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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Although our family experienced a lot of discord while my father was living, once he was gone the mending began. I feel soi fortunate to have the relationship with my sisters that I have.
yup. i have a sister i haven't seen or talked to in over twenty years. my mom never tried to force us to reconcile. wouldn't have made any difference if she had. there is definitely such a thing as being better off without them.

I have not spoken to my paternal grandma in 24 years. Same with the aunts and uncles on that side. I was made to feel like a redheaded stepchild because of my weight my entire life while they doted on my stepsister.

I don't talk to my half brother. I don't talk to my mom's brother, either. There's lots of alcoholic/addict behavior on her side of the fam that I don't want to be part of and she asks me all the time to talk to him because he has cancer rn. IDGAF. He's been dead to me for 21 years.

It's your life and if it's better without brother in it, don't let him in. People pleasing is overrated. WAY OVERRATED. Mom can deal with your choice just like my mom has to.

My wife has two sisters.

One is pure evil.

Wasn't even invited to our daughter's wedding.

Her only niece.

Lying and deceitful.

Her parents were just there to get money from by hook or by crook.

One year on Turkey Day they announced to the three girls, "we will no longer be giving you checks for Christmas."

Have no idea what the amouns were, but several thousand I'm guessing.

She stormed out of the house.

Thanks everyone for their input on this.

Sometimes I feel like maybe I should try to suck it up and rebuild because we really don't have a lot of immediate family left. It's pretty much just me, mom, my brother, my aunt, my niece and nephew and a few cousins. That's it. But I also know nothing good will really come from trying to fix anything with him.

(Well I have my two adopted little sisters I've spoken about many times but I meant blood relation family. But even still, they are both more family to me than he is as far as I'm concerned.)

I've said it before, the whole reason I was in martial arts in the first place is because dealing with bullies sucks and it's worse when the worst bully is your brother you have to live with. When me and mom talked about this the other day she reminded me of a story of one time he was bullying me and that ended up with him earning a bloody nose. The first thing he did was go complain to her. Bullies don't like it when the people they think are weaker than them push back. If anything, it made dealing with bullies at school so much easier because they were generic Costco brand bullies compared to him. Actually one of them became my friend because after he learned he picked on the wrong nerd, he was my 'enforcer' against other would-be bullies to back the fuck off and go find an easier target.:laughing

The only "good" thing that's ever come out of my relationship with my brother is growing up I learned a whole lot about what NOT to do as far as being a person, how to treat people, not falling into a bad crowd of people who aren't really your friends, etc etc. I didn't make a lot of those mistakes because I saw him do it and I was observant like, "yeah... that's not good." I never had a curfew because my parents knew I wasn't out getting into trouble. I came and went as I pleased. Pretty much every time my brother left the house... they always asked when he'd be home and who he's hanging out with.

Although our family experienced a lot of discord while my father was living, once he was gone the mending began. I feel soi fortunate to have the relationship with my sisters that I have.
Well, our dad died 11 years ago. There was no mending. When my mom passes, I don't think it will change anything but I guess that's a bridge I'll cross when I get there. If anything, things started to get worse after dad died. It's just one drop in a very long history of shit but our father's funeral is something I will never forgive him for. We were supposed to do my father's eulogy together between the 3 of us (I had a half brother too). It was written in 3 parts. I went first, then when it came time to switch, these fucking cowards couldn't even be bothered to do their part and I ended up giving the whole eulogy myself. And I'm thinking this is the LAST time you'll get to stand up and speak for our father in front of all of these family and friends and you can't even do that. Yeah, I get you're hurting. We're all hurting. No excuse.

At least I made amends with my half brother before he died. He wasn't really a good brother to me either but it's not because he was an absolute narcissistic asshole, I just think he didn't know how. So we found some common ground because I felt like I was punishing him for being the same as our other brother when he really wasn't.
I've not had contact with blood relatives since my mother died in 2013
Sorry for ranting about this. Normally he's not even worth talking about and talking about the gum on my shoe I stepped in is a more worthwhile conversation.

The last time I saw him, I was doing him a solid of dogsitting for him and his girlfriend because I actually liked her. She's a good person. He ended up getting super mad at me because the dog knocked over one of his favorite plants and pissed on some of the furniture. It was some kind of pitbull mix but the dog was a puppy. I've dogsat for friends before but these were well adjusted and trained dogs. Not wild untrained puppies. I'm not a dog person. And for some fuckin stupid reason he did this thing where he made me look in the mirror and tell him if I like the person I see. When I said yes, he told me I'm delusional. I didn't even say anything else. I just packed my bag and went home. But I was thinking don't try to fuckin gaslight me you asshole. This isn't even your apartment. It's your girlfriend's apartment, your name isn't on the lease. You live here by her good graces and you could be out on your ass homeless if you pissed her off too much. You have no job, your drive your girlfriend's car because you don't have one partly because you've wrecked every single car you've owned and a few of our parents cars, insurance is too expensive, you have multiple DUIs, and no place you can legally call your home. And you're gonna try to tell me I'm delusional because who I see in the mirror is someone I like? Talk about throwing stones from your glass house. He ended up getting kicked out of his girlfriend's apartment. She didn't want to break up but she decided she just can't live with him. After meeting me, she joked "I think I dated the wrong brother." :laughing He stayed at mom's house for a bit and the dog ended up pissing and shitting all over her house too. She had to get professional carpet cleaners. So, he was mad at me because I 'let' the dog wreck the apartment but the dog did the same thing under your watch at mom's house? Makes sense. :rolleyes

It just put me in a irritated mood because mom was WAY more insistent than she's ever been about us being on any kind of good terms. Usually if she brings it up, I just tell her it's not gonna happen and we move on to a different topic.

She wanted to set a time to talk financials and inheritance and wants the 3 of us to be in the same room together. She doesn't want to do it over a phone call. I told her, the best I can do is if he's in the same room with you, you can add me on a Zoom video chat. Being in the same room with him is not going to happen.

As far as inheritance, I told her to really not worry about that. The only thing I want is dad's vinyl collection. Even though my parents raised me on a lot of jazz, R&B, oldies, my dad had a huge vinyl collection of music over a bunch of genres across the whole spectrum of music. I've had a friend who is huge into vinyl collecting stop by the house once. He was thumbing through the records like "dude. Dude. DUDE!!! You have this!? Do you know how much this is worth?" I would never sell them but I like to know my dad was so deep into so much music regardless of genre. I am too. But I want it because my dad's love for all music is one of the best things I loved about him, even though when we're in the car we will probably be listening to Marvin Gaye or Smokey Robinson. :laughing

My brother is super into his own vinyl collection and he claimed a few years ago he wants it when mom passes and I said nope, I called that over a long time ago when we initially had this conversation with mom about inheritance after dad died. Ultimately, that collection belongs to her to do with what she will but I told her, who are you gonna believe? Me or him. I hate having these kinda morbid thoughts but she's the one that brings it up, so I told her when you're writing your official and legal will and inheritance, that's the only thing I want. Anything else is up to you.

I'll come off it now. Think I'm gonna look up some funny raccoon videos to put me in a better mood.

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Thanks everyone for their input on this.

One more thought without recommending one way or the other: The way I would think about it is to understand what your mom thinks she would get out of having you all together and then deciding what doing so would cost you. If you pick the lesser evil, that should be something you can live with.
I'll give you my thoughts again, but it sounds you only really want advice from people that agree with you.

My brother is a twat. I can't say I hate him, I just think he is a douchebag that won't go out of his way to even see our mom (who is 82). He refuses to leave his little enclave because the idea of driving two hours to spend time with his mom is too much for him.

That said, it breaks my mom's heart. And if it made my mom happy that we ended up in the same room together, I would do that for her. Not for him. Not for me, but for her.

My advice is to think of who is going to benefit from having you get together and how much that means to you. Refusing to be in the same oom with someone is a different thing than reconciling. But it sounds like you refuse to even do that, which personally I find kind of selfish.

Just my two cents. Feel free to ignore. I am sure someone else will come along that hates their family and validates your opinions.
One more thought without recommending one way or the other: The way I would think about it is to understand what your mom thinks she would get out of having you all together and then deciding what doing so would cost you. If you pick the lesser evil, that should be something you can live with.

Understood, Andy. I appreciate that assessment.

I'll give you my thoughts again, but it sounds you only really want advice from people that agree with you.

My brother is a twat. I can't say I hate him, I just think he is a douchebag that won't go out of his way to even see our mom (who is 82). He refuses to leave his little enclave because the idea of driving two hours to spend time with his mom is too much for him.

That said, it breaks my mom's heart. And if it made my mom happy that we ended up in the same room together, I would do that for her. Not for him. Not for me, but for her.

My advice is to think of who is going to benefit from having you get together and how much that means to you. Refusing to be in the same oom with someone is a different thing than reconciling. But it sounds like you refuse to even do that, which personally I find kind of selfish.

Just my two cents. Feel free to ignore. I am sure someone else will come along that hates their family and validates your opinions.

Hardly, Mike. I don't like anything about this situation and if I'm just being super wrong in this, or if someone would deal with it differently, I trust the BARF post whore collective to tell me that. Your opinion is not what others think and that's fine. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said anything and I could have just ranted and vented at some different friends but anyone I call friend wouldn't do that either. Everyone that is close enough to me to hear anything really personal knows they can check me because I expect nothing less.

I have nothing to gain by people just telling me what they think I want to hear.

I'm not gonna try to have a match of whose brother is worse. I don't hate him. Hate is a strong word I would only use for a small number of people I can count on one hand and have a few fingers left over.

But given what you said, I'll level with you. A call between the 3 of us, at best, could be reasonable to even start. I can be convinced into listening and trying... on a phone call. But jumping right back into us being in the same room together? No.
What do you fear would happen if you all end up in the same room? Might help to think in terms of how each of you would behave or feel (you can really only know that last part about yourself)?
I've got a lot of catching up to do here, suffice to say family things rea ok except for the one brother whose wife has said that any family gathering that my and my partner are at will not be attended by them.

And also, my fluff is usually fluffier, but it gets shaved at least once a year.

The fluff...

my fluff, who also gets shaved.


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I've got a lot of catching up to do here, suffice to say family things rea ok except for the one brother whose wife has said that any family gathering that my and my partner are at will not be attended by them.

Mmm yeah..hella awkward. : |


Imo it's good to have family but what do I know


In the Bayview and Portola and Vis Valley today. Fun stuff. It's sunny too :wow :hit
he’s actually extremely well behaved during grooming. my girl kitty? pure evil.

After decades of both it's only male cats from now on.

Male cats are like lap dogs.

Female cats are generally unpredictable with a few exceptions.
Home owner again. Keys in hand and going over tomorrow to start some projects. :teeth

Room for all the motos and the car inside the garage and plenty of landscaping crap for me to do. :ride