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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I'm available. I just got word of this thread. I can be OMW in five minutes.

Another edit: Someone else is en route. :)
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Handled- Dima is stepping up! Yay, Mockba!!! :love
Tiger is safely in the garage. Thank you very much to Dima. Thanks also to Connie for setting this up. Also to Solomon and Cootz for being in the wings to help out if needed. You guys rock!
I'm such a noob Darwin bump started my bike he left and I left the kick stand down and killed the motor again.

I'm trying to get ahold of him again but he's riding..
Bryan/BigB rolled out to the rescue, and he and Chris are loaded up and on the way to Chris's place! :thumbup
My bike was doing that stupid thing again where it wouldn't start... I think it needs a new battery... I just said "...don't make me call Connie again.." and it started right away~ :ride
My bike was doing that stupid thing again where it wouldn't start... I think it needs a new battery... I just said "...don't make me call Connie again.." and it started right away~ :ride

:laughing Well, at least I didn't need to run out there this time! :)
Connie- my Bultaco broke down. I'm in my garage and need help!

I call :bs
No way that thing was running beforehand. I've owned a Bultaco, and the days in which it was actually running were the exceptions, and not the rule. :laughing
One of our Bultacos is a good little runner :x
[Ironbuttvoice]just tuck it under one arm and carry it home[/Ironbutt]
Alerts were for a rider who had a mechanical issue. It's been taken care.
Great job, Tim. :thumbup

I am stuck at work until at least 5, so I'm glad you came through!
I didn't get any alerts, am I not on the short-list? :x