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Fight Your Traffic Ticket In California - Save Loads Of Money - Tutorial

California is a driver responsibility state. Red light camera tickets in this state are treated the same as though an officer saw you run the light in person. Points will be assessed.
The battle, and war, is started and lost, by you as soon as the attitude rears its ugly head.

So you're admitting that cops use discretion for writing tickets based on the attitude of the motorist, and are not just 100% enforcing the law? Nice to see arbitrary ticketing admitted.

I don't mean to single you out, and in all honesty I have very recently been the beneficiary of a decent cop who gave me a break, explaining that he understood how motorcycles are safer going a tad over the prevailing speed limit. I am nothing but polite and friendly with every police interaction.

But I have also been treated very paternalistically. Either lecture me or write me the ticket. Why stand there for 15 minutes telling me how this road has had X fatal crashes in the past year, and then write me up for 7MPH over on a clear day with no traffic? Why act surprised that I'm a woman on a motorcycle? Why ask me if this bike is really mine, or ask me how long I've been riding?

Sorry for the rant, but I think it's important to remember, especially in this tense social climate recently, that most peoples' interactions with cops happen during traffic stops. People extrapolate their own personal experiences as universal, which is why it's vital that cops treat everyone fairly, even if it means that cute girls might not get off on so many tickets.

RoboCam ticket dismissed!

I choose to contest the ticket, and I had my arraignment December thirty-first.

I was last in the last group, the judge was examining the tickets for correctness. As she looked at mine she said that she couldn't identify me in the picture. Being too honest to a fault, I blurted out that it was me. The entire staff made sounds, the secretary of the court shook her head at me mouthing "nooo". Dammed pesky Fifth Amendment thing. As the judge gave me her sink eye, she again said she couldn't identify me in the picture and dismissed my citation. She also asked me if I knew that a yellow light means "prepare to stop". Naturally I answered "yes".

The City and County of San Francisco will not get $490 of my low wage dollars!

I didn't read the entire thread, so my apologies if this has been already posted.

All the cut and paste info is taken from ticketassassin.com.

It is shareware for $25. The owner has changed the format of the shareware. It used to be in good faith he would grant access immediately, and you mail your payment in later.

Now, it's the opposite:
California is a driver responsibility state. Red light camera tickets in this state are treated the same as though an officer saw you run the light in person. Points will be assessed.

The also have to be confirmed by a peace officer: the light camera companies hire retired officers to look at and process the images so they're enforceable somewhere cvc 21455.5'ish probably

Otherwise it's like getting a parking ticket from a guy with a walkie-talkie and badge costume at the Walnut Creek parking structure or from a pad of tickets purchased at Spencer's Gifts.
So you're admitting that cops use discretion for writing tickets based on the attitude of the motorist, and are not just 100% enforcing the law? Nice to see arbitrary ticketing admitted.

I don't mean to single you out, and in all honesty I have very recently been the beneficiary of a decent cop who gave me a break, explaining that he understood how motorcycles are safer going a tad over the prevailing speed limit. I am nothing but polite and friendly with every police interaction.

But I have also been treated very paternalistically. Either lecture me or write me the ticket. Why stand there for 15 minutes telling me how this road has had X fatal crashes in the past year, and then write me up for 7MPH over on a clear day with no traffic? Why act surprised that I'm a woman on a motorcycle? Why ask me if this bike is really mine, or ask me how long I've been riding?

Sorry for the rant, but I think it's important to remember, especially in this tense social climate recently, that most peoples' interactions with cops happen during traffic stops. People extrapolate their own personal experiences as universal, which is why it's vital that cops treat everyone fairly, even if it means that cute girls might not get off on so many tickets.


Sometimes a citation is needed to enforce the law. Sometimes a warning or a lecture is all that's necessary. Discretion gives the officer the ability to decide which is best for the situation and that typically depends on the severity of the violation and the violator's attitude. Ultimately, all three of those ends can be effective in enforcing the law, which is the officer's primary task anyway.

The also have to be confirmed by a peace officer: the light camera companies hire retired officers to look at and process the images so they're enforceable somewhere cvc 21455.5'ish probably

Otherwise it's like getting a parking ticket from a guy with a walkie-talkie and badge costume at the Walnut Creek parking structure or from a pad of tickets purchased at Spencer's Gifts.

found guilty in court

i went to court today in pittsburg and was found guilty 85 mph on 65 mph on hwy 4 west bound. the judge found me guilty and suspended my license for 14 days. Can I still go back and ask to go to traffic school? I didn't even have time to think and ask. the judge simply ask to handover my license. i left there wondering if i can go to traffic school. i went back 30mins later and took a number and ask if i can still go in to court and ask if i can go to traffic school. the lady in the window said the traffic court is done for the day. one more thing this is that trial by novena. Its that last chance appeal your case, but in person. I need advice. can someone help me?
Are you sure there's not more that you're not telling? I was popped for 85 in a 65 before and got traffic school no questions asked. Having your license suspended for 14 days for that kind of infraction seems very stiff for someone without a record.
Are you sure there's not more that you're not telling? I was popped for 85 in a 65 before and got traffic school no questions asked. Having your license suspended for 14 days for that kind of infraction seems very stiff for someone without a record.

20 over is usually an automatic suspension in coco county. no traffic school allowed. the new traffic court judge is suspending DL's for 15 over if you fight the ticket and denying traffic school as well.
20 over is usually an automatic suspension in coco county. no traffic school allowed. the new traffic court judge is suspending DL's for 15 over if you fight the ticket and denying traffic school as well.

moto and cage?
20 over is usually an automatic suspension in coco county. no traffic school allowed. The new traffic court judge is suspending DL's for 15 over if you fight the ticket and denying traffic school as well.

Exactly...if you fight the ticket. Take your licks and you walk with traffic school and a reminder that you're not impervious to the law.
20 over is usually an automatic suspension in coco county. no traffic school allowed. the new traffic court judge is suspending DL's for 15 over if you fight the ticket and denying traffic school as well.

BS tactic to keep people from fighting and keep that money rolling in for the state. :rolleyes
So you're admitting that cops use discretion for writing tickets based on the attitude of the motorist, and are not just 100% enforcing the law? Nice to see arbitrary ticketing admitted.


how is using discretion based on attitude "arbitrary"? sometimes i stop people and give them a break because their attitude was good and they took responsibility for their actions. do you know how rare that is? the majority of people i stop have some hair brained excuse why THEY should be given a pass. "i'm not used to the engine", "i was going downhill", "i was going with the flow of traffic", "why aren't you out arresting rapists and murderers", "the light was yellow", etc. so when i stop the magnificent unicorn of a human being that actually owns their screw up, i'm more inclined to give them a break, be it a warning, lower speed on the citation, or a lesser violation section. and for those people that have bad attitudes? they get the cite, with no breaks, every time. would you prefer i write tickets like a robot? tickets for everyone, full bore, every time? come be my chief, and then you can order me to do that (at which point i'd quit). discretion is a vital part of being a police officer.

edit: and don't ask for a break. if you're gonna get one, you will.
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Are you sure there's not more that you're not telling?

I obviously wasn't there, (so grain of salt) but attitude at the time can be everything. Your demeanor may help the leo decide how bad he wants to fuck you. They know where the line is. Just because he stopped you for doing 85 doesn't mean he has to write you for that.
When I was younger I talked myself into more than a few tickets....no one to blame but myself.
I obviously wasn't there, (so grain of salt) but attitude at the time can be everything. Your demeanor may help the leo decide how bad he wants to fuck you. They know where the line is. Just because he stopped you for doing 85 doesn't mean he has to write you for that.
When I was younger I talked myself into more than a few tickets....no one to blame but myself.

you've grown wise in your old age :party
how is using discretion based on attitude "arbitrary"? sometimes i stop people and give them a break because their attitude was good and they took responsibility for their actions. .....
I actually thought I would get a pass on my last ticket: I was with mom in a sedan, and we were coming back from "City of Hope" where her husband was being treated for leukemia. Bad break. I think the kid was a rookie with a Sargent. I would have let me go: it was light traffic at a similar pace. I was 15 over. I know that because I asked if it was radar, since he didn't pace me. Lidar. Whoops. Well, that limited my options. Traffic School for me.
Pay a lawyer 350$, yea your out some green backs but already it didn't go to the courts, you don't have to deal with it. To me you get out ahead in every way. And I'd say almost any basic traffic ticket and even others are really defeated by a lawer. I just got off on a 100+ mph citation. Payed the lawyer 500$ he was going to fight it on the base that I couldn't even be cited that violation as the officer wrote in the approx speed 100 and the cvc is specifically for over 100. The da dismissed it based on exactly that and the lawyer gave me back 400 since he didn't even have to fight it. But It gave me a lot of faith that he was barking up the right tree anyways. Lawyers ftmfw
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