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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Sounds like cootz will beat me there, so I'll be boring at home. :thumbup
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Shit, I just saw this. Cootz, if you want to abort and have me do it, let me know. I have no plans tonight.
Well, fuck you very much aaa. They could not locate a flatbed within a 100 no radius!! Cootzie to the rescue!! Thank you everyone for being willing to come all the way out to haul my butt back to SF. Thank you to Mark (khanmark) for picking me up and giving me a lift to pescadero proper. And to Connie for helping to organize. Thank you, thankyou!!
Love the barfs :love

I'm buying Cootz a beer now :)
Well, fuck you very much aaa. They could not locate a flatbed within a 100 no radius!! Cootzie to the rescue!! Thank you everyone for being willing to come all the way out to haul my butt back to SF. Thank you to Mark (khanmark) for picking me up and giving me a lift to pescadero proper. And to Connie for helping to organize. Thank you, thankyou!!
Love the barfs :love

I'm buying Cootz a beer now :)

I'm really sorry you needed rescuing, but I'm glad Reama was able to save the day!! :)

And I'm also really glad that (yet again) teh BARF Roadside Angels kicks ass over AAA! :x
^^^no kidding! The roadside angels are amazing!! :)

But here I thought I was being responsible, trying not to rely on the giving nature of teh barfs, handle my business...
It was a really good feeling knowing once a call went out I would have the support of barf. What a fantastic place and a really stellar group of human beings!
Jeanette, I would have gladly zipped down to pick you up, if I had actually checked my email. I didn't have my phone with me for awhile after work, and saw the post too late. Glad Reama got you sorted out, though. :thumbup
^^^no kidding! The roadside angels are amazing!! :)

But here I thought I was being responsible, trying not to rely on the giving nature of teh barfs, handle my business...
It was a really good feeling knowing once a call went out I would have the support of barf. What a fantastic place and a really stellar group of human beings!

hey aaron you free? or anyone in sf that is available? Motoproponet needs a lift back to oaklamd.
Sorry, Dan. Just got this. My back is pretty jacked at the moment. Went outside this afternoon, for the first time since Friday, but there's no way I could move a bike around at all. Looks like Cootz has it covered. She fricking rocks. Yay, Cootzie!
just spoke with Dan, and Aaron (r3dsix) just scooped Jeff up of the side of the road! Thank You Aaron, you're the best!
There's a Yellow Ducati on 880 about 1/4 mile before Mowry. Not sure if the dude has already contacted someone, but if anyone is near might see if you could help him out.

I wasn't able to stop by since I'm with my gf's family heading home. If I were by myself, I would have stopped and see if he needed help.
Sorry, but we can't roll out for something like this. The guy could be resting, messing with his GPS, making a phone call, grabbing a snack, or any of a number of other things. When able, I always stop to see if someone needs help. If so, a contact number is absolutely necessary. Hopefully, the rider and bike are fine and he/she is on his/her way by now.
Moto broke down Monterey Rd & Blossom Hill exit off of Hwy 101 in San Jose. I am in the back lot of an Arco gas station. Looks like a rear wheel bearing went out. Need a tow.
Moto broke down Monterey Rd & Blossom Hill exit off of Hwy 101 in San Jose. I am in the back lot of an Arco gas station. Looks like a rear wheel bearing went out. Need a tow.

Where do you need to get to, and can you leave a phone number so somebody can contact you?

Edit: Here's the location, I wasn't familiar with the Arco, so I had to look it up.
[gmap]<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=arco+near+monterey+rd+%26+blossom+hill,+san+jose&aq=&sll=37.25602,-121.799047&sspn=0.007848,0.015846&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=arco&hnear=Blossom+Hill+Rd+%26+Monterey+Hwy,+San+Jose,+Santa+Clara,+California+95111&fll=37.256758,-121.803277&fspn=0.002775,0.003962&st=109146043351405611748&rq=1&ev=zi&split=1&ll=37.259469,-121.799712&spn=0.011955,0.018239&z=15&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=arco+near+monterey+rd+%26+blossom+hill,+san+jose&aq=&sll=37.25602,-121.799047&sspn=0.007848,0.015846&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=arco&hnear=Blossom+Hill+Rd+%26+Monterey+Hwy,+San+Jose,+Santa+Clara,+California+95111&fll=37.256758,-121.803277&fspn=0.002775,0.003962&st=109146043351405611748&rq=1&ev=zi&split=1&ll=37.259469,-121.799712&spn=0.011955,0.018239&z=15&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>[/gmap]

I have an appointment coming up, but if you don't get help by 1:30, I'll most likely be free around then.
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