If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

wow! just saw this and... wow, the bay area is truly blessed to have someone so open to helping

has this tread been stickied yet?
:bump cuz peeps are ridin'... hoping no one needs the help, but just in case...
Just a reminder that I'm 8 miles up the road from the MotoJam, have a truck and ramps, and will be home evenings and mornings all weekend.

Connie's got the info.
Connie, just PM'd you my info to add to the "list" (God knows I need the Kharma points!) :twofinger

Semper Fi! :thumbup
Also a reminder, SBR has a phone list, accessible to anyone who has been a member for 6 months or has 100+ posts. :thumbup

Ride safe :ride
Awesome thread. Had an epic breakdown experience... gs500 siezed up on the freeway, ended up waiting for 4 hours for friends to come by with dump truck, spent another hour+ trying to get the bike onto the ~5ft high bed without a ramp, etc. I'll be PMing you next time:)


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Awesome thread. Had an epic breakdown experience... gs500 siezed up on the freeway, ended up waiting for 4 hours for friends to come by with dump truck, spent another hour+ trying to get the bike onto the ~5ft high bed without a ramp, etc. I'll be PMing you next time:)

Please do... but in addition, POST A THREAD UP IN GENERAL! There are enough BARFers out there who are on BARF all day (o hai PW's! :wave) who have my phone number that they'd either call or text me, letting me know someone needs help. Make sure the PM includes a contact number so I can call you.
am i on this list? If so, i need to come off it. Will be selling the truck next week.
PM me. Post it up in General, and ask someone who knows me to give me a call.

After the posts the last couple of days from people needing help, I thought I should put this up. I have a private "emergency contact" list of people willing to help in various locations around the Bay, in the event I can't get there myself. No one should be stranded on the side of the road, hurt, wondering how much damage they took, the bike took, and how they're getting home, let alone the bike.

I'll either arrange for one of my contacts to help, or come get you myself.

If you have a truck & ramp, and are willing to be on the contact list, please let me know. The more names I have, the better the chance of getting someone out right away. PM me with your name, phone number, and your city. I'll add you to the list, and thank you for your willingness to help out fellow BARFers! :)

You are absolutely amazing. Thank you for just being a good person and offering to help strangers. Knock on wood I never have to make use of such things, but its comforting to know that I would not but up shit creek without a paddle. :thumbup
Knock on wood I never have to make use of such things, but its comforting to know that I would not but up shit creek without a paddle. :thumbup

Oh, you might still find yourself up shit creek... but with BARF, you'll always have a paddle. :laughing