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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I've got text messages sent out to some people in Northern California, doing what I can to try to find someone to haul him to i5
We may have a solution... working on it now...
OK, going to text Gwynne now to see if she can meet you in her neck of the woods, and get him to his friend in Oakland...
Forrest I told Connie to give you my number.
Forrest I told Connie to give you my number.

Gwynne, you are sooo awesome!!!! :love
I've sent your number to Forrest, he'll touch bases with you tomorrow when he's got Kevin all loaded up!!

What a hell of a rescue!!!! :)
Looks like we are all set. I'll get him through the first leg and meet up with Gwynne somewhere around San Rafael. I'll call Gwynne when I get him loaded up.
Faaaaasck. Bike died on me on 101 north just shy of the exit before tamalpis. Gonna need a pick up if someone's available.
Sorry I didn't see this Dan Ad lunch box could get to you
Aaron, glad you were able to handle this... and Dan, I hope nothing's too wrong with the bike!
I didn't get any PM's (so no PM notification in my e-mail), and just became aware of this post just now.... which is what, almost 9 hours later? :(

For future reference (to anyone reading this thread), just in case someone who's subscribed to this thread isn't available, or doesn't get a notification from it, please be sure to shoot me a PM and let me know- that way, if Aaron isn't around to save the day, I can find someone to help! :)
I'm kinda back in the game, my hitch carrier got repaired by Conn at Independent Machine Works. New front tire brace, ramp straightened and reinforced, and new stabilizers for the top of the bumpers.
Still at work Monday thru Friday, but if I can help, let me know. :thumbup
I'm out of the game again for a bit - my Suburban is in the shop for a while. :cry

On the plus side, I helped tfkrocks get her bike down to Fremont from Woodland on Saturday. :thumbup
I'm out of the game again for a bit - my Suburban is in the shop for a while. :cry

On the plus side, I helped tfkrocks get her bike down to Fremont from Woodland on Saturday. :thumbup

Guess I need to have a little chat with your Suburban... can't have that beast sidelining my first string players! :x

I was just about to post that here. I'm at the airport in Vienna, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be of much help on this one. Hope this gets sorted out.
Thanks for the help guys, very much appreciated! Towing is quoting us 500 for both bikes unfortunately. Most of them say they can't tow from Hwy 9 either. Is it safe to leave the bikes overnight? Our friend picked us up since we were getting no reception/losing phone battery.