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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

That's because I was giving serious consideration to coming over & helping... :teeth
After 35 minutes of trying, it decided to start up normally like there never was a problem... o_O

Italian Princess... they be finicky, yo. :x

Oh- and I just picked another little princess up off the side of the road last week in LibMo... purchased that morning, 100 miles of riding, and she just died.

Took my Gixxer 55,000 miles to leave me stranded! :teeth
So full of WIN

This thread. The Roadside Angels. My fellow BARFers...just so full of WIN on so many levels.

Of all the years I've been a member, only this morning did I run across this thread!

With the acquisition of my new-to-me Falco R, I've been stranded twice within the past 5 weeks but the Big Man upstairs and whatever karmic energy I've put out in to the universe have allowed me to find my way home each time. (I definitely could've used you guys!)

I owe it to two local shops; Nichols Mfg in Milpitas (Mike and Josh are bomb) as well as Hare Motorsports in Hayward (Robert) for savin' my bacon.

On both occasions I was able to limp her home, same day or very next, to be able to wrench on her in the cluttered comfort of my shadetree garage/backyard.

BIG, BIG UPS to Connie for starting this thread back in 2010 and for the concerted efforts and support to my fellow brethren!

Rubber side down, but in the event it happens, give these true angels a holler!
This thread. The Roadside Angels. My fellow BARFers...just so full of WIN on so many levels.

I've been stranded twice within the past 5 weeks but the Big Man upstairs and whatever karmic energy I've put out in to the universe have allowed me to find my way home each time.

Yep, BARF is a great community (usually). As for the second part, it does suck to live underneath a fat guy. You should probably consider moving. STOMP STOMP STOMP
I should edit...

Yep, BARF is a great community (usually). As for the second part, it does suck to live underneath a fat guy. You should probably consider moving. STOMP STOMP STOMP

I meant, "The Big Man" upstairs :darkangel
I can get my truck and be on the road within an hour or so if no one closer can help him out.
I can get my truck and be on the road within an hour or so if no one closer can help him out.

Cootz I can follow you out if you need some hands:

If Kevin has an iPhone 4 I can charge it on my bike.
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No truck here, but holler if I can otherwise help. I'm about 15 minutes away.
Robert, that's kind of you to offer. HE can help me get the bike in the truck and I'll be rolling out really soon if no one else can get out there to help. His phone was crushed on the freeway.

He's at 299 Orange Drive in Vacaville. The clerks were nice enough to get him from the parking lot so I could talk to him.
Cootz, have you got this? I can't get him until after work.
I can roll out but it sounds like Splat is close and has stepped up. I just shot him a PM because I don't think Connie is even off work yet. If Splat can't do it, damn skippy I'm on my way!
A friend of his posted on Facebook that he is headed out.
I guess that means stand down.
Thumper, please make a note that Mark is already committed to picking him up. Can you add that on FB?
Cootz they think you're on the way would you rather Paul goes he lives close to kevin
Kevin just spoke with Paul and told him to stand down. Splat is on it.
