If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Hey connie Lee here from Healdsburg/windsor collision. add me to the list for the skaggs springs rd area I have a flat bed tow truck on call and two shops to store bikes if need be at no charge for a few days of storage.... 707-479-0339
Thanks, Lee!! Got you on the list, you can edit out your phone number now if you want. Thank you for being willing to help out- you're all aces in my book! :thumbup
^^^^ No standards... sooooo.... how you doin'? :teeth
Thanks, Lee!! Got you on the list, you can edit out your phone number now if you want. Thank you for being willing to help out- you're all aces in my book! :thumbup

Thats cool thats my shops 24 hr cell number its also on all the local radio stations.... no crank calls yet:rofl:ride:thumbup
Cross-posting from general:

I just passed a downed rider on redwood road, close to skyline. Talked to him, says he's ok but his motorcycle isn't rideable. His name is marlon. Hoping someone can get in contact and help him out.

edit: phone number removed. Situation is probably resolved one way or another by now.
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Good job looking out for another rider, Mike! :applause
Hey Connie

st-owners.com forum has a list called RAN list wherein riders from different states update their info and to what level of services they can offer. Can we have a similar list @ Barf ? of-course, ppl should not misuse it. just a thought !
Hey Connie

st-owners.com forum has a list called RAN list wherein riders from different states update their info and to what level of services they can offer. Can we have a similar list @ Barf ? of-course, ppl should not misuse it. just a thought !

Due to a couple of years of dealing with a stalker, I won't put my contact information up on any open forum...

tho i love Connie and would rather be picked up by her, I recently called AMA because i had a flat up by Ft Bragg.

AMA membership includes 35 miles free towing.


Why Butch... had I known, Ida picked ya up last Saturday... ;)
That's great that the AMA finally offers towing... and I'd encourage everyone to take advantage of that service. But if you're further away than 35 miles, I'm still here to help! :)
Stator went out on my Ape and now I'm stuck. Anyone going to or towards San Ramon later on tonight around 10:00 pm? I'll throw in gas $$+ dinner
Where's the bike? I can run out and get you... please PM me your contact info.
I'd really prefer to be back in Livermore before 10,tho, since I get up at 5am...
Connie, if the timing doesn't work out, let me know. I'm in Pacifica, but I have no plans for the evening. Hopefully, someone closer will chime in, but if not I have no problem heading out to San Ramon tonight.
Let's see how the schedule plays out... I would feel really really bad dragging you out from Pacifica... worst case scenario, I'll check the list and see if there are any volunteers in the East Bay that can stay up later than me! :laughing

<-------- older than I look... :facepalm
I would do it, but it's an hour and a half each way, and that would probably annoy the wife.

I just PM'd Mangoat, asking him to send me his phone number. I'm heading home from work, hopefully I'll have heard from him by the time I get home, so I'll see what I can arrange when I get there.
Please don't annoy the wife! :laughing
My wifey is, unfortunately, in the UK right now. No risk of losing wifey faction means I am free to head out for the late night mission. I'll stand by and wait to hear from you, Connie.