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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I just have to work on my dog. He keeps trying to bite the front tire and one of us is going to get hurt. I'd like to train him to run with me while I ride, but I'm not entirely sure how to get there. I'm hoping time will mellow him and the backyard track will lend itself to him mellowing the fuck out.
Sort of the interior equivalent of a Cruise AV driving through wet concrete.

I know you do know, but maybe the others didn't!! Roomba is better because it... didn't drive into concrete.


HEy Abac et all, is it possible to damage my contol arm's rear-bushing, myself, by lifting the car on it?

I'm talking about the s.c. "bracket", the big silver thing at the end of the control arm. What I do is, put the jack there, lift, then put a jack-stand on the body's pinch-weld.

here, I even found a thread (with similar model/parts) about it:

In the first comment/image is the part I'm talking about
I just have to work on my dog. He keeps trying to bite the front tire and one of us is going to get hurt. I'd like to train him to run with me while I ride, but I'm not entirely sure how to get there. I'm hoping time will mellow him and the backyard track will lend itself to him mellowing the fuck out.

My Aunt and Uncle lived adjacent to a open space park in Evergreen Colorado back in the day, so I'd bring my MTB up there to ride and hang out. They had an awesome golden retriever who loved everyone, but the dog would lose it's mind once I got on the bike and start barking and charging me. I'd usually managed to ride off quick enough that he'd give up but one day the idiot followed me a good two miles down the trail so I had to turn around and get him to chase me back to their place and put him on his lead.

I had a friend in college who had a mutt named stella, she clearly had some doberman in her, but was smaller and stockier. Awesome dog though, super smart to the point of getting awklward around strangers. She'd sneak out of the bike shop and walk herself home, playing in her favorite spots in the creek. Then go hid in his room to get punished when he came home :laughing

We'd take her on MTB rides and she'd be off like a shot, stopping every hundred yards to wait for us to catch up. Occasionally she'd just go straight down the mountain crossing the trails right in front of us, always knew exactly where we were. She'd be asleep the moment we got her back into the car.
And here I sit, waiting for the contractors who will be here between "8 am to 4pm" to take a quick 15 minute peak into my condo. They better not show up when I'm in the middle of taking a poo...
Good morning!!
Joy is learning to run alongside the electric bike. Hopefully not biting at the front wheel. I swear walking her alongside shopping carts at Home Depot has helped with this training.
She is a monster!
In other news, I wish Brokenlink's cat wasn't an asshole. Louie would have made a great addition to his family. :cry
Believe me I thought about it. But no, no more cats for me. I've got animal burnout.

I understand completely. In the cat saga, 2 cats were dumped; Charlie is a big muscular orange tabby, super friendly to people but a holy terror to other cats. Louie is also a big cat but is passive and submissive. Charlie cut him off from the one shop willing to give them both a home, so Louie spent a few weeks begging for help. Another shop started feeding Louie but unfortunately that shop restores vintage race cars (like $1M cars) and Louie triggers the alarms at night.

I was able tio get both cats fixed and up to date on shots but poor Louie really needs a secure space :cry
Mushu is an asshole. But he tolerates my neighbor's barn kitty just fine, who I call Smudges. I wish I were closer and could see how they feel about each other. I have a couple of acres and between the house and my shop there's definitely room for more kitty cats.
HEy Abac et all, is it possible to damage my contol arm's rear-bushing, myself, by lifting the car on it?

I'm talking about the s.c. "bracket", the big silver thing at the end of the control arm. What I do is, put the jack there, lift, then put a jack-stand on the body's pinch-weld.

here, I even found a thread (with similar model/parts) about it:

In the first comment/image is the part I'm talking about

Got a picture? I generally use the jack on solid parts of the metal frame. I do lift my face placing the jack under the bolt that holds the control arm to the frame as the pressure is on the frame / bolt. haven't had any problems on my not so fancy golf.
(Mine is heavier but still. )

It's the red jack bit on the silver bracket part.

But I think it's okay. The money is gone sadly ;( :cry

(The blue part is actually positioned on the frame ,more forward)

Hmm, I suppose maybe, just maybe, if that metal is super soft it could deform and cause the bushing to fail prematurely, but, I kinda doubt it, the bushings are pretty strong on their own and it takes a lot of force to press them into the control arm so I'd expect it to be pretty strong.
Just booked 4 nights in Leander, TX at a KOA of all places so I can see the eclipse in April. Probably foolhardy since I could find somewhere to camp for free in the surrounding hill country, but that's a damn long ride, so have a "camping cabin" I leave my crap at while I go explore Austin sounds kinda nice.
Avid coffee in Petaluma was some damn good coffee

They have a free History museum over

Was actually pretty interesting that little village and town
Tomorrow I get Gili the mini golden doodle for 2 weeks while her mom goes to Guatemala. In the past I'd feel a bit of anxiety over it but I am significantly healthier when she is here, we do easily 5 walks a day and get into a good routine. I feel I've been practically agoraphobic in terms of leaving the house lately, like unless I need to buy food or attend a social event I won't even go outside...granted the weather was a factor.
I haven't been outside except to get supplies since Monday. This sun almost tempted me to go out.
I went outside , rode, my skin is now burned, a waitress with an Irish accent chatted me up briefly…

… Someone had dumped a transmission and a bucket of paint on the (big)road in the middle of SF.
I then bought a cream puff(I was hungry)

Jus sayin
It was kinda great time, actually
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