Koi's Misfits 1 year anniversary ride 4/1/2012 (rain dependent)

Hello Everyone

This is my first post. I saw your ride tomm and it sounds like fun. Is it too late to get in on the action and meet everyone? I ride safe and sane....I'm 38 with an 11 year old daughter that keeps my mind in check when i'm out there on the road :cool

I just got a new bike a few weeks ago after a 5 year break :wtf I'm looking for people to ride with so i looked up the trusty old BARF site. I look forward to meeting everyone.

Shane B.

So are you all ready to rumble with Misfit Swag?

Oh it is so on!!!!!!

Sign me up for 20

This is my first post. I saw your ride tomm and it sounds like fun. Is it too late to get in on the action and meet everyone? I ride safe and sane....I'm 38 with an 11 year old daughter that keeps my mind in check when i'm out there on the road :cool

I just got a new bike a few weeks ago after a 5 year break :wtf I'm looking for people to ride with so i looked up the trusty old BARF site. I look forward to meeting everyone.

Hey Shane,:welcome you are more then welcome to come out to breakfast and ride, or just meet at lunch, whichever suits your fancy. Look forward to meeting ya.
Two Beautiful Italians with Tiny Tanks!!!

Welcome Shane,

You are more than welcome to join us. Our skills range the gamut, and please read Koi's initial post about the ride. Hope to see you tomorrow ant the Highway 29 Cafe for breakfast. If you have any questions, just ask away!:thumbup:thumbup
You'll have to excuse us Shane, the Misfits always get a lil Post Whore'y right before a big ride, or the first good ride after it's rained. :rofl

What on Gods green earth are you talking about....Im laying on my back in bed bored outta my mind so I thought I'd be a post whore...so put that in your pipe:rofl

I'm not riding shit plus it's raining...I'm going to be like this one guy that goes to barf events but doesn't ride anymore:laughing:laughing

Hope it clears up for you MISFITS tomorrow
You'll have to excuse us Shane, the Misfits always get a lil Post Whore'y right before a big ride, or the first good ride after it's rained. :rofl

ughhhh the rain. I finally get a new bike and the storms haven't stopped yet. I keep having to sneak out for short 30 mins rides around town.

Thanks for the invite. I should be there for breakfest and extra doses of coffee.
I think I'm getting to old for this bike:laughing

You saw how scared I was the last time I rode so come get it...but let me first report it stolen:thumbup

Just let me give it some love, then I'll just turn my bike into my trackbike and use yours on the street :teeth