Koi's Misfits 1 year anniversary ride 4/1/2012 (rain dependent)

Sorry for posting late...the (almost) redheaded stepchild in the Misfits:laughing

Will be there for sure. Hi everyone:wave Happy Anniversary:party After a year everyone has made it in one piece:applause:p

yeah...so we should all come up with Misfit nicknames...Breanna="Red"! Kidding! Howz the foot, girl??

Glad you will make it out...would not be a misfit party without ya!!!

Patty, girl I worked extra late:leghump hours to get that pass. I will let her know, thanks Mygoddess, I meant Maygoddess.:laughing

Oh yeah! So Griffindor wifey get some extra somethin somethin for the hall pass?? :leghump:leghump..Go get her Tiger!! And say thank you from all of us to let you come and play on our most important day!!!

yeah...so we should all come up with Misfit nicknames...Breanna="Red"! Kidding! Howz the foot, girl??

Glad you will make it out...would not be a misfit party without ya!!!


Don't get me started on nicknames.....

Patty A - Teen Mom

Patty J - Mother Dearest

Rod - Creepy Uncle :twofinger

James - Doc'

Dan - AssHat

Nikki - The Cool Aunt

Tim - The Brit

Will - Slowest Filipino

Brianna - Red Headed Stepchild :rofl

Greg - Ol Man River

Andy - I think BanjoBoy fits you pretty well actually :laughing

Dani - Queen Goddess Bofo

Gene - Sushi!!

Nate - Mini-Sushi!!!

Ed - The Lurker ((I know you're out there big guy))

Budman - Alpha/Omega

and of course,

Koi - Koi :twofinger

Took a Misfit Prospect out on a preride, she did quite well so hopefully she'll join us too.
Took a Misfit Prospect out on a preride, she did quite well so hopefully she'll join us too.

oh really? I will certainly try and make it.

The lady friend is having a party the night before so if I can make it out of the house without tripping over drunken asshats sleeping on my floor, I'll be there.

ps, i just watched your nazi-barfers vid and almost peed myself. Thanks for that.:rofl
Don't get me started on nicknames.....

Patty A - Teen Mom

Patty J - Mother Dearest

Rod - Creepy Uncle :twofinger

James - Doc'

Dan - AssHat

Nikki - The Cool Aunt

Tim - The Brit

Will - Slowest Filipino

Brianna - Red Headed Stepchild :rofl

Greg - Ol Man River

Andy - I think BanjoBoy fits you pretty well actually :laughing

Dani - Queen Goddess Bofo

Gene - Sushi!!

Nate - Mini-Sushi!!!

Ed - The Lurker ((I know you're out there big guy))

Budman - Alpha/Omega

and of course,

Koi - Koi :twofinger

Took a Misfit Prospect out on a preride, she did quite well so hopefully she'll join us too.

Okay...so I have an embroidery lady down the street here..so anyone who wants their new nickname sewn on their jacket...let me know!! LOL!!

Hmmm..not sure I would want "Teen Mom" sewn anywhere though in public...that could raise some interesting questions!! Koi's Mama Jr and Patty J is Koi's Mama Sr
mini sushi :laughing

Ed - The Lurker,,, fits well. Hey Ed, you're showing up for the Anniversary Ride, right?

Rod - The Creepy Uncle,,,??????
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I will show you asshat when I get my bike up and going......you might just have wait for um um till um hahaha....oh I know till I get the urge to ride again, oh buy some parts for the bike.

Right now I am enjoying the wonderful life of the dirt where I can be an ASSHAT all I want.

Koi you need a dirt bike I think you enjoy the dirt riding a lot.
Koi you need a dirt bike I think you enjoy the dirt riding a lot.

I learned to ride moto's on the dirt at my buddy's ranch in Upper Lake. Love the dirt but never have gone on a long ride on dirt, something I really want to do one day. Reading some of the ride reports on here makes me drool. So much cooler then bombing around Cow mt or around the ranch.
Brother you would love love stoneyford fun forest riding...a buddy of mine and I are looking at hitting up forest hill soon....somewhere new for he and I should be fun
Sounds like a blast.

Been wanting to strap my 10/22 to my back and go up to Boggs or Bartlett Springs on the TW, but got too many things going on lately.

Thinking of planning a camping trip up to Lett's Lake for a few days of dirty goodness, but we'll see who's interested.
I'd say be careful taking the gun as there are certain areas your.not allowed to shoot and ranger Rick loves to write tickets...but sounds like a fun plan for sure
There's a range on Boggs that I've gone to a bit, and BLM is pretty open as long as you aren't by the houses on the west side.
Don't get me started on nicknames.....

Patty A - Teen Mom

Patty J - Mother Dearest

Rod - Creepy Uncle :twofinger

James - Doc'

Dan - AssHat

Nikki - The Cool Aunt

Tim - The Brit

Will - Slowest Filipino

Brianna - Red Headed Stepchild :rofl

Greg - Ol Man River

Andy - I think BanjoBoy fits you pretty well actually :laughing

Dani - Queen Goddess Bofo

Gene - Sushi!!

Nate - Mini-Sushi!!!

Ed - The Lurker ((I know you're out there big guy))

Budman - Alpha/Omega

and of course,

Koi - Koi :twofinger

Took a Misfit Prospect out on a preride, she did quite well so hopefully she'll join us too.

I AM Lady Gadget

and AJ = Honey Badger
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Don't get me started on nicknames.....

Patty A - DoubletheFun

Patty J -LadyGadget

Rod - MacGruber

James -ChiroMan

AJ - HoneyB

Dan - AssHat

Nikki - Blondie

Tim - Shakespeare

Will - OnHisOwnTime

Brianna - WackedCrazyGirl

Greg - SlowandFast

Andy - BanjoBoy

Dani - MilfonaLiterbike

Gene - Chef

Nate - Mini-Chef

Ed - BigGuyonBigBike

Budman - Alpha/Omega

and of course,

Koi - Koi :twofinger

Took a Misfit Prospect out on a preride, she did quite well so hopefully she'll join us too.

Here are my ideas....read 'em and weep peeps!

Patty A - DoubletheFun

Patty J -LadyGadget

Rod - MacGruber

James -ChiroMan

AJ - HoneyB

Dan - AssHat

Nikki - Blondie

Tim - Shakespeare

Will - OnHisOwnTime

Brianna - WackedCrazyGirl

Greg - SlowandFast

Andy - BanjoBoy

Dani - MilfonaLiterbike

Gene - Chef

Nate - Mini-Chef

Ed - BigGuyonBigBike

Budman - Alpha/Omega

and of course,

Koi - Koi :twofinger

Took a Misfit Prospect out on a preride, she did quite well so hopefully she'll join us too.[/QUOTE]

I Bet you did Koi!

I AM Lady Gadget

Pre-Rides are complete, roads are investigated, all pertinent information is gathered, one last lil detail and my prep will be complete!!! How about yours!?!?!?

Weather looks good...

Overcast. Low of 43F. Winds from the NNW at 10 to 15 mph.

and it IS going to stay that way if not improve with less wind and more sun!!! You hear me weather gods!!!! :rant

So clean your gear, your bikes, yourselves, and come on out for the the end of our first year together and the beginning of many more....

Except you Banjo, another "Fish Lips" comment and I'll personally show you the bottom of the lake, I'll even supply you these fancy cement shoes :twofinger

Pre-Rides are complete, roads are investigated, all pertinent information is gathered, one last lil detail and my prep will be complete!!! How about yours!?!?!?

Weather looks good...

and it IS going to stay that way if not improve with less wind and more sun!!! You hear me weather gods!!!! :rant

So clean your gear, your bikes, yourselves, and come on out for the the end of our first year together and the beginning of many more....

Except you Banjo, another "Fish Lips" comment and I'll personally show you the bottom of the lake, I'll even supply you these fancy cement shoes :twofinger

You mean like this?
