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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I could use a latte about now. How's the back Andy? Is it a healing pain?
Howdy, boys and girls :wave
hiiii! i just sold some accessories to a restaurant in springfield, mo.
2nd week of wife back to work.

Trying to help her get as much time as possible with the chitlins before she leaves and when she returns. Daily household stuff is easy, bigger jobs are ignored. Need to get better at having her breakfast ready so she can just sit there with them vs cooking and pumping and prepping for work. Can you freeze breakfast burritos?

Library book sale today. With strategic use of the buy nothing groups and moms groups in the area, we've been extremely fortunate with our baby looting. We've yet to buy diapers or formula, clothes or toys. Our biggest expenditure has been on books, and mostly at garage sales and thrift stores. The goal of 1000 books by kindergarten is going to be achieved no problem... Assuming they start at 1... Because we've read them over 250 books so far and their library is growing every chance we get.
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Haven't started them on the classics yet but took them to Shakespeare in the park yesterday. Besides the local homeless contingent cat-calling the actors and dealing drugs right behind us, it was a fun show. Not as good as Leo's Romeo and Juliet but not bad for a slightly modernized telling. They kept adding underscoring to it which was weird because their speakers were louder then the actors so as soon as it started, you lost all of what was being said.

Diary entry complete
yes you can freeze breakfast burritos! you rock for being such a supportive spouse and dad.
I really do make that bike look small :laughing

Fear not, I did some laundering in Seattle so now I smell like laundry detergent.
thank goodness.
yes you can freeze breakfast burritos! you rock for being such a supportive spouse and dad.

Trying to do everything I can to remain a house husband and SAHD...

Currently sitting between a dog and a cat while the twinz nap, having just finished yesterday's leftover homemade pizza. Scored books for pennies, picked up a bunch of movies to add to the drive so we can stream less, and did a walkthrough Lowe's to look at actual wooden fence boards to replace the layered wood glue and putty that is currently my side gate.

I could get used to this.
Here's a basic recipe I found online. I don't know how much you cook but I'd probably cook the eggs fairly soft so you don't end up with rubbery eggs. No one wants that.

Also, food sealers are my best friend. I often make ridiculous quantities of something and freeze it for later fatness.
I broke my last food sealer over harvest last year. :shhh

Need to grab another used one off marketplace but haven't done it yet.
I make little egg bites pretty much make up frittata muffins.
I do egg muffin type things for her, they just don't freeze really well.
One of ours! Pretty sexi dancing.
You have to click where it says Other Obsessions. I see a barf social.
How's the back Andy? Is it a healing pain?
Well, the pain level is slowly improving. I was off Advil/Tylenol for most of the weekend, which was tolerable, if not wonderful.

Of slight concern is that there is numbness in my legs and feet that was not there prior to surgery and as far as I can tell was present when I woke from anesthesia. Left foot feels like a piece of cardboard. It seems to marginally improve when I've been on Advil, which makes it seem like it's probably inflammation around the surgery site. As of yet, I have not been able to reach anyone on the surgeon's team to inquire about that to be certain.

As I told their Director this morning, my experience has been:
  1. Went to hospital
  2. Came home with an incision
  3. Things are numb that didn't used to be
Could be within the realm of the expected, but at the moment, I'm not sure.
Do you have an ice therapy machine?
dammit ... screw me... is it foggy today? oh yes it is.
So far, no posts about coffee…
Damnit. Missed out on that one!
...then again I made pure over black coffee so there's no picture to be posted! :ROFLMAO:

So I'm sitting right now in foggy San Francisco on a public plaza
eating the Vietnamese sandwich I just bought.. there are like 25 seats and benches and all empty; nobody around me.

Kind of sad but some places in San Francisco are like that.. not enough people to populate all the plazas and stores!!!1💥