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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Just got a PM from Gordon Gecko--- he's the Hero of the Day!! Got our crashed rider, and is getting him loaded up to get him home!! :thumbup :banana :angel :applause :hail
I am available if further help is needed.
Hi guys,

My clutch cable snapped late afternoon yesterday and a friend offered to store it inside his work until the boss kicks my bike out. Well, the time has come, and I need to bring it home. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to haul it home.

The bike is currently stranded in Daly City near the In n Out and I live off the Hickey Blvd exit on 280. Approx one exit away. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I can grab you at around 4:00, if that works for you? PM me your contact info and I will send you a text.
Aaron, my dear, do you have this one handled? :love
All squared-away. Great guy, and easily the easiest rescue I've ever done. I like the local ones. :thumbup
Can anyone help me get my bike to San Jose from plesant hlll? I have a flat front tire.
Thanks, Randy
I'm up in Emeryville at work, unfortunately. Is it a screw/nail or something like that? If so, you could always plug it to get home.
Big ups to AJ/Honey Badger for saving the day... and with a cager trying to take her and her trailer out, no less!!!
Bike broke down at the pelican Inn near Stinson beach. It won't start and I'm stranded here. Anyone can help?
hi Connie

Ritch (MaxandGrinch) just posted that he is broke down in salinas area Fri 04/25/14 4:40pm ish

I can roll from libmo, but if someone is available closer ... ?
hi Connie

Ritch (MaxandGrinch) just posted that he is broke down in salinas area Fri 04/25/14 4:40pm ish

I can roll from libmo, but if someone is available closer ... ?

handled. yay
Nicky & I got Ritch! Haha didn't even know it was on this thread just got a text and bailed out!