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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I think I was just real fast on the reply. I was all of five miles from him and just off of work.
I didn't get any alerts, am I not on the short-list? :x

Peter, it's based on geography... I start with people closest to where the stranded rider is, or is going, because that's most convenient for the Angels... if no one is available, then I widen the net... I wouldn't want to drag someone from the East Bay down to Santa Clara and up to the City if I could avoid it! :)
I understand Gwynne is working on this. Thanks much Gwynne and Connie.
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Gwynne IS ThumperX.

FYI. :teeth

Welcome to teh BARF. :newbie

Not newbie Cincinnatus, just first time availing myself of this wonderful service. I've learned so much about who is who, from the side of a freeway. :)
Yeah, I know you're not a n00b, being a 'Founding Member' et al.

Just haven't seen you post much in the last few years. :twofinger :laughing
Weekday rescues are the toughest. Glad He is gettin taken care of.
This reminds me that I need to put my ramp back into my truck. I took it out for a dump run and have forgotten to put it back in. I work in Emeryville, but there is no way in hell I can get away for long enough to help out today. :(
OK, I haven't heard back from Jonathan, can anyone tell me if Gwynne has scooped him up yet? I'm concerned about him being on the left shoulder of 80 in Berkeley in commute traffic....
HANDLED!!! Peter/Cinncinatus has (once again) jumped in to save the day!!! :thumbup

I have a situation. That young BARFer, Will, who was raising money to visit his mother back East, before she passed away from cancer, was in a terrible crash last week, and is in Eden Hospital. What was left of the bike was hauled away to a tow yard in Oakland. His fiance has contacted me, asking for help getting the bike out of the tow yard. They won't release it to someone without a motorcyle license, and they close at 3pm.
She needs someone to meet her at the Police Station on 7th Street around 2pm or so, and then go to the tow yard to get the bike.
If no one can handle today, I've already told her I can take a half day tomorrow, and help. Ideally, though, it would be great if we could save another day's storage fees.
If you can help TODAY, please shoot me a PM and post up in the thread (it varies with which notification I get first).
For anyone who's interested, Will has a broken pelvis, shattered knee, shattered elbow, and a lot of road rash. He's had surgery to pin him back together, but he will need quite a bit of rehab therapy to get back on his feet.
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His SO Angie came along to the OPD, paid the admin fees & got the release. We went down to A&B Tow and checked out the bike. Lemme rephrase that - the carcass. It's completely torn up, triple trees torn from the frame, bike on its' side, exhaust crumpled like tin foil, front rim beyond salvage, rotor bent in & totalled, nothing but salvageable parts and trash.

I had my hitch carrier, but that's only good for rolling wrecks & such, and this was way beyond the ability to roll. Angie took a bunch of pics, presumably for insurance purposes and showing Will what's left of his bike :mad.

She arranged to have the towing company bring the remains to her place.

Best wishes to Will and Angie for a speedy & full recovery, and to Allstate Insurance (at-fault carrier) to do the right thing and pay all bills plus replacement cost of the bike.
Thank you, Peter, for all the help! I'm hoping to get out to see Will tonight, if I don't have too many beers tonight! If the Guinness gets me, I'll head over tomorrow, and see how he's doing.

Gixxergirl1000 and Cincinnatus you are my angels! Thank you so much, I cannot express to you both how much Will and I appreciate your help!!!!