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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Yeah I took your advice lunchbox, other than the 3 hours I sat there winded from trying to jump start it, your advice got me home safe. Thanks for the PM's and people jo offered to help, appreciate it a lot. Ride safe guys!
Glad to hear you made it home, man . Sorry I wasn't able to get down there to help you in person.
Can I put my name in the hat to be a road angel?

Please PM me your name, your cell phone number, and your geographical location, and I'll be happy to add your name to the list! :)
Hi all

Our gracious host Brian needs a tow. He low sided on rwr on the way to peets Castro valley.

His moto is right by golf course but he's hanging out at peets until he can find a tow/lift
He can be reached at 925-247-4153

He's up and walking around nothing broken but knows the soreness will catch up.

No other visible trauma and he's conscious and cognizant of his surroundings.

Bike is unrideable but rolls. Thanks for any help!
Text messages sent out with rider contact number. Cross your fingers.
OP, please post up a thread in General asking for help as well! :)
I am working from home today and could take a half day to go get him. I would be coming from Pacifica, so I am more of a backup plan. Just let me know if I need to roll out.
I texted 6 people, haven't heard back from any of them... literally nothing.
I'm going to call Brian since I'm on lunch, and see what his status is.
OK, just got off the phone with Brian, situation is handled! :)
Hi all

We just saw rider and bike in a pickup and looks good to go.

I believe all is well at this time.

Thanks to the angels for their assistance.
Just sent him a text, Connie, PM'd you with my current cell, not sure if you got the number or not! Just using my work cell for now....

oops, posted at same time! good to know.
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Gotta say, you guys were awesome. I was probably a little amped still in the phone call from Connie so I apologize but thanks to all who replied. Reception is kinda touch and go on RWR but thank you all once again.

Is there a Angel beer fund I can contribute to? I know it's usually all pay it forwards but it doesn't hurt.
Just sent him a text, Connie, PM'd you with my current cell, not sure if you got the number or not! Just using my work cell for now....

oops, posted at same time! good to know.

Just updated my contact info for you! :)

Gotta say, you guys were awesome. I was probably a little amped still in the phone call from Connie so I apologize but thanks to all who replied. Reception is kinda touch and go on RWR but thank you all once again.

Is there a Angel beer fund I can contribute to? I know it's usually all pay it forwards but it doesn't hurt.

No need for an apology! I'm just glad you weren't hurt, or worse... Redwood has cost me dearly... :(

No need for a beer fund... just make a donation to BARF, if you'd like... you can always reference the Roadside Angels, I think Budman likes seeing how the Forum makes things better for people! :)
Plus then you get the "Contributor" tag! :thumbup
I just PM'd you about my updated ability to assist as Barf Angel.. I can text now!!