Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I have nothing to add aside from an update that the burrito was everything I'd hoped it could be.
I enjoyed Tenet though far from a perfect film. After watching several “how does time inversion work” videos I have concluded it does not make any sense at all :)
Except a cream pie?

You got me there :laughing

I watched Tenet and told myself it made sense, but, I think those sorts of movies are all about the ride, if you look behind the curtain you're due for some disappointment. At least it made the few brain cells I have at my command work harder than usual.
Started the day off productive, but then, nothing. At least I got a workout in...
Got a new pair of Dainese pants, size 60 (based on my measurements as prescribed by the sit). Length is perfect, bit roomy side to side but I can cinch them down to fit. When zipped to the jacket and in a sitting position as I'd be on the bike they seem pretty good, might go to the d-store and try on a 58 or so to see if that splits the difference.

Also, triple.
Oh noes

Missed a triple :laughing

Couple of things of which the first and only thing is , the young woman on an electric bike going up on Franklin street just as the youngish man on a rented electric bike going on Pine towards Fillmore…can fuck both right off sideways
(Major thoroughfares with three lanes of traffic)
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F**##*g federal jury duty. Please light a candle.
F**##*g federal jury duty. Please light a candle.

I got a notice near the end of 2022 for Fed jury duty in Oakland. I had to call in every day for a week or something. Ended up not having to go in.
Let’s hope this is the case for me.
Had some friends over for home made Cannelloni...I made the pasta and rolled it myself...half oxtail and ricotta, half spinach and ricotta and other cheese. Made the tomato sauce too, it was very good.

Anyway I get a text from the friend from the story, he asks if I can give their house keys (that I have a copy of due to how much stuff I do for them like cat sitting and plant watering), and asks me to give them to my BFF (who is on my side, but also close to his wife). My BFF happens to be at my place so I tell her this and she is confused because he hasn't contacted her but of course takes them.

We're both suspicious it is like him "taking the keys back" but he also said he wants to get together in the next 2 weeks to hang out.
I missed MikeV :cry

Good Saterday morning. Mom, office work, massive laundry.