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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Just back online now.
Peter, it seems they got Caltrans to haul them off the bridge, then waited somewhere for a tow truck to get them home... I had forwarded Britny's PM to you, hoping you'd be able to message with her, as she hadn't given me a phone number.

Really sorry for the snafu, and I'm happy to cover your expenses, as I never want helping to come out of my volunteers' pockets! :love

I think it's time for an instructional post on the "how-to's" to help prevent this sort of thing...
I think it's time for an instructional post on the "how-to's" to help prevent this sort of thing...

I know it's not my place to say it, but you know me well enough to know I'm gunna' say it anyway. I would submit not even putting your shoes on until you have spoken with the stranded rider on the phone as an excellent prevention method.

So glad the :gsxrgrl exist, but I hate to see threads where volunteers have to waste half a day looking for riders not willing to pass on a phone number, or having to scoop the same rider over and over, and people not compensating angles for their fuel, etc, etc. :mad It all just takes away from the meaning of the 'service' as if the gift of your time is now a mandatory service entitled to anyone that joins a forum. It's become a less sustainable model of charity, and more of a burden from what I have seen. :x
I know it's not my place to say it, but you know me well enough to know I'm gunna' say it anyway. I would submit not even putting your shoes on until you have spoken with the stranded rider on the phone as an excellent prevention method.

So glad the :gsxrgrl exist, but I hate to see threads where volunteers have to waste half a day looking for riders not willing to pass on a phone number, or having to scoop the same rider over and over, and people not compensating angles for their fuel, etc, etc. :mad It all just takes away from the meaning of the 'service' as if the gift of your time is now a mandatory service entitled to anyone that joins a forum. It's become a less sustainable model of charity, and more of a burden from what I have seen. :x

Since you and I are the only ones up this far, I promise to wait until you call me direct before leaving to drag you out of the ditch on 36:x

btw hello J:teeth
I know it's not my place to say it, but you know me well enough to know I'm gunna' say it anyway. I would submit not even putting your shoes on until you have spoken with the stranded rider on the phone as an excellent prevention method.

So glad the :gsxrgrl exist, but I hate to see threads where volunteers have to waste half a day looking for riders not willing to pass on a phone number, or having to scoop the same rider over and over, and people not compensating angles for their fuel, etc, etc. :mad It all just takes away from the meaning of the 'service' as if the gift of your time is now a mandatory service entitled to anyone that joins a forum. It's become a less sustainable model of charity, and more of a burden from what I have seen. :x

Since I actually know Britny and her Dad in meat space, I wasn't too worried about not getting her phone number.
Normally, until I've actually spoken to the stranded rider, no one's getting dispatched.
I made an exception in this case, and that didn't work out real well... :facepalm

Like I said, I think it's time to post up the instructions again. There's been a lot of requests for help recently that missed a lot of the steps, and that makes for extra work.

And yes, there are always users/takers out there that will take advantage of anyone at any time (as we've recently seen with a new member who only posts to ask for help... :nchantr ), but I can't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch! :)

My gf crashed on her way home from work today near the safeway at pleasant valley and broadway in oakland. Were at the hospital now, but if you or someone else you know can help me get the bike back to our place later tonight, i would be extremely grateful. Our place is only 5 minutes from where the bike is parked now.

My number is ****

Her number is **** if my phone dies

Many thanks
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My gf crashed on her way home from work today near the safeway at pleasant valley and broadway in oakland. Were at the hospital now, but if you or someone else you know can help me get the bike back to our place later tonight, i would be extremely grateful. Our place is only 5 minutes from where the bike is parked now.

My number is 510 292 5753

Her number is 510 508 1643 if my phone dies

Many thanks

Just saw this. PM if you still need help.
Hi Connie,
Just spoke to Rob and I'm going to swing by to help him tonight. It's kind of on my way home from work anyways
Hi Connie,
Just spoke to Rob and I'm going to swing by to help him tonight. It's kind of on my way home from work anyways

Much easier than Mike heading out from Antioch later today!
Thank you so much!! :hail :applause
Much easier than Mike heading out from Antioch later today!
Thank you so much!! :hail :applause

Thanks to everyone who is helping us out. GF is doing ok now, home from hospital. Happy that we will be able to get the bike back to the garage tonight.


Edit: Bike is back in the garage. Thanks to everyone who helped us out/offered, and special thanks to r8ders for coming through and helping us in a tough spot. I'll be sure to pay it forward!
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Peter/Cincinnatus is broken down on Skyline near Grizzly Peak, Berkeley hills, needs to get to San Leandro. He's done more rescues than almost anyone... can anyone help??
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Maybe you could pick up his truck...
Also, could you post up in General for me?
Resolved!!!! I am meeting him, he is riding my wee to his place to get his truck and then we're all good. Editing his phone number from your post now. :love
OK. FreeRyde is heading there with his truck now. I am going just to say hello and cuz I said I would. :love
Ladies & Gentlemen of teh BARFs RSA crew:

Many thanks for all your assistance, Grant/FreeRyde came by with his pick'em-up truck and Reama came by the crash site and we chatted a bit, then Grant hauled my broke bike & me to the 'Dro (San Leandro's preferred nickname, FWIW). We shared aircraft stories/legends/lies and had a good time.

The root cause was a too-fast exit from a sandy/gravelly area and losing control, resulting in a lay-down. I picked the bike up using the butt-to-bike backing up method, then set about diagnosing the problem. It's internal to the engine/tranny IMO, as it's not a sidestand switch issue. With the bike on the centerstand and sidestand both up & down, the bike will start in neutral but dies on going into 1st or 2nd gear. I've got the bike in the garage, battery disconnected & charging, I'll do more troubleshooting on my return.

Again, thanks to Connie, Reama, Grant, and Scott/zixaq, who texted me to ensure I was ok! :party