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Fight Your Traffic Ticket In California - Save Loads Of Money - Tutorial


To bad we've gotten nothing useful from your posts.

You lost whatever help you might have gotten from the LEO's here, once you went on your little rant.

If this petty, retaliatory, personal response to a general comment doesn't completely validate what he said, I don't know what does. You're really proving him wrong about cops and their need for power. :rolleyes
Why? We volunteer our time and expertise to help people we don't know on the Internet. So you see nothing wrong with his name calling and character assassination of my profession. when I point out the fact that whatever little support he may have gotten from those of us volunteering our knowledge where the bad guys?
Why is this not a sticky? WGAS if it was lifted from another site. This is valuable info and will save a ton of "How do I get out of this ticket" threads from popping up.
If this petty, retaliatory, personal response to a general comment doesn't completely validate what he said, I don't know what does. You're really proving him wrong about cops and their need for power. :rolleyes

I was thinking the same thing... but attributed it to Rel being a tad pent up from his recent mishap.

Heal well Rel! :thumbup
I'm with you guys on this one. Some BARF members may be cool and all, but most are basement dwelling losers who spout off behind a keyboard because they have have nothing better to do.

See how generalizations work?
So, you had a CHP Officer right beside you for a few minutes and you didnt see him there? :dunno

Did you get a ticket?

Of course I see him. He was beside me, my speedo read 65mph. Should I have dropped my speed down to 60 and have him pull me over for going under speed limit. Initially I was confused why he pulled me over.. He said he paced me going 70. One of our speedo is off. No I did not get cited. This was his discretion not to cite me. Not everything is black and white; while wearing a badge or not. But I did not need to be talked down to.

PS what I did not like was he trying to fill my mouth about me going 80. Maybe so I can admit into his mic. There was no way I went anywhere near 80mph.
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Why? We volunteer our time and expertise to help people we don't know on the Internet. So you see nothing wrong with his name calling and character assassination of my profession. when I point out the fact that whatever little support he may have gotten from those of us volunteering our knowledge where the bad guys?

At the end of the day Rel, i respect your profession greatly. I just believe that some indevidual LEO's go out of their way to abuse their power and let it be known through mockery.

I apologize if it came off as me bashing your profession, rather than bashing individual cops who mess up. My mistake.
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Why? We volunteer our time and expertise to help people we don't know on the Internet. So you see nothing wrong with his name calling and character assassination of my profession. when I point out the fact that whatever little support he may have gotten from those of us volunteering our knowledge where the bad guys?

Keep doing what you're doing Rel :thumbup

Every time I fought a ticket doing this method I lost worse than I would have if I just paid and went to traffic school.
Last time I did this I got my license suspended for 6 months after I lost the TBD then I had to pay for a lawyer to go do my Trial de novo and didn't get suspended but still had to pay the fine +lawyer fee. Officer always writes a statement and they always show up to court. Maybe I'm just (un)lucky.

Oh and every ticket that I've ever received has been CHP. I've been pulled over by sheriff and local pd a bunch of times but we usually just have a chat and they let me go.
I guess it works sometimes but so far for me, it's done zilch.

It's much easier just to follow the law but sometimes that idea still escapes me. YMMV..
Just as you want to be treated fairly and with respect when the officer makes contact with you, we the Leo's on barf, want to be treated the same. Are there asshole cops you bet, just as the asshole drivers. We all should strive to treat others the way we want to be treated.
Why? We volunteer our time and expertise to help people we don't know on the Internet. So you see nothing wrong with his name calling and character assassination of my profession. when I point out the fact that whatever little support he may have gotten from those of us volunteering our knowledge where the bad guys?

Cops are literally the only people who would respond like that. People talk about mechanics being shady here all the time, and nobody gets their panties bunched up and tries to retaliate by witholding their expertise. What you said was petty and lame, and just shows that even here where you have no real power, you feel the need to exercise it however you can. And it's not like you were being particularly helpful to OP in the first place.
Just as you want to be treated fairly and with respect when the officer makes contact with you, we the Leo's on barf, want to be treated the same. Are there asshole cops you bet, just as the asshole drivers. We all should strive to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Imagine if every person on BARF who drives decided to stop responding to you over that comment. That is essentially what your earlier comment was threatening.
Sticky the thread, minus the drama! Thank you for posting, I just happen to need this info :thumbup
What you said was petty and lame, and just shows that even here where you have no real power, you feel the need to exercise it however you can. And it's not like you were being particularly helpful to OP in the first place.

It's easy to be bitter against cops because one bad experience can be anywhere from extremely frustrating to life-ruining depending on what is happening. Worst I've had in the Bay Area was a CHP who was obviously having a bad day just act like a complete ass to me with me hardly saying a word. That was the last ticket I actually got issued (other than fix it) and that was about 12 years ago and I HAD been speeding so I didn't care. Wasn't happy with his unprofessional attitude, but I let it go.

Since then I've had nothing but good experiences and found that we are lucky in Cali to have more good officers than bad. On the highways, most of the time CHP are pretty reasonable and speaking of which I was let out of a carpool violation ticket once simply because it was pretty obvious I had forgotten it was within the hours (wasn't a lot of traffic anyways). Most city cops really only care if you are truly driving dangerously or like an ass and don't often cite for menial things. If you are reasonable and respectful, you tend to get treated the same.

It is a problem with the job that if an officer does decide to lie, cheat, and or want to ruin your shit, the capacity for it to get out of hand is quite dangerous. Here in the 21st century I think instances of that have decreased greatly and law enforcement is pretty upstanding.

Case in point when I was a teenager I did a drive out to Texas with a friend of mine who happens to be black and a truck full of audio equipment (was providing sound for an event). We got pulled over and had a crazy experience of the officer (rocking a cowboy hat) pulling my friend fairly violently out of the car, dragging him back to the squad car and searching him and checking his name and stuff. In the end we got a ticket (for not obeying the "night speed limit") and were sent on our way. We were out in some little no-name town and it was a downright scary experience. Second only to when we got shaken down by Federales in Mexico.

All that said, nothing wrong with fighting a ticket. I don't agree with all the laws and will damn well do my best to not give the gub'ment money for something I don't believe in.
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Wohoo! got Budman to comment on a thread :cool

On the real, please do. If there's anything I can do I will.