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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Sorry I missed that. Sausalito is home territory. Peter to the rescue, AGAIN :hail
Just an FYI, I start my new job on Wednesday, down at Moffett Field, and will be commuting on my moto for most days, reducing my ability to do BRACs.... The upside is a steady paycheck for the first time in more than a year.
Thanks for the head's up, Peter... and congrats on the new job!! :thumbup
The other upside is your close to my office and I can buy you lunch.

Another thanks to a BRA and a karma point for Peter. :thumbup
Dennis, we can meet for lunch sometime and discuss moto safety, too. I've got some safety guys we can meet with. :thumbup
Just an FYI, I start my new job on Wednesday, down at Moffett Field, and will be commuting on my moto for most days, reducing my ability to do BRACs.... The upside is a steady paycheck for the first time in more than a year.

Worth of a post. Congrats, good for you, attaboy, wow'em!
The other upside is your close to my office and I can buy you lunch.

Another thanks to a BRA and a karma point for Peter. :thumbup

Sounds like a group 'BARF SouthBay Mid Work Week' lunch is due!

I ran across a ZX6R that loomed as if it had been dumped on metcalf a little after 5 today. I took some pics but I cant seem to upload them atm. I'll do it when I get home. I hope the rider is ok.
Here are the pics.

I ran across a ZX6R that loomed as if it had been dumped on metcalf a little after 5 today. I took some pics but I cant seem to upload them atm. I'll do it when I get home. I hope the rider is ok.

As do I- but unless the rider is a BARFer and posts up asking for help, there's nothing we can do for him. Grabbing his bike would be Grand Theft- even with the intention of helping him out! :thumbup
Oh yeah I left it there. There was a Sheriff sitting at the power station and I talked to him about it. Apparently a woman told him about it a couple hours before soo....

Oh and there was no plate on the bike and no evidence of one either.
I cant do much until I can afford a new engine for My Truck. Popped the stock one a couple weeks back. Gotta sell My 98YZ400 to come up with the money.
Oh yeah I left it there. There was a Sheriff sitting at the power station and I talked to him about it. Apparently a woman told him about it a couple hours before soo....

Oh and there was no plate on the bike and no evidence of one either.

So I'm just curious... what were you hoping we'd be able to do?

I cant do much until I can afford a new engine for My Truck. Popped the stock one a couple weeks back. Gotta sell My 98YZ400 to come up with the money.

No worries, Tim- keep me in the loop, and if you accidentally get a text message from me trying to Shanghai you, feel free to ignore me! :)
I was just wondering if it belonged to someone on here....one way or another. There was no cell signal on that part of the road.
I was just wondering if it belonged to someone on here....one way or another. There was no cell signal on that part of the road.

Got it- and good on you for trying to help! Next time, might want to start a thread in General- you'll reach hundreds almost immediately!:thumbup
I'm on the central coast in CA (San Luis Obispo County) and have a truck, should have a trailer soon as well. I'm more than willing to help if someone gets stranded.
I'm on the central coast in CA (San Luis Obispo County) and have a truck, should have a trailer soon as well. I'm more than willing to help if someone gets stranded.

Thanks, Nick! Can you PM me your contact information? :)