• There has been a recent cluster of spammers accessing BARFer accounts and posting spam. To safeguard your account, please consider changing your password. It would be even better to take the additional step of enabling 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on your BARF account. Read more here.

If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I'm still at work, leaving from Mountain View. An hour to get home, another 45 to get to you. I could do it, but if anybody's closer/sooner, that'd be better for you. :thumbup
Connie just contacted me letting me know she is looking for someone closer to me. Seems not that many people are in fremont eh? Haha
Okie dokes, Felix/Raider Nation has stepped up to be my Hero, and Save the Day!!! :)
a BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to Connie, Felix, and Kiegen (sorry if i spelt it wrong). Keigen sent a text my way asking if it could be plugged and i didn't find the puncture yet so i responded no idea...however he stopped by anyway, found the puncture and plugged it. It was still a slow leak however once we found that out Felix pulled up, loaded the bike up with the three of us was a cake walk and off we went to my house.

So just once again a BIG THANK YOU to everyone for getting me home so quick :):)

And thanks Felix for the quick tips on how to remove and re-install the tire.

You guys are awesome!
Can I get on the list? Have a pickup, ramp, tiedowns, live just off 9 above Boulder Creek, below the really good section...
Can I get on the list? Have a pickup, ramp, tiedowns, live just off 9 above Boulder Creek, below the really good section...

Please PM me your contact information, and I'll happily add you to the list of volunteers!
I need a cell phone number, and a geographical range you're willing to cover.
Thank you for being willing to step up and help out a fellow BARFer! :)
Please PM me your contact information, and I'll happily add you to the list of volunteers!
I need a cell phone number, and a geographical range you're willing to cover.
Thank you for being willing to step up and help out a fellow BARFer! :)

Wait a minute. When I signed-up, you sent me an outfit and told me that you needed at least 6 high-resolution pics of me wearing it. Hmmmm, I am starting to think I was tricked. :wow
Wait a minute. When I signed-up, you sent me an outfit and told me that you needed at least 6 high-resolution pics of me wearing it. Hmmmm, I am starting to think I was tricked. :wow

The most important question is...what kind of outfit?
The most important question is...what kind of outfit?

Ok, no more post-whoring in here. Sorry, for all of you who get email notifications in this thread. Suffice to say it was somewhat revealing, arthur. :laughing
Hey now! There's nothing wrong with me objectifying hawt menz!! :x
hey a friend of mine and new barfer is with his recovered stolen bike(has paperwork with him to show ownership) in san mateo at 9 king court in san mateo. text me at 415-573-5476 for his number if you can help connies been spoken too as well and told me to post up
My truck just STB with a coolant leak & major overheating, so I'm out of the BRAC until it's fixed. :cry
hey a friend of mine and new barfer is with his recovered stolen bike(has paperwork with him to show ownership) in san mateo at 9 king court in san mateo. text me at 415-573-5476 for his number if you can help connies been spoken too as well and told me to post up

HANDLED things are good now.
I'm back in the 'Fully Mission Capable' column of teh BARF Roadside Angel Contributors. :teeth :party

New radiator, new hoses, flushed & ready to rock. :thumbup
I'm back in the 'Fully Mission Capable' column of teh BARF Roadside Angel Contributors. :teeth :party

New radiator, new hoses, flushed & ready to rock. :thumbup

Sweet!! :banana Reama is loaning out her truck this weekend, was worried about being short-handed...

So... yeah... don't make any plans to go anywhere. Jes' sayin'... :p
My Toyota has a new motor now so I am back in business now as well
I iz confused. Tim's a Roadside Angel, and Dan & I are only Contributors? What, I only buy snacks or summat??? :x