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In memories of Craig Hightower, 7/20/1961 - 8/14/2007

Very sorry for your loss..
This just shows that you can never be too careful.. :(
I don't mind someone driving an SUV but those idiots who think they own the road... and have near zero driving skills
m_asim said:

I don't know about you guys but I am fucking pissed about this "lets hope we get justice". What a bunch of crock!!

If you really grieve for Craig, then make sure to contact the DA office to charge the dipshit SUV driver the maximum that the law allows, and then FOLLOW UP. The Alameda DA will handle it just like any other traffic accident case unless they are pressured to do the right thing.

Otherwise motorcyclists will keep on getting killed like stray dogs and nobody will bat an eye.

And will somebody post the name of the fucker who killed Craig?
I second that .. to create awareness there should be proper followup from all major riding forums whenever such accidents happen .. thats the only way you can force DMV to add a bit more to their driving test.. there should be questions about motorcycles and how a driver should drive when he/she sees one. (sharing roads)
I'd like to know the kinesthetic report and accident investigation findings to determine what really happened. This was a veteran rider. Did the SUV driver red mist and force the rider into the cars? Witnesses? Things don't add up from what was reported so far.
Craig Hightower

This is my first post on Barf. My boyfriend woke me up at 6:30 am today to tell me that our friend Craig Hightower was killed on his motorcycle yesterday. I haven't stopped crying.
Craig was a man who crammed more into his short life than 10 people would in an entire lifetime. His love of life was contagious. He was always planning an amazing adventure. When he wasn't diving, kayaking or motorcycling around the world, he was doing it in his own back yard. He frequently threw parties and loved people. I met my life partner through a friend of ours at one of his parties.
The irony is that Craig logged more commuter/touring miles than all the motorcyclist I know combined, and yet this is how he went.
Craig was truly one of the good guys. A heart of gold. He would do anything for anyone. He and I shared a love of riding, good wine and good scotch. I will open a fine vintage tonight and reflect on all the people all over the world that Craig has touched.
It is just so incredibly sad.
As someone earlier said, the lights have dimmed.
Updated from today tribune!!

OAKLAND — A 46-year-old Alameda man was killed Tuesday morning in a chain-reaction accident caused when his motorcycle was brushed by an sport utility vehicle and crashed into a parked car.
The man, identified as Craig M. Hightower, was ejected from the 1999 Honda motorcycle and hit a retaining wall.

The Alameda County Coroner's Office said Hightower was a supervisor with the Federal Aviation Administration.

The name of the SUV driver, who police said was a 33-year-old Coast Guard enlisted man from Alameda, was not released pending further investigation.

The incident happened about 6 a.m. in the 100 block of Seventh Street, between Jackson and Madison streets, near Chinatown.

Traffic Officer James Gordon said both vehicles had come out of the Posey Tube into Oakland from Alameda and were headed eastbound on Seventh Street.

He said the Coast Guard member told police he was on his way to work at Government Island in Alameda and that police believe the motorcyclist was also on his way to work.

Gordon said Hightower was in the far right lane, which the SUV — a 2006 Chevrolet Equinox — was trying to get into.

A preliminary investigation indicated the SUV apparently accidentally brushed the motorcycle, making it hit a parked vehicle and jump a curb where Hightower was ejected into a cinder block wall, causing fatal injuries, Gordon said.

The SUV driver was questioned and released pending further investigation.

Reading all these Post's, Craig was an incredible man!! So keep his dreams and passion for life and two wheels alive through yourselves for him!!

RIP, My condolances to his familr and friends!!

Please post up if there is a decision to have a memorial ride to his funeral, I would be honored to attend it.!!
R.I.P sorry to hear about your loss!
def gotta be extra careful around those big SUV's
I don't really recall exactly, but I had raced against Craig 2+ decades ago when he was in AFM. I also met him at the wall at least a couple of time....seemed like a nice guy. RIP Craig! :rose

Please someone get me a number I can call & help pressure OPD Traffic departmet to press charges. Clearly SUV driver violated his right of way; & got off scott-free?!??!? Plain just wrong!
I am saddened to hear this new of Craig's death yesterday. When I first met him many years ago I was so impressed with his warm friendly and helpfully personality. I had the good fortune to join him on a Doc Wong group ride he was leading. His smooth and quick riding was amazing. Following him certainly improved my riding to a new level. Mentioning Craig in a conversation with his fellow AFM competitors would result in comments such as: " He is such a great guy. If you needed anything he would give you his shirt off his back!"

So it saddens me to find out that the accident scene I drove past yesterday at 6:30 am was Craig. I saw the bike on its side and a cover over the deceased and had to look away knowing we lost another rider. I didn't know at that time we had also lost a friend.
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EastBayDave said:
I don't really recall exactly, but I had raced against Craig 2+ decades ago when he was in AFM. I also met him at the wall at least a couple of time....seemed like a nice guy. RIP Craig! :rose

Please someone get me a number I can call & help pressure OPD Traffic departmet to press charges. Clearly SUV driver violated his right of way; & got off scott-free?!??!? Plain just wrong!

I was told this morning after making a call, its still under investagation,, They had witnesses to interview!
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Godspeed Craig, you will be missed.
Wow, this sucks. Expert rider gets snuffed by carelessness. Could happen to anyone eh?
RIP, Craig.

I rode with him years ago, and am very sorry to hear of this hideous accident. What a rotten summer for motorcyclists. :(

:rose :rose
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I wonder how the newspaper chose the words 'SUV brushed the motorcycle'. Generally when a vehicle hits another vehicle and drives it off the road, you call it 'ramming'.
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I originally met Craig through the Monday Night Rides back in the '90s, as well as all sorts of other moto-related events. He'd show up to tuesday night dinners and DocWong clinics, and was pretty much a shure bet to be at any moto related party.

He really was "that guy" who did the kind of stuff I wish I could do. Taking trips all over the place with just the most amazing sense of adventure. He'd always write about his adventures too, so those of us who couldn't go got to share a piece of the adventure as well.

It really hit me yesterday learning of Craig's death. Here's a guy I consider to be a master rider. Skilled, Safe, knowledgeable, calm and responsible, yet he got taken out. Kinda gives me a reality check, ya know?

Here's a pic of Craig and Harry Wong at one of my Christmas Tree ride parties...

You are not out of line.

Between using the word "brushed" and the comment that Craig was in a lane the SUV "was trying to get into", there seems to be a certain slant to this article.

:rip Craig
This is beyond senseless--it's surreal. I've been sitting at my desk for the last couple hours, reading his blog, laughing at his stories, welling up with tears at each revelation that he's gone.

Let's not let this rest. Phone the police, demand action, but remain calm...anger won't get us anywhere, either with the cops or the next idiot we encounter on the road. Stay alert, ride smart and ride safe.

I'll be checking this thread daily to see about a memorial ride. I'd like nothing more than to see 1,000 bikes lined-up at his service, giving him our own version of a 21-gun salute...