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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I've always thought it was a bit weird to give vehicles "human" names.

I've named all vehicles I've owned except one car but it was just a Toyota Corolla I bought as a daily driver, nothing special about it. But the names of my vehicles weren't something like Bob or Sally.

But naming vehicles is very personal to the owner. I don't hate on it. Human names is just not my thing.

To be fair, I think it's weird when people give their pets "human" names too.

My brother named his pitbull Paul. Which I don't understand because Paul is a female dog. If the dog was named Paula, that wouldn't sound so weird. But not my dog, not my problem.

My first car was nicknamed the Hoo Ride by one of my friends. It was a 1989 Chevy cavalier with no carpet :laughing

I think human names for pets can be entertaining. Like naming your dog Susan or your cat Jeffrey, or something lol
My first car was nicknamed the Hoo Ride by one of my friends. It was a 1989 Chevy cavalier with no carpet :laughing

I think human names for pets can be entertaining. Like naming your dog Susan or your cat Jeffrey, or something lol

At some point, you're gonna owe me a beer.

Because I just snorted beer out of my nose.
Pets are great targets for humor.

My cat was a Russian Blue, the name? Why 'Grey Poupon', of course! He thought it was classy but didn't get the joke of the shortened 'Poop' when I called him for dinner.
Kiddo had to deal with a tornado warning last night and hunker down in the basement for a while.
Nature be scary
Pets are great targets for humor.

We've had some boring and some odd cat names.

In order of when we owned them.

Sybil, (moved her from Miami and killed by me when my wife was pregnant. I was pulling my 280z into the garage and she tried to get out of the garage by running in between the front and rear tires. She was never in there so a real shock.)

Isis (daughter's first word as Isis slept with her as a baby, bad parent, I know)

Midnight (hated my wife, "ran away" but turns out she moved to a neighbor's two doors down. Got a call a dozen or so years after she ran away. "Midnight is dying, you might want to have her put down." :wtf)

Koko, (used to catch hummingbirds leaping from a tree).

Frank (feral, came in one day as a kitten with missing skin on his head from the rural cemetery behind us with Koko leading the way).

Pooka, (only and last Siamese; dumb as a box of hammers).

Sumo, (friend's cat as they were getting a divorce, "ran away" immediately. Three years later I tabby kept coming by at dusk and would wander off. Then one day I said "Sumo, is that you?" and he lived on our back patio happily for the rest of his life refusing to come in but we cared for him.)

Cosmo (hung out happily with Sumo on the back deck during the day.)

Cedric, (daughter's first b/f's cat who was taking him to the pound. "Dad, you have to take Cedric, he's going to the pound." After saying "no" three times we finally said yes. Best cat we've ever owned and only orang tabby.)

Khaleesi, (not happy with us when we brought the two brothers below home last year. At age 10 they drove her nuts but now she plays with them).

Kato, (absolute lunatic)

my vehicles dont really speak to me anymore. I rarely name them.

But notable vehicles-

73 Impala- Martha Washington (she was money green)
89 Caddy coup deville - Rouge (she was red)
96 F250 - Galloping White Thunder (if it was fast it would be lightning)
96 Ford Exploder - The Exploder (never left me stranded)
all the rangers i have had are danger rangers.
Yeah she's fine.
Touched down not far from the other kiddo but everything's back to normal.
Thank goodness!

In other news, I now am lusting after the Moto Morini X-Cape
Going to Church Friday for the first time in I don't know how long.

Mountain Goats concert at Grace Cathedral!

Actually it's just John Darnielle solo this time which is always entertaining.
I want to feed Gili the home made dog food I make for Bali but I'm worried she won't go back to her normal food if I do that.

Work was such a waste today, nobody responding to emails or meeting requests, had to escalate to their boss, I hate doing that. G and I hit 10,000 steps on walks.
Just shipped my dead phone out to have the screen replay by Google, about $50 more than buying parts and trying to do it myself. Posts online didn't give me confidence I'd pull it off. So now I'm relying on a backup phone / number for a week or so until I get the fixed phone back. That's what I get for not using a screen protector.

Only car I ever drove that was named was the '87 Oldsmobile station wagon I drove in high school that my uncle had named the big white dinosaur (because it was big, white and a relic)
Just shipped my dead phone out to have the screen replay by Google, about $50 more than buying parts and trying to do it myself. Posts online didn't give me confidence I'd pull it off. So now I'm relying on a backup phone / number for a week or so until I get the fixed phone back. That's what I get for not using a screen protector.

Only car I ever drove that was named was the '87 Oldsmobile station wagon I drove in high school that my uncle had named the big white dinosaur (because it was big, white and a relic)

erm, how will i pester you then?
I suppose folks might think it odd to have a dog without a name. Just referring to it as the dog.
I’ve seen video clips from foreign lands where people are give commands to dogs in their language and the dogs respond. Then realize the dog knows that language better than than I do :nchantr