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Do You Road Bike?

all that damage from a plastic bag?
I know this may seem like a stupid question but is there that huge of a difference using a road bike over a MTB on pavement? I'll take my mtb on fire trails then turn around and do a 30 mile ride on pavement.
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A road bike is a bazillion times faster and easier to ride faster than a mountain bike on road. It's more efficient.

Think of how hard you work to go 15mph on your bike. With that same effort you could go maybe 23mph. With no effort at all you could 15mph. Plus the downhill and turning bla bla

You could take a Ninja 250 on the freeway or you could take a good bike on the freeway.
Got a phat tax return. Me too

Oh really.... but how tall is everybody? and who wants what?
Or is this a case of I have x amount to spend, convince me I need it.
A road bike is a bazillion times faster and easier to ride faster than a mountain bike on road. It's more efficient.

Think of how hard you work to go 15mph on your bike. With that same effort you could go maybe 23mph. With no effort at all you could 15mph. Plus the downhill and turning bla bla

You could take a Ninja 250 on the freeway or you could take a good bike on the freeway.

Absolutely true but if all you want to do is ride, pick up some 26x1.25 Serfas Baristas (100 psi max) or 26x1.35 Schwalbe Kojaks (95 psi max) and riding the mtb on pavement will be MUCH more pleasurable. I've run both on my commuter with a top gear of 53x12 and can still hang on the training rides and even contest the "B" group sprints. Continuous accelerations and hills (however slight) will definitely tax you WAY before they would if you were on a road bike but if you're just doing it for fitness or only want to have one bike, this might work for you. Still ride my CAAD9 occasionally but since I no longer race, I actually prefer to ride the mtb. Kinda like riding a sm as opposed to a sport bike plus nothing beats passing wanna-be Lances on a mtb! Also, if you get dropped, you'll have an excuse;)
it's not gay brah I didn't make eye contact

The bar is raised for passing the test though. Here we stare at each others finely sculped muscular asses for 80 miles straight.
The cheap guys will have slightly see through ass cloth. It's a tough activity for a mans man. Close to beginner balet or cheerleading.
A nice ass is a pace ass because I will ride faster to keep it in sight. :leghump
"I won my class in the duathlon, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

I keed... it's a very nice T-shirt, and I got a bottle of wine as well. Mostly, it was a good kick in my pants for the 2012 multi-sport season. I need to work on my transitions.


Brakes worked fine! :)

(Credit to slyd for the crappy cell phone pic. :teeth)
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Those two skanks look hella jelly! Good for you!!!
Return policy expires once I need to fill up the Volvo so make sure your happy by Thursday.

Pro tip: If you think some skank is doped up and you just can't get passed her then sprint with all your might and cut her off so that your rear wheel just barely touches her front. Nothing will happen to you and she'll go flying over her bars. It's chemistry or physics or magnets or sumfin. I dunno. It works.
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Pro tip: If you think some skank is doped up and you just can't get passed her then sprint with all your might and cut her off so that your rear wheel just barely touches her front. Nothing will happen to you and she'll go flying over her bars. It's chemistry or physics or magnets or sumfin. I dunno. It works.

Not sure if you are serious or just posting your usual BS, but this is fucked up. :thumbdown
Not sure if you are serious or just posting your usual BS, but this is fucked up. :thumbdown

It's something that you read on the internet. It's up to you to decide if you wanna take what you read seriously or just giggle at it.
Sounds like you're interested. If you see one of your enemies tired with their arms locked straight to the bars, (no bend in elbow, straight arms) get real close next to them and hit their bars with yours or your elbow. They'll plop over in a heart beat.
A little harder to get away with now since everyones got a GoPro but doable if you're smooth and nonchalant. Make sure that your teamate or lead out man isn't right behind them though.:laughing
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I think we need a bike commuters thread. I officially am in love with the fenders on my commuter bike!
All hail bleh! :laughing

It rained hard enough that they cancelled today's duathlon and gave us an 8k to make up for it. That was the first time I've ever had someone crash trying to pass me in a footrace...
anybody hurd of Fuso bikes?

High end lugged bikes built in ca in the late 80's to early 90's. only a few hundred made.

My buddy has a NOS frame and almost a complete 105 groupo. He needs money bad and said he would build it up for me CHEAP. just need wheels
All hail bleh! :laughing

What? I spelled it correctly.
It rained hard enough that they cancelled today's duathlon and gave us an 8k to make up for it. That was the first time I've ever had someone crash trying to pass me in a footrace...

Silly tri people. They don't cancel crits for heavy rain. I called it quits thought. :laughing