one would be best for my first one?
Mt Hamilton is a long climb, not hard just long. The east side is very remote. No services or water till you get to the Junction, then down Del Puerto there's water at the county OHV park. Once you get to the central valley you have to go north, which is usually into the wind.

Niles sucks for riding. Narrow, no shoulder, fast traffic. If you do it, do it early. You can go north on Palomares, which is about a 1000' climb, to dublin blvd.

The easiest would be Calaveras and Patterson. There's a climb up Calaveras and a "wall" when you make the left turn but it's short. Patterson going east is also a short climb and a great descent. You can get water and food in Sunol, Pleasanton and Livermore. I think it's vinyard which is the good route from Pleasanton to Livermore.
I see what you mean about Niles Canyon - I scoped it out on my motorcycle and under one bridge and a few other places there's basically no shoulder to ride on. Early in the morning is probably the only reasonable time to go through there.

Of course the car I happened to get stuck behind biased itself to the right side of the lane the whole time I was following it - until we came to a long straight with plenty of room where then the driver stayed in the middle of the lane !!!

I also went up Calaveras from Milpitas - I saw "the wall". Also it seemed to be about 2 1/2 miles of climbing before any kind of leveling off or downhill :p WAY fewer cars than Niles Canyon though.

I also looked at Altamont Pass Road as the next set of hills to cross, looks do-able.

I'm not sure if it's better to bring a bunch of food or hope that I'll find the right stores with power bars and so forth as I go...
Ok, I did it - 106 miles to Oakdale in 6 hours, my first Century ride :party

Started at 53 deg F, ended at about 90 deg in Oakdale.

My legs had a slight burning feeling from about 55 miles on, but it didn't get any worse.

Outside of Livermore I ended up for a 1/2 mile rolling along with some newbie Triathlon bicyclists- how could I tell - I was passing them and the bikes were just regular 'ol bikes.

Almost got hit by a boat trailer on Niles Canyon because road work narrowed the lane a bunch
Congrats on the century!

I have a question regarding cruisers. I'm trying to clean up a vintage Manton and Smith. . .but I need to pick up a new chain, tires/tubes (26x2.125) and grips. Are there any stores in the South Bay that stock some of these items?

This is one of those times where I could really use the old bike shop on Alamden Rd. in downtown SJ.
Yes I did - about 10 minutes into my ride my air pump tried to jump off the frame so I had to stop and improvise it back on. 6 hours is my "rolling time". It didn't hurt that the prevailing winds were mostly in the easterly direction early on. It wasn't always that way though.

It was 7 1/2 overall with all the stoplights, stop signs, checking directions & rerouting because of a detour, I stopped for water twice at fast food places, pee stops, called 911 to report a grass fire in Lathrop, called my friend and my wife a few times each to update them on my progress. Took off my wind breaker and changed gloves... getting Clif bars out of my seatbag... I did not stop to rest on purpose at all. It's really bizarre how much the little stops here and there add up, even on shorter rides.
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My MTB will be sold tomorrow and I'll be able to get something more road friendly.

cycle61 keeps telling me to get a Cyclocross bike so I can do a little of everything, road or dirt or mud or whatever.

Anybody have something for 600 bucks or so that will fit a short (5'7, 29" inseam) dude?
yup, watching versus network; great stage today with the cross winds, shattered!
Anyone riding the Death Ride saturday? I'll be the freakishly thin old guy wearing Webcor kit. If you see me, say hi.
Anyone riding the Death Ride saturday? I'll be the freakishly thin old guy wearing Webcor kit. If you see me, say hi.

well I hope you keep the fluids down, that's one tough jaunt in the hills, best of luck!

As for TDF, Fucking SPOT ON, VOEKLER!

Love it when a perpetual underdog breakaway scalawag shows 'em how to brandish a flintlock in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other, YARRRR!

Looking forward to some mountains in tomorrow's stage. Go Astana!