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Mines and Mt Hamilton Roads: The Official Thread

I bet he was tastey!:teeth
The world is full of humans making mistakes, travel outside at your own risk! Just sayin'
oopsie. Hope this rider learned a good lesson, of what not to do and is lucky to being able to ride another day.
Beware !!!! loose cattle on the road

Santa Clara County side @ mile marker 25-24, counted 5, yes in the lanes
Moo Cows on the loose :wow
Typical though.:ride
They seemed quite docile till I rolled in between them, I could see them in my mirrors actually moving about. It's funny, every time I see a cow it's standing still, I can't remember the last time I actually saw a cow moving other than turning it's head.
& they spook & jump in front of you QUICK! :wow

BE CAREFUL around animals...like deer, you never know which way they going to go. Seen too many bikes vs. animals over the years....
How's the road look from The Junction to Mt. Hamilton?
It's been close to perfect the last three times I rode through there. I especially like the middle section.

Awesome :thumbup
I will be out there tomorrow with my cousins.
I've actually never gone from the Junction to Mt. Hamilton. I usually head back after lunch.
Should be a good ride.
Thanks for the update
Damn that ride from The Junction to Lick Observatory is beautiful.
I saw some kids wreck their BRZ close to the top. I have NO idea how the car didn't roll down the cliff.

Road conditions were clear aside from few spots of gravel but all easily avoidable.