If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Even if it's a paddle cobbled together out of sporks and duct tape...you WILL have a paddle! =P

You laugh... but on a group ride up Mines a newer rider crashed his SV, broke is finger and his shift lever. At the Junction, there was a circle of BARFers around his bike, some donating zip ties, others donating their hex key, another some duct tape... and between the dozen or so of us, we got his bike ride-able and he made it home to Menlo Park no problem! :thumbup
Teh BARF and BARFers... you get enough of 'em together, and there's nothing they can't do!!! :love
Great idea, Connie. Just PM'd you my contact info. I have a truck and ramp and live in Pacifica.
OP is too kind. :p but i'll keep this post bookmarked just in case. If i get a truck again soon I'll be sure to get on this list
I should be on the list too.
I keep my ramps and tie downs in the truck
so I am good to haul whenever
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You laugh... but on a group ride up Mines a newer rider crashed his SV, broke is finger and his shift lever. At the Junction, there was a circle of BARFers around his bike, some donating zip ties...
that was quite a day all around.


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Shoulda saved a few of those zip ties for that finger...

Toyota truck and ramp in San Jose (it's been tested to the 1100 Goldwing standard), number PMed to Connie for future reference.
that was quite a day all around.

Yeah it was... you done good that day!! :thumbup

Shoulda saved a few of those zip ties for that finger...

Toyota truck and ramp in San Jose (it's been tested to the 1100 Goldwing standard), number PMed to Connie for future reference.

Thank you... I'll get you on the list! :)
You laugh... but on a group ride up Mines a newer rider crashed his SV, broke is finger and his shift lever. At the Junction, there was a circle of BARFers around his bike, some donating zip ties, others donating their hex key, another some duct tape... and between the dozen or so of us, we got his bike ride-able and he made it home to Menlo Park no problem! :thumbup
Teh BARF and BARFers... you get enough of 'em together, and there's nothing they can't do!!! :love

*makes a note to add zip ties to his truck*
PM sent.

I'm off of Pescadero Creek Rd, so close to anyone wrecking there or 84 or the like.

Thank you, Sir! Got ya on the list, and thanks for your willingness to help out BARFers! :)
NP. I've already gotten a few people back on the road-might as well admit I'm a sucker and go with it.

And you know what? It's people like you who make the world a better place! :thumbup
Connie, did you add me as well? Scroll up and/or check your PMs.
Just a quick note... system got activated yesterday for a rider who broke down in Patterson, and both she and her bike were returned home yesterday evening in Orinda.

Just a quick reminder... if you see someone posting up needing help due to a crash/mechanical failure, and you have my cell phone number, please don't hesitate to shoot me a text message. I'd rather have too many texts than none.
Just a much-needed mid-summer :bump

PS: I'm one of the col kids with Connie's number, and I'm on the forums way too much, so a pm will get to me rather quickly if I'm already by a computer, which is more often than not.
And if it's a super-emergency, my number is on my homepage, which is in my contact info :)
Just remember, if you need help, please post up a thread in General, being very specific in your thread title: "Crashed, Need Help!". In the Body of the post, please list your location (as best as possible... nearest City, so I know who to tap), and ask anyone who has my number to text me right away. During the week, I'm only online during my breaks. But I always have my cell phone with me, and a text message is guaranteed to get my attention.
Nicely, there are a LOT of wonderful BARFers who may very well jump in and come to the rescue before I'd have a chance to make some calls... but in the event that doesn't happen, I will make sure you get help! :)

Note: if you don't have internetz on your cell, call a friend, and have them post up for you. Be sure to include some way to contact you... you can always go back and edit your number out of the original post later.

Ride safe, Everyone! :ride