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Do You Road Bike?

Wipping myself in to some kind of shape other then round for CAT4 road this season. Winte RR/Crit will be the first races of the season. I am also thinking of doing CatHill, and Mt. Hamilton RR. If I don't die during descent on Hamilton will see whats next on the calendar.

I'll do CathHill with you.:thumbup
i may race if i can pull away from work

I'll either hook up with san jose bike club or los gatos an race later this year. Right now working on the TT bike, but my specialty is crits
I just got my racing license :teeth and raced my first crit last Sunday in Handford :thumbup. (well in over 20 years cause I used to race in my early 20s).

I am racing the Calaveras Time Trial on Saturday and going down to Fresno to race the crit (2 races) on Sunday.

I am planning on racing 2-3 times a month and also want to race my mountain bike in the CCCX series this season.

Is anybody else racing road or MTB this year?

I'll be mixing it up a little:

- The two remaining Grasshopper Adventure Series rides. One road, one cyclocross.
- Shasta Lemurian (MTB - XC)
- So No Mas (MTB - XC)
- Ashland Super D
- Downieville XC
- Annadel (MTB - XC)

I still haven't gotten over my fear of asphalt rash enough to immerse myself in road racing. Would love to do it, just to escalate my race fitness to the next level.
I just got my old Mountain Bike from 1992 back on the street this weekend. Rode to BART went into SF and back, fun stuff. But now I feel like I am going to die :p


I pretty much grantee it, just don't ask for a time-line or circumstances. :laughing
So I am all in with bike racing :teeth. I raced last weekend at the Hanford crit and had a blast. I raced the Time Trial (ITT) at Calaveras Road on Saturday and raced 2 crits in Fresno Yesterday, finishing both in the top 10 :thumbup

I need to look at the schedule again cause I know that there's a couple more crits and RR this month.

Let me know if anybody is racing these crits and maybe we can "work" together cause I know I need some help :)
So I am all in with bike racing :teeth. I raced last weekend at the Hanford crit and had a blast. I raced the Time Trial (ITT) at Calaveras Road on Saturday and raced 2 crits in Fresno Yesterday, finishing both in the top 10 :thumbup

I need to look at the schedule again cause I know that there's a couple more crits and RR this month.

Let me know if anybody is racing these crits and maybe we can "work" together cause I know I need some help :)

It would help to know what CAT you are racing...

Copperopolis still has spots left. The race is epic, mostly because of the pavement.

Santa Cruz classic is also a fun race. They say it's a crit, but really it's more of a circuit. If I remember correctly.

Some of the RR fill up fast, so best not to wait until "last minute". Although so far this year it doesn't seem to be the case. Strange.
I am a CAT 5 (just started) and can do the Masters 35+ CAT-5.

I may do the Santa Cruz crit (if I don't go check out the AFM race and/or I have a decent night on Saturday cause I am on duty Friday and Saturday)

I will sign up for the Wente RR today and if I can get a trade for sunday, then I'll do the Livermore crit also.
Mikey, have you told these guys about Strava yet?

Y'all have probably heard of it. Anyway, when I got on it last fall it really kick started my pursuit of cycling. So fun to see how you rate and rank on climbs and segments compared to other people.

I have coupons for three free months (it's VERY inexpensive to begin with) if anyone is serious about trying it out!
Mikey, have you told these guys about Strava yet?

Y'all have probably heard of it. Anyway, when I got on it last fall it really kick started my pursuit of cycling. So fun to see how you rate and rank on climbs and segments compared to other people.

I have coupons for three free months (it's VERY inexpensive to begin with) if anyone is serious about trying it out!

Check out the Strava iPhone app. It's free!!!
Mikey, have you told these guys about Strava yet?

Y'all have probably heard of it. Anyway, when I got on it last fall it really kick started my pursuit of cycling. So fun to see how you rate and rank on climbs and segments compared to other people.

I have coupons for three free months (it's VERY inexpensive to begin with) if anyone is serious about trying it out!
I'm no longer serious enough to need this app. but I just checked the market and there is nothing for Android based phones :(

I'm no longer serious enough to need this app. but I just checked the market and there is nothing for Android based phones :(

Strava says one is on the way. In the meantime, you can use my backup method. Download MyTracks, create GPX files with your rides, then upload them to Strava.
Strava says one is on the way. In the meantime, you can use my backup method. Download MyTracks, create GPX files with your rides, then upload them to Strava.
I'm far to technologically ignorant to figure that out. You're gonna have to show me that. :teeth


Does anyone know of an (simple if possible) Android supported app. that will strictly measure altitude gain/loss/current.

Don't need all the bells and whistles. Just altitude. :teeth


Looks kool, but I don't really need any more gadgetry on my bike.
I just recently switched to egg beaters and shoes and my left ankle & shin are killing me. WTF do I do? HALP!
I just recently switched to egg beaters and shoes and my left ankle & shin are killing me. WTF do I do? HALP!

You need to return those mountain pedals and shoes with 16 degrees of float and get proper road shoes with a stiff sole and road pedals with 0 degree float cleats. Then you need to get someone who knows what theyre doing to set them up for you.....that's very important. Then you'll be super fast and efficient and pain free.

I bet there are one or two Barfer's who know what they're doing and would be more than happy to help you out if you ask. Good luck!
I just bought the mountain pedals and they were suggested to me because I've never used the cleat & pedal system. I have road shoes. Should I have them reduce the float because they can be tightened up.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone 80 miles in them almost right out of the gate.