Mines and Mt Hamilton Roads: The Official Thread

Looked closed last time I was by there on the 9th, but we didn't stop to investigate, it was also somewhat early on a Sunday. Top of Hamilton was closed as well, presumably due to omicron?
Thanks - I haven't been out there since November so I'm hoping it's just a temp closure due to COVID. It's hard enough for regular restaurants to stay in business, so I imagine its doubly hard for The Junction which is out of the way of normal traffic to stay alive.
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Given the ownership changes over the years, it seems like it's a hard place to make work. I've enjoyed it being there over the years, but I can't imagine trying to run the business there.
I just received a message back from them today and they are still in business with the following hours:

Saturday and Sunday 11-5,
Friday 4pm-8pm
I just received a message back from them today and they are still in business with the following hours:

Saturday and Sunday 11-5,
Friday 4pm-8pm

Good to know they're open. In my work I've witnessed Google reporting businesses are permanently closed when they're not which is not good at all.
I have to wonder, who's there eating dinner on a Friday at 8pm?
Usually the local ranchers show up at times like that. I was there once on an evening like that.

Definitely makes sense that it's mostly for the locals at that time of day/night...

Looks like the hours have been somewhat corrected on Google.
Glad to see they updated it since I reached out to them. I agree with greenmonster that it's really hard to rely on google info (especially since the pandemic threw a wrench into many restaurant hours) so I try to always double check before heading out.

You know, if they could set up some card tables and have low ball poker games, maybe some real food and drinks they might have something.

The Junction Casino Night! :teeth Sounds like a fun idea, except I'd probably only dare to take my car there at night.
Definitely makes sense that it's mostly for the locals at that time of day/night...

The Junction Casino Night! :teeth Sounds like a fun idea, except I'd probably only dare to take my car there at night.

the previous operators had said we could camp there...
I could only imagine the carnage after a Biker's Casino Night out there.
Yah, not a pretty thought...

the previous operators had said we could camp there...
That's actually an interesting idea...Doesn't Frank Raines OHV allowing camping too? It's not that far from the Junction...may make for a nice overnighter with a hot breakfast in the morning now that you mention camping around there.

Mines Road takes another rider... RIP.
I drove by that scene, looked like a left turner took out the bike :(

So sad to hear this. RIP. :(

I was out that way on Friday doing Mines-Hamiliton-Calavaras loop with a friend. We coincidentally met Butch in a random parking lot while taking a break.
I rode Mines/SAV Road yesterday

All the ice and snow appears to have disappeared from the top of Mt Hamilton - praise be!

However, there's still a bunch of greenish grit that they spread on the upper section of the road down to JDG Park (ironically to improve grip for cars on the now non-existent ice) which can catch you unawares - most of it has been pushed off to the sides of the road, but there are some corners where it's all over the road...
However, there's still a bunch of greenish grit that they spread on the upper section of the road down to JDG Park (ironically to improve grip for cars on the now non-existent ice) which can catch you unawares - most of it has been pushed off to the sides of the road, but there are some corners where it's all over the road...

I did a group ride from Livermore to the Junction on Sunday. I turned around at the Junction but the group continued over Mt. Hamilton. One of the guys I met told me he went down descending Mt. Hamilton and he didn't know why he lost traction. Maybe it was the grit you mentioned.
Yeah, there's sand on the road down to around 3,000 feet.

Yeah, I rode the Mt Ham Rd side on Saturday and there was sand near the top. Riding turns into just evaluating the surface and where to put your tires. There is a clean line all the way. Two of them. Sometimes they are eight inches wide.
Yeah, I rode the Mt Ham Rd side on Saturday and there was sand near the top. Riding turns into just evaluating the surface and where to put your tires. There is a clean line all the way. Two of them. Sometimes they are eight inches wide.
Oh yeah, it's totally doable, but there are a couple of corners where it's spread out a bit. Luckily it's very visible now...